Star Citizen [Space-Sim von Chris Roberts]

wieder mal ein bisschen Reverse the Verse:

- Ben did a lot of marketing stuff, Gamescom prep, and locked down the modules for the Endeavour. 15-18 different optional modules. Science, medical, engineering ones for people who like ramming turrets places (Phrasing)

- Disco Lando worked on something special people might see later today.

- Something called Game Commander is coming later today, shows what CR actually does. New video series starring CR.

- FPS update post is being worked on right now. They’re getting images now, going to send those for approval after RtV

- 1.1.5 is coming live any moment now. Probably what’s causing the RtV video to drop frames.

- A little bit after that, the Merlin sale will start. Lots of people should already have loaner Merlins, but it’s the first ship using all the ‘final’ ship systems.

– Herald probably won’t’ be in hangar before 2.0, not because the Herald is far, but because 2.0 is close

– No decision yet if character slots will be sold before the game goes live.

– Endeavor – Same chassis for hospital and science. The hospital variant is the Hope class. They’re building modules – hospital room, op room, ambulance bay, medical storage area, etc… be able to pick and choose which you want. Same things for Endeavor. You have the freedom to make a ship that has telescopes and med beds.

– Retaliator – How does it handle? It’s… you’ll see it very soon. If you played Wing Commander, it’s the broadsword. If you played WWII, it’s a B-17. Heavy and pondering.

– Gamescom event will be livestreamed, most particulars have been worked out, livestream on the 7th.

– mobiGlas soon or after FPS? – After FPS. It’ll come with Planetside.

– Gamescom event will be the biggest event in some respects. Gamescom is the biggest event. Twice the size of CitCon. They’re doing their best to make it excellent. lots of work going into it. Lots of cool giveaways and such.

– Objects in the new ‘big’ map? – There’s a gas giant bigger than Jupiter in the large world map (DL originally said Pluto, everyone’s laughing now). DL ‘ if I could tell you what I was up all night doing… ‘

– Number of moons in the large map as well. ‘cool stuff’. Anything more than that would be spoiling it.

– Several people in the office have switched to Windows 10, and they haven’t had issues with SC.

- Physics based damage system is the new damage system. It’s in, it’s on the Merlin, on the Connie remake, the Retaliator, the Freelancer, etc… it’s in the game, just a matter of converting the ships over to the new system.

– Ben hopes the Connie refit will be in AC 2.0. First fully functional multicrew ship is the Tali. Connie is second. It’s theoretically possible they’ll get to a point when AC2.0 is ready, and only the Tali is ready, but 2.0 will probably launch with the Connie and the Tali.

– Matt Sherman says players probably can’t launch a Merlin out of the back of a Freelancer Max. Connie is probably the smallest thing that can safely do launch / recover on a snub fighter. Might still be able to bail out the back of your ship, but not everything’s a pocket carrier.

– The Cutlass is meant to be attacking the initial multicrew ships, like the Lancer and the Connie, but those don’t exist yet. You wouldn’t have a pirate going against a battle group, they’d go up against an unsuspecting person. Cutlass won’t go into a hardcore military engagement – they’d be shredded.

– Ben wants to do a Wing Commander stream some weekend at some point. Probably after Gamescom.

– What’s the role of the Merlin if you don’t own a ship to transport it – It’s a good racer, decent dogfighter. It’s like the Ferret in Wing Commander 2. It’s a sportsman’s ship. You should be able to get it from system to system in game as well either by NPC shipping or other means.

– Not all ships will be able to do everything.

– Don’t want one ship that is the best at everything, need to have different ships that are better at different things.

– CIG congratulate themselves for stealing the term Snub Fighter from Star Wars.

– Caterpillar will not be in 2.0 at launch, but they will continue adding ships, just like they did with AC 1.0

– Will launch with at least the Retaliator

– CIG cannot talk about the new HOTAS (then they giggled a bit). Hope is we’ll hear more at Gamescom, but… we’ll see. ‘Things are happening, and there’s a very high chance you’ll see something at Gamescom’

– Connie will fly more like the Millenium Falcon than a B-17. Though the question is akin to ‘does this taste more like apple or freedom?’

– Space Whales are not happening.

ahso und in Around the Verse 54 haben sie kurz das Redesign der Connie gezeigt

Patch ist draußen:

AC 2.0 ist ziemlich nah, wird dann ein paar Wochen nach dem FPS Update veröffentlicht, ich freu mich drauf :banderas:
Zuletzt bearbeitet:
die neue Show von Chris:

er zeigt in dem Video auch, wie das innere vom Schiff ein eigenes Schiffssystem hat.
Da das Fahrwerk der Retaliator noch nicht ausbalanziert wurde, bewegt sich das Schiff hin und her, geht man in das Schiff rein, merkt man davon gar nichts, das Physiksystem vom Innen und Außenbereich funktioniert also sehr schön, das war ja früher einer der Blocker :D
Star Marine Status Report

Testvideo von Waffen (und Sound) und Animationen

zusammenfassung vom Game Commander Video:
- Local physics grid, global physics grid, zone system sit inside the large world. Large world changes vector space from 32 to 64 bit allowing much greater distances like millions or even billions of km. Typical FPS games have 8 x 8 or 10 x 10 km areas.

- Global physics grid is for things like flying around and collision with things in space (like the Retaliator). Local physics grid is for things like walking/moving around in the ship.

- Chris is working on code to ensure that when the physics/collision geometry is created for the items that it gets placed in both the interior (local) and exterior (global) grids.

- Chris is tackling this because he originally wrote the item port system, which is what needs to be extended/updated.

