Star Citizen [Space-Sim von Chris Roberts]

ich warte immer noch auf eine HQ Version vom Idris Video, das Teil ist verdammt groß (und das obwohl es nur 200 Meter groß ist).

Ich freue michs chon, wenn es im Arena Commander den Capture the Idris Modus gibt:

erstmal aussenrum eine schöne Raumschlacht, dann versucht man die Idris zu entern und muss sich durch die Gänge kämpfen (vorher vielleicht noch Maschinenraum oder Waffen lahmlegen) und sie dann erobern :banderas:

Andere Spiele bekommen nur Grafikupgrades, aber das hier, das IST Next Gen und zwar nicht nur in Sachen Grafik :awesome:
Cast für Squadron 42 is raus:

Gary Oldman, Gillian Anderson, Mark Hamill, Andy Serkis, John Rhys-Davis, Mark Strong...

wat? :ugly:

Und dazu ne echte next gen face tech, die LA Noire und Konsorten sehr sehr alt aussehen lässt, performance capture + live rigging :O

Zuletzt bearbeitet:
wie Oldmans Charakter selbst spuckt :banderas:

btw wer noch keine Chance hatte Star Citizen auszuprobieren:

ist ein Code der Arena Commander mit allen flugfähigen Raumschiffen freischaltet - funktioniert nicht nur mit einen neuen Account sondern auch mit bestehenden

Kann man hier einlösen:

bis zum 25.10. kann man mit dem Code Star Citizen Arena Commander ausprobieren

Gamestar Analyse von der CitizenCon:,20/star-citizen,85522.html


(edit: oh Smart bashing :v:)

Idris quasi als eigenes Level im Level :banderas::v:
Zuletzt bearbeitet:
Nachdem Star Citizen mehr als eine Million registrierter Nutzer verzeichnen konnte, werden alle Alpha- und Teilmodule für jeden Unterstützer des Projektes freigeschaltet. Das bisherige System mit einem von Pässen abhängigen Zugang entfällt.

Unabhängig der Unterstützungssumme erhalten alle Backer „Alpha Access“. Dieser Zugang zu Testversionen wird zugleich deutlich erweitert: Roberts Space Industries streicht im gleichen Zuge die bislang für fünf US-Dollar angebotenen Modulpässe, welche etwa für die Alpha-Versionen des Shooter-Moduls Star Marine oder den Arena Commander 2.0 vorgesehen waren.

„Jeder Nutzer der ein Star-Citizen-Paket gekauft hat kann ab sofort spielen ohne sich Gedanken darüber machen zu müssen, in der Zukunft nicht auf einen Teil des Universums zugreifen zu können“, verkündet eine Blogeintrag des Unternehmens. Fans, die in der Vergangenheit einen „Alpha-Access-Paket“ oder einzelne Pässe erworben haben, erhalten in den nächsten Tagen als Ausgleich Spielwährung in Höhe von 10.000 beziehungsweise von 5.000 Credits.

Das nächste größere Modul für Star Citizen wird der Arena Commander in Version 2.0 sein, der unter anderem Mehrpersonenschiffe und die Option für Weltraumspaziergänge enthält. Kurz danach will Roberts Space Industries das mehrfach verschobene Star-Marine-Modul veröffentlichen.



AC 2.0 Status Update

am Ende ein schönes Video von der WIP Raumstation ingame

die Blocker werden immer weniger und weniger und 2.0 Release (was ja das Mini-Universum ist mit der 1 Mio Kilometer kleinen Map) ist quasi direkt um die Ecke :awesome:

und 1.3 ist jetzt für alle freigegeben, dieses Update hat ja quasi alle Module (Arena Commander, Social und FPS) miteinander kombiniert und ist die Vorbereitung für das Mini Universum
(die haben da sogar das local physics grid system drin, durch einen Bug konnte man die Retaliator fliegen und währenddessen in ihr rumlaufen, so wie es auf der CitizenCon gezeigt wurde :banderas:)


Reverse the Verse Infos

- [Archimedes?] Ben was in the forums a little yesterday about the Archimedes. On AtV, it was referred to as a racer. Just because they call a ship something, does not mean that that's the only thing it does. They called it that because it's the faster snub fighter, vs. the Merlin.

