Star Citizen [Space-Sim von Chris Roberts]

aber gibt es mittlerweile iwie nen plan, wann man mal aufhören will?
aber gibt es mittlerweile iwie nen plan, wann man mal aufhören will?

was aufhören? Meinst du die Entwicklung? Die werden das Spiel selbst nach Release immer erweitern

btw hier eine Gamestar Ausgabe mit einem Chris Roberts Interview:

sehr schön, dass sich seine Einstellung auch heute nicht geändert hat, sein Motto wendet er ja gerade bei Star Citizen sehr gut an "man kann alles immer noch besser machen" :D

Marine Heavy und Light Armor:

oh und
Zuletzt bearbeitet:

Ist das nicht auch das schiff was vorne das cockpit komplett zufahren kann?

:banderas: Kann aber verstehen warum das spiel leute dazu verleitet blödsinn zu verzapfen. Sowas ambitioniertes gab es vermutlich noch nie auf einer konsole... vermutlich auch nicht aufm pc

is schon was älter aber:

Zuletzt bearbeitet:
n ziemlicher shitpost, das weißt du selber.
bin übrigens bei 110 euro :brit:

Wollen wir wirklich mit den pledge Schwanzvergleich anfangen? :v:

:banderas: Kann aber verstehen warum das spiel leute dazu verleitet blödsinn zu verzapfen. Sowas ambitioniertes gab es vermutlich noch nie auf einer konsole... vermutlich auch nicht aufm pc

Wing Commander, seit dem Gamester 1999/irgendwas Interview mit CR :ugly:
Habs falsch verstanden, ich dachte du meintest das Bild wäre die Carrack :ugly:

genau, die front lässt bei beschuss oder vor allem strahlung "abdecken"

Ja? Geil, ich glaub ich muss nochmal was spenden, bzw. das Cross Chasis Upgrade (will meine CE nicht opfern) von der Conny auf die Carrack hatte ich eh in erwägung gezogen, jetzt ist es wohl sicher :-)
Ja? Geil, ich glaub ich muss nochmal was spenden, bzw. das Cross Chasis Upgrade (will meine CE nicht opfern) von der Conny auf die Carrack hatte ich eh in erwägung gezogen, jetzt ist es wohl sicher :-)

nice :)
hattest du zuvor die Forschungs conny? (fällt der name gerade nicht ein)
nice :)
hattest du zuvor die Forschungs conny? (fällt der name gerade nicht ein)

Die Aquila, jup und eigentlich wollte ich es auch dabei belassen, bzw. wäre die Carrack das erste große Ingameziel.

Mal schauen, eventuell überlege ich es mir noch einpaar mal, bis zum den Cross Chasis Upgrades dauert es ja leider noch etwas und da die Stella das erste große Multicrew Schiff wird, wird es mir eventuell auch reichen. (und für die Carrack muss man erstmal genug Geld für die NPCs zusammen bekommen)
Auf jeden Fall will ich einen auf Entdecker/Forscher machen :awesome:
Hab 20€ für das Spiel ausgegeben. Ich bin des Status eines Sternenbürger nicht würdig.
wieder mal wie wöchentliche Reverse the Verse

– Because Ben forgot about the caterpillar, a fan sent them a 3D printed model of the caterpillar. So he’s going to start forgetting more ships now. :v:

– Idris P status – being modeled in the UK. There are some nice shots, but they can’t be shared, cause they’re SQ 42 action scenes.

– Still deciding who is going to CitizenCon. They hope to go, but they’re not sure. Lots of people at Gamescom this year though, details tomorrow.

– FPS – Doing great work on it. Will be best-looking module when it releases. :banderas:

– Backend re-writes are holding up the launch of FPS. Update next week likely.

– By the time bigger ships like the Merchantman and the Starfarer will be available, there won’t be any CCU’s anymore. Because they won’t be needed. There will be a new system to go from ship to ship. No more CCU’s once large ships come into play.

– Female models in various stages of completion.

– Not sure if female models will make it into FPS at launch.

– They hope that you make a job like ‘entertainer’ from SWG yourself. It’s not something you sign up for, but if you can entertain people and make money off it, you can.

– Ben says he thinks the whole Episode 1 will ship at once, but he is NOT sure, and wants us not to quote him. But he already said it. It’s news now!