- Chris demonstrates entering the Retaliator and shows the global grid for the elevator and then once inside the ship, shows the two grids together.

- Retaliator is moving slightly on the pad because the landing skids aren't properly balanced at the moment.

- Multicrew is actually working rather fluidly right now. Last year when they showed it with the Constellation it was very specifically built for that situation. Currently it is working properly with the large world, zone system, local and global physics grids (including transitions between them).

- Next step for Chris is to do some ray tracing searches for interior and exterior so that the use of items can be detected. Then it will be fluid and systematic and not have to have specific cases for specific things. Hoping it will then work for anything you want to do, but still expect people to try to do things they did not expect!
Reverse the Verse Infos

- 1.1.6 hit PTU this week, hoping for live next week.

– [How long is the actual livestream (gamescom)?] They’re still working that out. It’s impossible to predict how long Chris will talk for. It might go forever. :v:

- No GamesCom sneak peek stuff, because they want to show us at GamesCom. Wait one more week and you’ll see the good stuff.

- Monthly report will come out the day of GamesCom

- Stream next Friday starts at 8PM german time, 11AM pacific, 2PM EST.

– Like every other SC presentation ever, they’ll probably not go live at 8. Things will be exploding, Chris’ll be coding, who knows. Be prepared. No show starts on time, ever.

– There’ll be a detailed post about GamesCom later today, with times, where you can watch the stream, what’ll be for sale, etc…

– We’ll find out what’s being released for GamesCom when GamesCom starts. No-one wants to steal Chris’ thunder.

– GamesCom tickets are sold out. They’re at capacity. Possibly a little over capacity.

- There will be a fly free week at GamesCom. Disco Lando’s going to build a little ship on camera.

- Expect to see some Cutlass action real soon. It’s totally modular now.

- No RtV next week, they’ll all be in Germany.

– As FF pointed out, they’re sorry for referring to the Idris as a Corvette. It’s a Frigate now.

– Quantum Drive is an in-system drive for going places in a star system very quickly. It’s a sub-light drive for crossing great distances quickly, because star systems are much bigger than everyone imagines. (roughly Star Trek impulse speed)

– Q-drive is how you get from Earth from Jupiter. Jump Drive is how you’d get from the Sol system to another system.

– [Possible to play and have fun without having a spaceship?] Technically no, because you have to have a game package when the game starts, which includes a ship, but theoretically, you could. You could fly around in other people’s ships and never fly your own, yes.

– There will be plenty to do without a spaceship

– [Attempt to reduce load screens?] Yes. The idea is not to have them at all, and they’re working towards that.

- [More Game Commander episodes on the way?] Yes. One might be filming today. They’ll come when they come. No real schedule. When there’s something interesting to show.

– [Landing zone on the moon?] TBD, but possibly.

– [SATAball included in initial release of Star Marine?] Current plan is to get Gold Horizon first, then follow with SATAball.

- Should be some information later about what ships to expect by the end of the year soon though.

– [Height and weight adjustments to characters?] Yes.

– [Holiday after GamesCom?] No. Full speed ahead to CitizenCon. And there are milestones between the two.

- Should be some information later about what ships to expect by the end of the year soon though.
sind ein paar Leak und Teaser bilder aufgetaucht:

Terra Map

und Sandi Facebook Teaser von der Gamescom Demo





außerdem hat Chris im 10 for the Chairman gesagt, dass sie "right now" an einen DirectX12 Build arbeiten :banderas:
rundum super pk. Sollte das bis ende des Jahres alles so draußen. Hell yeah.
rundum super pk. Sollte das bis ende des Jahres alles so draußen. Hell yeah.

Ende des Monats kommt Social Module, Ende nächsten Monat kommt Star marine und zur Citizen COn im oktober kommt Arena Commander 2.0 :banderas:

die Wiederholung der Demo war auch toll: die Explosion der Constellation :kneel:

Die Idris, die dann hoffentlich mit zu AC2.0 kommt (capture the idris auf der Karte?) :awesome:

man sah aber noch die Netzwerk bzw Animationsprobleme, hoffentlich beheben sie die rechtzeitig

aber Jared, verflucht!! :v:
rundum super pk. Sollte das bis ende des Jahres alles so draußen. Hell yeah.

Schwächster Teil war aber klar Social-Modul/Star Marine...naja, Star Marine interessiert mich auch nur in Verbindung mit Raumschlachten/Entern. Sowas wie TDM lässt mich völlig kalt.

AC2.0 sah so unfassbar genial aus, die Physik, die Schatten, etc. das einzige was stört waren einige Animationsaussetzer (beim Einsteigen in die Reta) und die Asteroiden, aber das erwartet man ja in der Alpha (eigentlich unglaublich das die noch im Alphastadium sind...normalerweise wäre sowas ne frühe Beta).
wurde im PC vs Konsolen Thread ja schon gepostet, aber damit das nicht verloren geht:



btw: Chris hat bestätigt, dass sie die Schauspieler von Squadron 42 auf der Citizen Con im Oktober bekannt geben
Zuletzt bearbeitet:
Ich bin zwar in der Gamestar-Flotte und als Affilate in der Horizon Alliance (Zusammenschluss der deutschen Flotten, bezüglich Handel, etc.), aber da man ja mehreren Flotten angehören kann, frage ich einfach mal.

Das Multicrew-System sieht einfach awesome aus, es gibt Chat, es gibt viele Emotions, etc., die Basis für ein tolles MMO ist geschaffen...
Gibt es eine CW-Flotte? Oder habt ihr eure eigenen?
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