- [Alpha 2.0 let you play with friends in your user list?] Unsure. Last Disco heard, you'll be able to see specific instances, and if your friends are in an instance, you'll be able to coordinate to join the same instance. But that's the intention, might not be at the start, might be a few patches in.

- [play as female in Alpha 2.0?] There's a segment from Jason Hutchins in yesterdays AtV talking about that. Wont' be in the first drop of 2.0, but it's on the horizon.

- [VR in SC?] Absolutely. No ETA.

- [When can you add EVA mechanic back?] 2.0 probably.

- [how many players will alpha 2.0 support?] Pushing for 40, not sure what they're at right now.

- [Can we play as aliens in the future?] Not at launch. Something they'll consider post-launch, but no promises.

- [Grabby hands news?] It's a system. It's a name. That's it.

- Alpha 2.0 will launch with Tali and Connie hopefully, that's the plan, and the single seat ships already available. Freelancer'll come at a later point. Not at launch.

- [professions testing in 2.0?] Not in the first drop, but it will test mining and salvage and such eventually, as they're finished. First drop of 2.0 is basically what we saw in Cit Con (with a few extra surprises that we have to look for)

- 2.0 is coming very well as well. Multimedia update about that later today, read about bugs and such.
Star CItizen Alpha 2.0 New Flight Model


und Ben hat jetzt offiziell bestätigt, dass in Zukunft die Stationen auch zerstörbar sind (in AC2.0 werden die Raumschife ja auch "teilbar" sein, d.h. in einer Hälfte durchtrennen), jetzt stellt euch sowas hier

in einer Station vor, die dann auseinandergenommen wird und man versucht verzweifelt zu einer Rettungskapsel (oder sein Schiff) zu kommen :banderas:
Ich hab das Gefühl ich installier grad eine gecrackte Version von SC, wtf :ugly:

aus dem Reverse the Verse gerade:

Alpha 2.0 ist content complete, jetzt fehlt nur noch bug fixing/publishing :banderas:

ab jetzt rechne ich definitiv mit ~15. November (wenn nichts dazwischen kommt) :awesome:
Klar, aber es erinnert mich an die Zeiten in denen alle meine Freunde (ich natürlich nie) so Cracks verwendet haben. Fehlt nur ein fescher Techno Track im Keygenerator :ugly:

sind halt Cracks am Werk :v:

reverse the verse:

QA folks this week have been doing lots of 2.0 testing. Making sure it's ready to go out. There are still severe issues, but they're working through and logging them, getting them fixed as quick as possible.

Basically this weeks' been a lot of prep for 2.0, some prep for the Anniversary livestream (November 19th)

[What does the QA team do?] It's definitely not playing the game every day. As new features and new builds come on, doing a lot of performance testing, functionality testing, etc... for anything that comes online.

[contact list doesn't display properly?] They're working on it? There are a lot of bugs. They'd have to go look at it and pull it up.

[Emery's new lighting doesn't look that great in the hangar?] There's a known issue right now where Cryengine has a default time of day setting for the levels, and it's showing the wrong one for the hangars right now. Once that's fixed, the hangars will look even better. Should be fixed super soon.

[Bug-fixing patch between now and 2.0?] That's really up to production. Right now they're basically focusing on 2.0, really going to try to focus on getting that out. If that comes out, any fixes would just be rolled into it.

Apparently the 0g ragdoll physics are epic.

[Land on a planet in 2.0?] If you try to land on a planet, first you get a message saying you're entering the gravitational field, and if you continue for a while, you'll eventually die.

The concept phase of the crucible is locked down, they're working on what they need to show people when it goes up for sale. Ben and Sandi come up with a list of things: concept image, show it working with a capital ship, show it picking up a smaller ship, blueprints, what to include on the design post for repair, etc...

The QA team have a mix of AMD and Nvidia GPU's, and AMD and Intel processors. Good variety of machines to test everything. Also a good selection of HOTAS and controls.

[Can friends visit each others hangars in 2.0?] No. That comes with persistence.

[Deadzone settings on joysticks?] It's on everyone's radar, hopefully fixed for 2.0, but it's on the list to get fixed asap.

[890 jump for sale again?] Probably.

[Update on Morrow tour?] They've made good progress. There were some issues that they wanted to fix. It still won't be full release, but we'll see it soon.

