Star Citizen [Space-Sim von Chris Roberts]

Star Marine Update:

- Animationen sind schneller drin als gedacht
- Neue Version vom CryEngine SDK mit vielen wichtigen Funktionen für das Team
- merging Code zu GameDev Stream, dauert etwas, dafür gibt es volle Funkionalität für Star Marine in AC2.0
- Objektive based game mode in SM (neben free play und team elimination)

reverse the Verse Infos:
- Ben's week has been good. Vanguard stuff, ship reviews, got in some stuff for the Endeavour and the Crucible. They've got the shape for the Crucible, and are working on the pods for the Endeavour.

- Social module - Guys in Austin are working on getting it to the PTU. It's close, but no specific date to share yet.

- [Deep dive on Sensor and radar mechanics?] Eventually yes. possibly not next week, but soon. Also possibly next week. It'll be in the near future.

- Social is the fist step into the PU. Allows to step around Arc Corp with players, see locations, shops, fidelity, etc... wont' have anything to do with Orgs or ships in hangars. For the next 18 months after that, they've got a schedule to get it from Social to 'the future'

- Social's being launched very 'young', it'll grow up a lot over time.

- Social module PTU will be available to ~2000 people at first, then expanded from there. There won't be a required 'pass' for this. This is the first iteration of the Star Citizen Universe. Everyone should get it just by backing.

- 'It's like your hangar got big.' No shared hangars at first, but that will change in the future.

- [NPC pop in the social module?] Very small population at this point. More on that later. Right now, more important to get people in than NPC's.

- Probably won't see AntiAliasing done anytime soon. That's optimization, usually happens towards the end of development.

- [Able to use NPC's in AC 2.0 as gunners?] Probably not first release, but down the line yes.

- There will be nightclubs for sure. There are legal questions bout how you do gambling in games. It adds gameplay, but also adds complications. At least one nightclub has already been built.
Greetings everyone and happy Wednesday!

If you are receiving this email lf you have been specifically invited to
PTU to playtest Star Citizen 1.2 which features the multiplayer Area 18 landing zone of ArcCorp in the Stanton system which you saw in the GamesCom demos.
direkt mal laden :awesome:

Man darf aber keine screens oder videos posten deshalb werde ich später nur meine meinung hier niederschreiben
Zuletzt bearbeitet:
Naja viel ausser rumlaufen und chatten/emotes wirst du da eh noch nicht machen können ^^

Die haben aber geschrieben dass du direkt vom hangar da hin kommst (per Aufzug) ^^
Naja viel ausser rumlaufen und chatten/emotes wirst du da eh noch nicht machen können ^^

Die haben aber geschrieben dass du direkt vom hangar da hin kommst (per Aufzug) ^^

ich weiss. aber was solls. Freu mich trotzdem auf den nächsten step xD
Zuletzt bearbeitet:
Läuft sehr gut sieht spitze aus und ist um einiges bugfreier als das was wir bei der präsi sehen konnten. Macht spaß durch die stadt zu joggen und sich alles anzuschauen. Überall sieht man details und fast jeder text auf jedem aufkleber ist lesbar. Egal wie klein.

Auch das mit dem augmented reality um sich waffen details anzusehen ist einfach der knaller.

wenn das so weiter geht kommt echt nen hammermäßiges spiel auf uns zu :goodwork:
Social Module geht heute nacht für alle live :kruemel:


Vanguard Varianten:

morgen dann reverse the verse infos und das wöchentliche FPS Update sollte auch bald kommen
jup, die haben mal eine Deadline eingehalten :ugly:

Nyx Landing Zone Preview:

mehr Infos zu Nyx
The highlight of these settlements is Delamar, the largest of the asteroids. The size of a planetoid, Delamar is hidden deep in the Nyx belt. The settlement was formed by free-thinkers during the oppressive Messer era and remains a hotbed for political radicals and anti-UEE sentiment to this day. As the ‘place to hide’ reputation of the Nyx system has expanded, an increasing number of criminals have moved in, the result being an ongoing conflict between small criminal groups and political radicals who feel that outright illegal activities undermine their message.

Delamar can be visited by anyone passing through the system, although there is a strong sense of paranoia. Everyone involved in running the station seems perpetually afraid of a massive police raid which they believe is constantly moments away from happening. The truth is that the moonlet is so well hidden and so difficult to reach that the UEE has never seriously considered dispatching forces to eliminate it (not to mention the fact that the dissidents remaining are fairly toothless, generally coming off in the media as protesting the government simply for the sake of protesting.)


Star Marine Update:

kommen gut voran, zeigen auch zwei kurze Videos

Reverse the Verse Infos:

- The first line spoken in the PU was something about where to get tacos.

