Reverse the Verse Infos:
- FPS post and Starfarer post will be later today. Waiting on some concept art from Chris Olivia.
– Starfarer sale news: By popular request, the Starfarer will be available later today. There will be a Q&A on the Starfarer over the next week, à la Hulls. Base Starfarer is still $195, the Gemini will be a standard concept sale with LTI. Price is $240.
– Final location for the Gamescom event? Still being worked on. As soon as they have something, they’ll let us know.
– Will there be an active role for a fuel-specific career aboard the Starfarer? Yes. It can go and collect fuel and refine it. You can go to a gas giant, skim the surface, and refine it.
– FPS post – it is in the works. They’re waiting for some more videos. They’ve got a bunch of art aspects that Chris wanted added. James is setting up tables, which is apparently hard in their CMS. There will be videos, mo-cap stuff in action, how characters have evolved, we’ll hear about the back-end. Hear about stuff from each studio. Weapons from IllFonic, audio from UK, etc… it’s a monster of a post. Equivalent of a monthly report, but just about FPS.
– Apparently they’re asking if there will be ‘free fly’ weekends for FPS. Ben says yes, probably eventually, but not at the beginning. Paid players will get to play first.
– You will see more Rovers. Ben is meeting with David Hobbins in regards to the rovers today!
– Will the grabby hands make dice games and card games and things possible? Yes. It’s designed to be able to pick things up and throw them, so that’s not out of the question.
– Wear and tear. Do ship hulls lose condition over time? They do, but they can be restored to good shape again. It’s not permanent.
– Constellation’s waiting for Multicrew.
und eine kleine Vorschau auf die Animationen in Form einer Tanzeinlage ^^
und das Trainingslevel ist ziemlich