Film Star Wars Episode VII - IX: Info- und Diskussionsthread (Vorsicht Spoiler)

So, Episode I-III gesehen über Wochenende. Mit Solo und RO geht es demnächst weiter.
Ep I und III könnten so viel besser sein. Wirklich schade. II ist hingegen einfach nur schrecklich.
Finde es übrigens schade wie sie mit JarJar ab Teil 2 umgegangen sind. Ja, er war nervig und niemand brauchte ihn. Aber von ner Hauptfigur zum Statisten ist echt unschön gelöst.
ich wusste es schon immer. der imperator ist die freiheitsstatue aus ghostbusters 2. ;)

edit: oooh... kylo ren jetzt mit fast&furious airbrush lackierung. :banderas:

Thanks to Bob Iger’s new book, we now know in some detail about George Lucas’ dissatisfaction with The Force Awakens. What are your feelings about that?
Personally, I’ve had a relationship with George going back to all of us meeting before making Raiders of the Lost Ark. So this is a long, 35-plus years that I’ve known George, and I continue to be very, very good friends with George. And I think there’s plenty of examples where people create something that is fundamental to who they are, where it’s difficult letting go and watching that become something different. So I think initially, that was difficult for George — I don’t think he anticipated how hard that would be. And J.J. came into it with such enthusiasm and, frankly, reverence for Star Wars and for George, and had to find what was personal for him. He had to make it his own. Every director who comes into a movie has to make something their own; they have to find themselves in the storytelling. And then that’s going to become a different point of view. And I think that’s all George was reacting to.

He may not agree with every choice J.J. made. He may not agree with every choice Rian made. But he appreciates the filmmaking. That I know. And he so appreciates, for instance, what ILM [Industrial Light & Magic, Lucasfilm’s visual-effects arm] has done in the work of these movies. I mean, that’s a company he created. And he just continually tells me how astounded he is by how far things have come and how, now, whatever comes into your mind can be achieved. And he came down, for instance, on The Mandalorian to see what we were doing — he’s worked a long time with [director] Dave Filoni. And he’s known [series creator] Jon [Favreau]. And he was just like a little kid on that set when he was watching what we were doing. So I see him get caught up in this again, and I think there’s a little bit of regret that he’s not on the stage and directing movies and in it still. And that may filter into it as well. I can’t really speak on behalf of what George is feeling all the time. But I know that he’s very, very proud of what he created. And to see people go on and enjoy this now into almost 2020 is pretty remarkable.

Rian Johnson made some controversial choices in Episode VIII: The Last Jedi. Especially considering its dramatic purpose as the second movie in the trilogy, were you, to an extent, deliberately setting out to challenge fans and their expectations?
We definitely did. We’re talking all the time about how we move Star Wars forward and how we keep it relevant. Obviously, we don’t want to just keep making the same movie over and over again. So I agree with you. I mean, I love what Rian did. It’s an absolutely wonderful movie. I think he’s an extraordinary filmmaker. And I really appreciated the bold moves that he did make. I think people forget that, especially when you’re doing a trilogy structure, the first movie is setting things up, the second is usually the conflict, and the third is the resolution. So you’re bound to have that second movie, much the same way Empire Strikes Back was probably the darkest and most dramatic of the three. We talked about it with Indiana Jones! You know, we did Raiders of the Ark and then we did Temple of Doom, which was dark and created a lot of controversy, and people were surprised at where it went with the storytelling, but, frankly, that’s the whole point!

Rian Trilogie incoming :coolface:

How did Marvel’s Kevin Feige come into the mix?
Kevin has been a huge fan of Star Wars, and he’s made that pretty clear. And I think when he went off to do a couple of the Spider-Man movies, he realized that he could kind of step in and out of what he’s doing specifically with just Marvel. He talked to us, and he talked to the studio and said, “You know, ‘Is there any chance I could step in and do one of the Star Wars movies?'” And I thought it was a pretty cool idea. So we’re just beginning to talk about what that might be and when that might be. But it’s a ways off.

Have you thought about how much longer you’d like to keep doing what you’re doing?
I’ve really enjoyed this, I have to say. It’s been incredibly exciting. And just the fact that George asked me to do this, I felt a tremendous responsibility with stepping in and taking care of the franchise, and if there were going to be new movies, to really pull a team around this that cared as much as he did. What happens in the future, and how long and how much longer I do this? I don’t know yet. I’m looking at all of that. It’s been incredibly satisfying to reach this point where we’ve completed the saga and, I think, made a really wonderful movie. It’s going to feel very satisfying to the audience. So that’s what I’m focused on right at the moment — and what the future holds, who knows.
TLJ ist halt umstritten, hat aber seine Kohle eingespielt. Solo war ne sichere Nummer und wurde von Fans ignoriert. Von daher kann auch ein kontroverser Filmemacher verlockend sein.
wenn c3po sagt, dass er noch nen letzten blick auf seine freunde werfen will, hat er bestimmt´n foto von han, luke und leia in der hand.
es gibt einen neuen tv spot mit neuen szenen. u.a. zu sehen: mary sue springt ins all durch luftleeren raum in ein spaceship xD
Die neuesten Aussage von JJ zu Rey, Episode 8/Johnsons Ansatz....deutlicher kannst eh nicht mehr sagen, dass da einfach nicht mal eine grobe Vision hinter der Trilogie steckt. Dass da kein Mensch in höherer Position bei Disney das Hirn dafür hatte um das Problem mal anzusprechen...unverständlich.
Die neuesten Aussage von JJ zu Rey, Episode 8/Johnsons Ansatz....deutlicher kannst eh nicht mehr sagen, dass da einfach nicht mal eine grobe Vision hinter der Trilogie steckt. Dass da kein Mensch in höherer Position bei Disney das Hirn dafür hatte um das Problem mal anzusprechen...unverständlich.
Willst ein bisschen mehr dazu schreiben ? Zusammenfassung Quelle usw ?
TLJ ist halt umstritten, hat aber seine Kohle eingespielt. Solo war ne sichere Nummer und wurde von Fans ignoriert. Von daher kann auch ein kontroverser Filmemacher verlockend sein.

Terminator genysis ist auch umstritten, und hat seine Kohle eingespielt.
Gleichzeitig hat er der Franchise aber heftigen Schaden verpasst.

Genau so verhält es sich mit Episode 8

Vorgänger-filme haben schon nen gewissen Einfluss darauf wie Erfolgreich ein Film ist.
Vorschuss Lorbeeren sozusagen.

Und bevor jetzt kommt, aber aber Episode 9 wird erfolgreicher wie solo sein.
Ja, na klar, ist immerhin das offizielle Ende einer 9 Filme umspannenden SAGA, die SAGA im Filmgeschäft & das Ende dazu.
Man sollte doch einfach Mal warten wo die Reise hingeht ist immerhin ne Trilogie . Ein paar werden sagen da hat j.j die kacke aber echt nochmal gerettet. Ein paar werden wissen das es den groben Plan schon immer gab und beide sind ganz tief in sich drinnen doch zufrieden. Fraktion drei mit #nichtmeinstarwars usw. Die leben noch in den 70gern und wundern sich wo die Magie bleibt die sie gespürt haben. Also egal Teil 9 wird ein Erfolg denn sind wir Mal ehrlich selbst die buthurt Fans können nicht ohne und wer weiß evtl sieht man dann Episode 8 anders .war damals mit 5 das selbe . Man sollte die Trilogie als ganzes sehen und dann heulen oder feiern
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