- Vanguard variants post is going out today. Undergoing final styling. Turbulent are working on that now.

- Getting ready for DragonCon next week - Star Citizen Q&A @ Hilton. Will have swag. Walk up to them and demand a pin.

- Social module is looking great. They very quickly diagnosed some connection issues which was more to do with the launcher than anything else. Test going well, ramping up quickly and that will continue.

- Battlefield upgrade kits upgrade the components but not the look for the Vanguard variants.

- Battlefield upgrade kits for Vanguard can be utilized in the field.

- The Social module, the deployment of features is very scheduled and timed out for the next year or so.

- [Will Anvil get a cap ship someday?] Maybe. They'll have the Crucible, which can carry a fighter around in it. Mini capital ship, coming soon-ish.

- Work continues on the base Constellation.

- Tony is working on an introductory post about Social Module for when the module goes live to everyone.

- In the future, we'll be able to explore more of Arc Corp. Lots of the alleyways will expand, Casaba will open at some point, etc...

- Zane is in the UK right now working with UI designers to come up with strategies for how manufacturers will be styled for ship HUDs. Some will be holographic-ish, some will be less. They're figuring out HUDs for the companies vibe now.

- ArcCorp is limited right now because it's just a grain of sand. Soon we'll see the whole beach.

- [How will ships go from hangar to takeoff platform?] Door will open and it'll go out. They had a lot of meetings about this early on, it's been thought out.

- [Javelin updates?] Nothing right now, but Lisa will look into it. It's in the works for SQ42, probably will see it later this year. As is the Idris, but the Idris is further along. We just saw the Idris, Connie, and Cutlass in Gamescom, that's where they are.

- [How many ship artists working at CIG?] A lot. Several in Santa Monica, a few in Texas, most in the UK. Tricky to give an exact number. Some artists go back and forth between ships and other things, some don't work on creating them but do bugs and support, less than 10 in Santa Monica, a few in Texas, more than that combined in the UK.

- Bigger ships that have more stations and more responsibilities, Captain could theoretically run them, but it's not really feasible. As far as station design is going, you're empowered to access everything on your ship as a Captain, but you won't necessarily be awesome at it. A solo managed Idris won't be good. Won't be able to beat a crewed Idris.

und ein Design Post zum Electronic Warfare



und noch was zu Arccorp (das gebiet das man aktuell im Social Module betretenkann)

The networking could easily handle 50 players at the moment. It's the graphics performance that's the limiting factor. That graphics performance will take a substantial leap forward as soon as we're back in the "GameDev" stream. It's a long story, but basically Star Citizen split the code base into streams for Star Marine, and we had to do the Social Module in 1.2.0 - which doesn't have access to the latest graphics stuff - because that's where GIM was, and we had to do GIM in 1.2.0 with Star Marine because it needed a more robust matchmaker.

They are planning a rollout of a lot of features soon, with daily PTU updates, and at least two LARGE updates of the Social Module this year, with many more smaller ones in between.

The Current Arccorp space in the PTU is about a third of the final size of Arccorp. There are two fenced off areas that nobody can access yet (although by the time I post this I'm guessing someone will have figured out how to clip through).

The Size of Terra Prime will be THREE times the size of any other planetary landing zone. Initially 3 maps stitched together, eventually seamless without any loading.

und der ArcCorp Post:

man, gestern war ziemlich awesome :ugly:
Zuletzt bearbeitet:
habe ich auch gerade getestet (mit F2 MobiGlass im Waffenshop und in der Klinik :kruemel:), sieht schon super aus (vor allemd as Lighting beim Müllschlucker

vor allem in der Aussenansicht, wenn der Charakter da steht :kneel:


Star marine Status Update:

As we wrap up the staging merge this week, we go into final integrations of the Global Instance Manager that was recently deployed with the Social Module update. Some folks are going to work on this final merge step this coming weekend in order to make ready a code review based on the merge. If all goes as planned, we’ll be on a single dev stream early next week! Great news for the overall project.


und das Audio Video ganz am Ende :kneel:

Reverse the Verse:

– [Vanguard commercial?] None in the immediate future. Next is hopefully the Retaliator, there’s a script, but it’s been pushed back until next year because people are working on SQ42. They’re looking at doing trailers, but no commercials.

– Commercials were a ‘test bed’ so that the animators could learn the tools

- [Adjustments to Retaliator as it becomes flight ready?] Yes. Nothing at all is final yet. Lisa just showed up - UK is working on the Tali. It's being reworked to make it more space efficient in the interior. Lisa hasn't seen it lately, but yes, that's a goal. Also working on making it more modular.