The Archimedes is close. Probably see that soon-ish.

They need to finalize the list of loaners for 2.0 after the show. If you don't have a Retaliator or a Constellation, but you have a larger ship, there will be a loaner.

[Auto tracking gimbals?] They've been discussing it. There are ideas being thrown around. It won't be free, there will be a direct cost for using them. Could happen, but won't have the same potency.

[More controller options in the future?] Yes. First they have to get what all the controls will be sorted, for scanning, mining, salvage, etc... Once they have that action map built out, they can start working on customization and parity between controllers.

[New mini-games in the works?] None at the moment. They usually pair those with sales that have new concepts, but they're pretty good for the rest of the year at least.

The Connie when 2.0 drops will be the Andromeda. It'll be the only version available for some time.

[Freelancer concept?] When it's approved, we'll see it. Can't get something shown before it's approved, cause if you show it before the direction is solid, you might be misleading people.

[ETA on next profession update?] Repair will come with the Crucible, so that'll likely be the next one.

As much as they want to get the design deep dives out, they have to make sure they're saying the right information first; to make sure that they're going to be able to implement the stuff in game. They can't only tell you want the want to do anymore, they have to tell us what they CAN do.

They're working on something for the Cutlass. John Crewe is putting together a Q&A.

[Able to mine in 2.0?] Not in the first drop. The features for 2.0 at launch are what you saw at Cit Con, with a few surprises, but it's the bed they can expand on, and we'll be able to test them in there eventually.

[Rear turret for Connie?] No update on that from last week. They've been hashing some things out, cause they're working on the Merlin and stuff as the connie gets ready. Highly unlikely. You might be able to swap out some other things with it, but probably won't be able to swap the Merlin dock for a turret.

[Can we buy / earn ships in 2.0?] No, not yet.

[Which studio will work on the Banu Merchantman?] Ben thinks Santa Monica, but he's not 100% sure. UK is the Vanduul and possibly the Xi'An.

[Will 2.0 have currency?] yes-no (coy looks between Ben and Lando)

[Prowler?] Nothing yet. They're waiting for some resources to clear up. Once the Reliant variants are done, Prowler will start.

[Currency for 2.0] - they're not ready to talk about it yet. They're leaning towards using REC for now, using it to prototype economy and missions and such, but they have to get 2.0 out and stable first.

There is no persistence in 2.0. If you lose your ship, you don't actually lose your ship. There's no reputation system either. This is not the kickoff of the PU, this is a great big playpen to break over and over again.

They haven't started working on the other Connie variants yet. They need to get the Andromeda right first, then they can move onto the others.

Getting the base connie built with systems in place and modules, that takes a long time. Going from there to the other connie variants is much faster once everything's locked down.

A lot of 2.0 is simplified from how it'll be finished. The repair mechanic to individually repair things isn't in yet, but they'll talk through that as they get closer. Quest system is very simplified quests, not indicative of what'll be in the PU.

[Referral program?] Going pretty well. Lots of people are getting into it. 1 millionth Citizen was a member of the Referral program. Some more tiers will be announced eventually.

You will not be able to create a private instance of 2.0, at least not in the first drop. But you should be able to see which instance your friends are in and join them.

Not going to tell when 2.0 comes. It'll be when it's ready. And it's not cause they know. They just don't know yet. It could be 10 minutes from now, could be 3 weeks from now. It's got to be in a position where it's a value for the community to test it. Can't rush.

Pretty much content complete, just doing bug fixing and internal testing before it goes to the PTU. Once they know it's going to happen, they'll let us know.

[Battlefield Upgrade Kits for the Connies?] No. Different ships, different processes.

[Dragonfly?] It's in the plans, but it's not a sure thing. It lost the vote, the Reliant won, so they'll look at it after they finish the ships they already promised.

also Zeitplan für AC 2.0: zwischen 10 Minuten und 3 Wochen :v:
Weekly 2.0 Report

wohl nächste oder übernächste Woche :banderas:

Monthly Studio Report

Reliant Interior

Reliant White Box Take Off

nette Effekte

btw das Schadensmodell geht mittlerweile wohl schon so weit, dass wenn man bei etwas größeren Schiffen die Triebwerke beschädigt - sprich Löcher reinschie0t - der Ausstoß durch diese Löcher rauskommt und auch das Flugverhalten beeinflusst ^^

Reverse the Verse

dasw ichtigste diesmal zu 2.0:

[Next patch?] 2.0. There will not be a 1.3.1
[Merlin able to dock with Connie in 2.0?] No. Chris said 2.1, maybe 2.2.