– If you cut an Idris in half, as per how the physics engine works, it’s hard to say if you could control it. Now, stuff works. For a long time, stuff didn’t work. We’ve seen teh Constellation floating around in the PTU now (no-one knows where it came from, by the way). None of that is finished and working in the game, but the system is there that allow things to still work in the physics system. The same would be true if you were cutting a ship in half. Yes, you’d be able to cut the ship in half and fire engines, maybe, and man some engineering stations…yeah.

– Land based races? Sure! Grab a couple rovers or greycats and race away.

– Ship-to-ship communication details later this year.

– Some members of the community team will be at Star Wars celebration (Ben, Alexis, Lando).

– Working on bugs with new damage system. Constellation and Freelancer are getting the new damage system right now

– CIG Frankfurt Inside CIG at 9 AM tomorrow. Studio includes Todd Papy of God of War fame.

– Alpha 1.1.1 is what the next patch is called. It won’t have a multi-seat lobby, you’ll have to land in free-flight and add the second person to the Gladiator and SH. Just a teaser for multicrew.

– Secret military bases? Yes

– If they’re building something for SQ 42, it’ll be in the PU

– There will be a trainer ship – a two seat trainer you learn to play in. That was originally the Avenger, so it’s not used for that anymore.

– FPS weapons overheating? Yes, but maybe not the first release.

– Melting weapons for metal? Yes.

– Sandi is at a Retaliator commercial script meeting.

waren diesmal einige Infos :awesome:

die wollen aus Squadron 42 jetzt mehrere Kampagnen machen. Ursprünglich sollten Backer Squadron 42 Kampagne 1 und Missionsdisc bekommen. Nun wurde aus der Missionsdisc eine komplette zweite Kampagne. Kampagne 1 ist also quasi Wing Commander 1, Kampagne 2 ist Wing Commander 2 usw

The hope from the start has been that Squadron 42 would kick off a whole series of games, much like the 'main series' Wing Commanders back in the day... while the Star Citizen persistent universe would kick off at an unspecified point in the future and continue to evolve in its own way. Once we've built the technology and evolved the world and balanced everything, there's unlimited stories to tell. I know we talked about additional Squadron 42s early on, because we joked about calling them Squadron 43 and Squadron 44 back in the early days :)

All you're seeing now is that we're trying to figure out the best way to express that. Squadron 43 and Squadron 44 are good joke names, but they don't really make sense... it's more reasonable to brand 'Squadron 42' as a series rather than something like 'Squadron 42 2.' The only real 'change' here is that Behind Enemy Lines isn't a Secret Missions-style mission disk anymore... it's going to be the next part in the saga. And at least some of our backers get a great bonus, an additional AAA single player game because they backed early.

As for estimated hours to complete the game, I can only say... I really hate trying to quantify those kinds of estimates. It's a game with no one way to play it that we haven't finished yet. Is that 20 hours to play straight through? 50 hours to play every branching mission? To bring it back to Wing Commander: knowing the game today, I can finish the Vega campaign in about two hours. But in 1990, when Wing Commander was new, that took me at least a month of hard-fought battles. So if somebody asks me how long it takes to play Wing Commander, what do I say? There's a reason they don't put those kinds of estimates on box copy. :)

I will say - Squadron 42 is not any smaller than it was the day we set out to make it. Content isn't being cut or subdivided or parceled out for extra revenue or anything like that. If we mentioned 20 hours in one interview and 50 in another it's because someone was having two different thoughts about the same amount of content... it's in no way indicating that we've removed anything from the initial pitch, because we absolutely haven't.
To clarify - there's no content being hidden away for a different release, we're just looking to the future. What's being referred to as 'episode 1' is really 'game 1,' with all the missions and features promised in the crowdfunding campaign. We've expanded the original mission disk (which early backers already have) into a comparable second campaign, and then have plans for a third. Squadron 42 is Wing Commander I, Behind Enemy Lines is Wing Commander II and the as-of-yet-untitled third campaign is Wing Commander 3.

Moin, was für halbwegs gute Systemvoraussetzungen brauch ich für das Game?
Hab nen i5 2500k, 16 Gbyte und ne Geforce GTX 970.
Der i5 taktet auf 3.8 Ghertz. Sollte reichen oder?
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