- Some people were out of office, so no Avenger on AtV this week, but it WILL be next week. Avenger on Ship Shape next week confirmed. (die Avenger wurde ja redesigned)

- Community Hub - how it's going to be rolled out. We just lost audio while Disco tries to do something fancy. Showing off the Community hub.

- Starting rolling it out on Tuesday. For the PTU rollout, there was a PTU first wave and PTU second wave. They're going to use that. People who were in first wave of PTU invites will get the first wave of Community Hub invites.

- 'Deep Space Radar' is their version of Reddit. Post articles / websites / INN stuff about Star Citizen there. Yes, they said INN.

- [Connie?] Still have Chris and Josh working on it, they haven't stopped since Gamescom.

- Cutlass is being worked on still, no more info yet though. It's not just languishing doing nothing, it's being worked on. And the Cutlass is important for SQ42, so it's not forgotten.

- 300 series - Zane is in the UK working on UI and stuff. Every HUD will probably change at least a bit. Other HUDs, like the 300 series, are likely to change more.

- The Origin HUD isn't in game yet. Only HUDs in right now are the Merlin, the Aurora, and the Scythe. Everything else's placeholder.

- [Freelancer?] it's been passed to the UK. Handed to them recently. Lisa's not sure how it's going, but she'll look in on it soon, see if there's a ship shape to be done.

- *[Friends in social?] Yes. Soon. Social will be iterating. *

- [890 JUMP?] Tentatively slated for the LA office to start working on it after New Years.

- [Starfarer?] It is in SQ42. People are actively working on it in the UK. It's further than something like the BMM because it's necessary for SQ42.

- [ArcCorp area 18 map for gameplay in Star Marine?] Up to Austin. Would be cool though.

und ein monthly studio report:

oh und yay:

#Win10 HOTAS beta Drivers for #saitek X52, X52 Pro, X55, & X65F are available now for download:
Zuletzt bearbeitet:
Will the drop of ac 2.0 multicrew mayhem see the addition of a few more maps to play in? Or will the existing two be expanded?

CR: First of all, I think we’re starting to, well not really starting to, we’ve decided it’s not really Arena Commander that we’re dropping, we’re dropping multi-crew which is really, we’ve been calling it SC Alpha for awhile, but SC Alpha as we drop with the multicrew will have Arena Commander inside of it, it will have Star Marine inside it, it will have the social Planetside inside it. Plus, you’ll be playing on a brand new map, so I think I’ve talked about this before. It’s a large world map, it’s much, much, much, much, much, much, much, much, much, MUCH, MUCH BIGGER than the Arena Commander maps, which are limited to I think about 8 to 10 km in diameter. For this map, it’s hundreds of thousands or millions of kilometers in size, so it’s geometrically larger by a long way. It’s setup to be more like the persistent universe, it’s not meant to be a simulation the way Arena Commander itself is, which is a bit more gamey. You are going to spawn on a space station the way you saw at the Gamescom demo. You’ll be able to go to different panels and say “Oh, I want to pull up this ship from my account”, and say you own a Constellation, so it will say “Yup, Constellation is on Landing Pad 3”, and then you can go over to Landing Pad 3. It’ll be keyed only for you use and once you’ve used it, your other friends can come and join you and you can take off from Landing Pad 3. We’ll have a safe zone surrounding the starting space station, and it will be a station similar to what you saw at Gamescom, but with more stuff and more additions and then there will be other areas you can go and explore.

So you could go and explore other space stations, other moons, asteroid fields, communication satellites that you’ll be able to hack into and get information, and destinations you’ll be able to go and fly. There will be areas you can go and salvage stuff, reclaim stuff. There’s some asteroids, some space stations, there’s some stuff where you’ll be able to go and have PVP fights inside as well as on ships, there will be weapons you’ll be able to salvage and scavenge, it’s going to be kinda fun. It’s going to be kind of a mini little game, much more free form and allow more things for players to do. So yeah, it’s a pretty big map, and it’s got a lot more than any of our other stuff has, and there’ll be a fair amount of stuff for people to do. We’re interested in seeing what happens. There will be random AI encounters you can go and find, sort of have a more single player experience, but there’ll be other areas where it’ll be okay to fight other players and then you can have at it. Yeah, it’s going to be a fun, free form experience and like I said, it’s our version of the test kitchen of the Persistent Universe, where we’ll start to roll out new functionality and new testing. We get minable asteroids happening with the voxel tech we want to work on, put asteroids out there you can go mine, you can have that happening. You want to have a cargo mission where you go from A to B, those kinds of things would start to happen and spawn on here.