[2.0 playtest happening right now?] QA guys are probably in it. The one yesterday was company-wide. There aren’t 40 QA people, so they get scheduled tests to get more players in at once. No large one going on right now though.

They did a big play test on 2.0 yesterday that worked very well. Very productive playtest.

[What ships will be available in Alpha 2.0?] Connie and Tali for Multicrew. Might have a hangar-ready surprise or two also, but they won’t talk about that yet. No hype for things that might not happen.

They won’t say when we get 2.0, cause they don’t know. It’s an iterative process. Once they have a build that works, then they’ll release it. it’s soon, very soon, barring terrible incident, but they don’t know.
Constellation Rework:

oh Gott, was für ein Detailreichtum :awesome:

halbe Million Polygone weniger als die Original Constellation und schaut doppelt so gut aus :ugly:

Sneak Peek ist der Freelancer Overhaul


sieht auch deutlich besser aus als die jetzige Freelancer ^^

nächste Woche kein Around the Verse :(

Dafür ein 3 Stunden Anniversary Special :banderas:
Constellation Rework:

oh Gott, was für ein Detailreichtum :awesome:

halbe Million Polygone weniger als die Original Constellation und schaut doppelt so gut aus :ugly:

Sneak Peek ist der Freelancer Overhaul


sieht auch deutlich besser aus als die jetzige Freelancer ^^

nächste Woche kein Around the Verse :(

Dafür ein 3 Stunden Anniversary Special :banderas:

Connie sieht innen entschieden besser aus, von außen gefiel mir vom Stil die alte besser. Und ein Lebenszeichen meiner Lancer? Dass ich dass noch erleben darf :awesome: Sieht von innen hammer aus. Nur leider sieht man nix vom exterior - dass soll laut gerüchten ja ne recht radikale abkehr von der alten Lancer sein. Und sehe ich das richtig? Die Schlafkojen sind gleichzeitig die Life savings pods? Nette idee :)
Connie sieht innen entschieden besser aus, von außen gefiel mir vom Stil die alte besser. Und ein Lebenszeichen meiner Lancer? Dass ich dass noch erleben darf :awesome: Sieht von innen hammer aus. Nur leider sieht man nix vom exterior - dass soll laut gerüchten ja ne recht radikale abkehr von der alten Lancer sein. Und sehe ich das richtig? Die Schlafkojen sind gleichzeitig die Life savings pods? Nette idee :)

ich glaube ich werde später meine 315p wirklich zur Freelancer upgraden, die sieht jetzt von innen ziemlich schick aus :banderas:

bin auch gespannt, wie sie von aussen aussehen wird.

Weekly Development Update:






Cutlass rework update:

We decided a few months ago that rather than rushing to try and get the reworked Cutlass out for 2.0 we’d spend the time “upgrading” the old version to improve the experience for everyone when one is involved in combat. Not only have we totally redone the damage setup using the new damage shader system but we’ve also added in the basics of the new Multi Crew UI screens as seen in the Constellation and Retaliator. By doing this work the actual source .max file has shrunk from just under 2GB down to 550MB, the in game .cga assets have also been reduced from two assets totaling 405MB down to a single asset under 30MB. Not only is this better for the game but also massively better for us developers as it was taking nearly 40 minutes to commit the .max file to Perforce previously on our old office connection, now it’s under a minute.

The result for players is that it allows the Cutlass to be managed just like those larger ships and gives us valuable feedback on the usability of those screens on a much smaller scale ship, both in terms of size and crew count. The Pilot has a revised cockpit display with new multi-function displays and the co-pilot seat has an all new single 16:9 display allowing oversight to many features whilst controlling specific engineering style tasks. In addition to the UI screens we’ve also done a quick usability pass on the ship, tightening up the interaction prompts for all the buttons and adjusting the button locations to be not quite so jammed in and making the external buttons a bit more visible. There should be no more cases of trying to open the cockpit door, whilst accidentally lowering the turret or ending up in the jump seat!





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