ich habe eine Super Hornet und eine Origin 315p
die Origin wird aber später per Cross Chassis Upgrade getauscht
Reverse the Verse:
– A lot of testing of the FPS module, some epic bugs which will probably end up in the next Which Glitch.
– A lot of builds aren’t suitable for PTU because they have tons of bugs that are very obvious and if they released it publicly, they would just get a lot of bug reports on things they already know about.
- [Will anyone be going to E3, or will there be anything for the community in E3] No official presence, but CIG employees will be there. E3 isn’t open to the public, and is sort of against what CIG stand for.
– [How many of you are going to Manchester CitizenCon?] Undetermined.
– Reliant is still on sale till Monday.
– Merlin update – moving along. Lots of people making progress on it. We’ll hear more soon™. Sooner than usual ™.
– CIG has talked to LEGO about the Hornet.
- [How long before we can actually board a ship in the FPS?] Hopefully AC 2.0.
- [Can you shoot ground-based people with the Bengal rail gun?] Not originally, but…
- FPS is in main branch, so it’s feature-locked, but now it’s getting bug fixed and fine tuned.
- We will see heavy armour and powered suits.
- Version of the character creator does not come with FPS
– [If you could hype people for the FPS, what would you say?] You can shoot people.
– Coolest thing about the FPS is not even in the module, it’s what it makes possible. Once there’s a working FPS module, things like AC 2.0, it makes zero-G from one ship to another, killing the pilot of the enemy ship and taking it over, makes that possible. FPS is most exciting because it enables the whole FPS Universe thing.
– FPS is also another module, another part of the game. Ties a whole big chunk of the game together. It makes it so you can walk on a planet, etc… Everything you do has FPS aspects. AC and FPS are the base for the rest of the game.
– [Are the maps large enough to snipe?] Not a super big open map at this point. More like CS.