That’s what we’re calling our large world map, Crusader, is the name of the map, and it’s based around the gas giant of Crusader. Instead of adding new maps, we’ll probably just keep adding points of interest because we’re on a large world map so the thing is massive. It could be a couple billion kilometers across, so we’ll be able to keep on adding points of interest. There will be places where you can repair your ship, there will be places where you can refuel. So yeah, a big difference between Arena Commander and what we are calling SC Alpha. Obviously then, we start expanding on that, because then at some point we’ll let you go down and land on a planet, and then you’ll be on the Planetside location as you’ve been seeing in ArcCorp. You can also buy and sell stuff, and then take off and go to other places. That’s basically the Star Citizen game cycle, and then we keep adding more functionality, more locations, open up more jump points and then go on from there.

It’s going to be cool, and we’ll be giving you the first drop of SC Alpha/multicrew ready for you after Citizen Con, so end of October. We’re feeling pretty optimistic about being able to do that, but you know, that’s still a little ways off, so don’t shoot me if something blows up and goes wrong. So far, in what we’ve got left to do, in terms of scoping it we think we should be on that target, but you’re getting it raw from the source, there’s no padding in that. But definitely, you’ll be playing it not far after that, and having a good time. We’re excited about it, we’re kind of keen to see how people feel about it, because there will be lots of more stuff to do and I’m sure there will be loads of cool videos you guys will be making and we’ve got a big plan to deliver a lot of content, carrying out from then onwards.

:awesome: :banderas::awesome:

Multicrew wird dann quasi die Miniversion vom PU und schon im Oktober (wenn alles glatt geht) ^^
Reverse the verse:

- Speaking of melting, the new CCU system is in active testing. First iteration will be side-grades and upgrades, and then there will be downgrades eventually.

- [Rain on ArcCorp - plans?] Yes. There are plans for day/night cycle as well. That'll happen eventually.

- [Progress on Starfarer?] Yes. It's very far along. It's huge. Sandi's seen it, cause she was involved with the Starfarer for some SQ42 stuff. It'll probably the first of the really big ships to make it into the game.

- [Anything about direction Cap ships are taking?] Bigger, haven't you seen the Idris?

- A lot of the cap ships will come along once the Idris is ready. Chris talked about this on the livestream. Now that tech issues are resolved, we'll see more cap ship stuff coming.

- [Difference between AC 2.0 and large world release?] They are different things. Large world is the baby PU/exoverse. AC, Star Marine, they're built into the world. They're games within the game. The Baby PU is a giant stage for CIG to play with stuff. All of SC's parts are supposed to go in there, break, be fixed, etc... AC 2.0 will come out once multicrew's perfected in the baby PU.

- AC 2.0 isn't soon anymore, it's something that'll come out of the baby PU. The baby PU lets them do things like chuck the mining mechanics into the live server, or salvage, exploration, etc... That wouldn't make sense in AC 2.0

- We'll see Baby PU before AC 2.0

- [Will Empire Report make it into the game?] A version of it will. It'll be like the proper news in bars.

- [How's the FPS playtest?] Disco didn't get to participate, but it went well. There's another this afternoon. Testing continues.

- [CCU system - still required to be flyable?] No. It's whatever's available for sale at the time.

- [Plans to allow furniture decoration of the hangar? chairs, couches, etc...?] Yes. It's in the plan.

also zuerst das Baby PU aka Multicrew (immer noch Ende Oktober) und dann erst Arena Commander 2.0 am Ende des Jahres. Arena Commander 2.0 sind dann wohl Multicrew Spielmodi

ansonsten wird Multicrew erstmal ausführlich im Baby PU (also der damalige Multicrew Patch) getestet. Im Baby PU hat man ja diese riesige Map aus der Gamescom Demo.

und Star Marine Update:

läuft anscheinend alles sehr gut
Zuletzt bearbeitet:
explodierende Conni (Minute ~18)

und das GOST System in Aktion:

:kneel: :kneel::kneel:

denkt dran, übermorgen um 21Uhr ist CitizenCon Livestream, da zeigen die viele, viele neue Sachen :D
Gestern war ja die Citizen Con..und die haben geliefert :awesome:

Das hier ist ein must-see und war imho der schwächere Teil der Präsi:

Die Star Map ist unglaublich genial, deutlich besser als das unübersichtliche Ding aus Elite (die haben es also hinbekommen :D ):

Bischops Rede:

Leider fehlt mir noch der geniale und echt atmosphärische Idris Rundgang aus dem Singleplayer..
Hab mir fast in die Buxe gespritzt bei der Präsentation, dat Gary Oldman & Dat Gilian Anderson :lick:

Hoffentlich bringt Chris Roberts mal mehr Infos zur umgemodelten Freelancer :lick:
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