Star Citizen [Space-Sim von Chris Roberts]

Star Citizen just launched it's Cosmetic Shop today, and the pricing is quite alarming
1,000 UEC = $1
This is actually become a very hot topic on the forums over the past few hours. The items you can purchase in this shop are added to you hangar mostly as decorations. Things like posters are $5, and a buggy to drive around your hangar is $20. I was honestly not too concerned about pricing in the game until this was released. It makes me really worried just how much of a grind the game might be to get the bigger ships and parts you want.
Also bei dem Game is der MP echt das größte Feature. Is ja nich einfach nur draufgesetzt, sondern das Kernfeature das für quests, ökonomie und erforschung des weltraums sorgt. Und sorry, wer für kosmetischen Conten zahlt is selber schuld :P
Star Citizen just launched it's Cosmetic Shop today, and the pricing is quite alarming
1,000 UEC = $1
This is actually become a very hot topic on the forums over the past few hours. The items you can purchase in this shop are added to you hangar mostly as decorations. Things like posters are $5, and a buggy to drive around your hangar is $20. I was honestly not too concerned about pricing in the game until this was released. It makes me really worried just how much of a grind the game might be to get the bigger ships and parts you want.

da gibt es auch eine Stellungnahme zu, die werden daran definitiv was ändern.

As some of you may have noticed we launched the very beginning of our IN-GAME store with Voyager Direct yesterday.
It had a soft launch (we deliberately kept it back from the weekly email) so we could roll it to get feedback and see how to integrate what is a tricky thing into Star Citizen at such an early stage of development.
Even with a soft launch quite a lot of people started using the store (no surprise the Buggy is the top seller!)

Unfortunately there seems to be some misunderstanding in our intentions with the prototype in-game store, as the forums erupted with a significant amount of “discussion” last night!
I have read all of the criticism and there have been many great points. One of the great things about Star Citizen’s development is that we can get feedback like this… and use it to figure out how to make things better.
The intention of creating Voyager Direct right now was the very opposite of what a lot of people are upset about. It is not supposed to be a cash shop! It’s meant to be the very opposite!

I felt that it was important that we should make clear what are in-game items, earnable via game play. This was the whole reason of segregating these new items into the Voyager Direct store rather than the pledge store. We intend for players to be earning UEC in a limited fashion as early as the dogfighting module (say for fighting so many test battles, or winning a team battle competition) and felt Voyager Direct would be the first step in getting the basic systems in place. Ultimately you will be purchasing all these game items inside the game from in-game vendors on various planets but this won’t come online until the Planetside module. Since the web team at Turbulent had already built a store interface and the team here was already creating items to outfit the hangar and ships, it seemed like an easy option to create Voyager Direct now to allow all of you to play with and check out some of the game items as they are created rather than waiting for Planetside module to see them in engine. The concept was that people that wanted to show their support and contribute towards the development cost of the game could buy some items to play with in their hangar but by establishing the prices in game terms it would also make it clear that these items are all earnable in game. I should also point out that Voyager Direct is intended only to sell cosmetic items or basic ship items that would be available on pretty much any planet – the better items will always have to be bought by actually flying to the appropriate planet or earning the via gameplay. There is no need to buy anything from Voyager Direct – it is all OPTIONAL and should be viewed the same way that you view paying for a subscription or buying a skin. All of this will be earnable in the game, without too much time invested.

I’m very opposed to having a game where ANY of the items, outside of your initial game / ship package can be only purchased with cash. I hate the bifurcation of items in most online games, even when they are just for flair items. I want Star Citizen to allow players to earn everything they need in-game for ships, upgrades and even flair.

Our plan is once Star Citizen is launched the games ongoing running and content costs (which will be significant as we’re a data & content heavy game) will be supported by the ongoing purchase of new game packages as well as the money the game will earn by some of the players choosing to buy some UEC credits with real money as they don’t have the time or patience to earn the item in game (and for this I wanted to establish a cap so someone can’t just come in and buy everything, although with a skill based game with a heavy rock paper scissors approach to ship design and weapons this won’t help that much as you think). We are making the bet that this will be enough to cover the game ongoing running costs and we will not need a subscription like other big online games live Eve Online or World of War Craft. But it is a risk as we’re taking some of the things that games use to support on-going running costs like sale of flair items and making them not require money just gameplay.

I was disappointed to see so many people feeling that we were trying to gouge people or do a money grab. I thought I had been very clear in my post yesterday that everything was optional and only should be done with the intent of supporting the game financially as opposed to something that was required. The whole team is incredibly grateful for all the incredible support we’ve received but as far as we’re concerned anything beyond the most basic pledge is optional and should be done to support the game’s development and not because you feel like you have to.

I do agree that pricing structure feels off – part of that is the problem of a blend of real world prices (cosmetic items to show support had been established at $5) and the in-game prices we need to manage. One of the other things we have been focusing on is the idea that the pledge or add on ship you opt for now should be cheaper in real money terms than its equivalent in UEC when the game is live, so the few weapons have been priced to our best guess as to what these should be relative to the actual in-game costs of a ship once the game is live. This leads to a dichotomy in value – of course a poster should be a lot less than a laser gun! It also doesn’t help that we’ve established an exchange of 1000 UEC to $1. 5000 UEC for a poster just sounds a lot more than $5! I am inclined to halve the prices in the Voyager Direct Store, with some of the smaller flair pieces, like posters getting a reduction even beyond this.

In addition there’s been quite a few complaints about having to “pay to test”. Which absolutely was not the intention! From a testing perspective what everyone can do now with their basic hangar (and don’t forget you can move items around between ships now) we have everything we need on the testing front. There is no need to buy a poster to help test it. The real testing will happen when you can earn UEC in-game and you then buy all these items. But we appreciate everyone’s eagerness to help out, so I’m investigating the difficulty of implementing “TEST UEC” now rather than waiting for the dogfighting module – the idea would be that everyone would get a certain amount of TEST UEC at different periods and could use the credits to buy items that would exist for a day in your hangar to check them out, try them on your various ships, walls and so on. This is doable but does require some significant work on the web side, so if we take this route it will be a little while before it can be implemented. We had originally planned this for the dogfighting module (as it is useful for people to try different load outs in balancing) but we can move up the schedule if enough people think it’s important.
In the spirit of community involvement and discussion and as a big thank you for reaching $17M I think the best thing to do is to give everyone a further 5,000 UEC and let you voice your opinion on some of the proposed solutions (and know that if you vote to reduce the Voyager Direct prices we will credit back the difference in UEC to people’s accounts for people that have already spent UEC)

Dragoncon Bilder von der Caterpillar und Planeten






neue Stetch Goals:
Know your foe with a Jane’s Fighting Ships style manual free in PDF form to all pledgers.

Manage Space Stations – Players will compete to own and operate a limited number of space stations across the galaxy.

RSI Museum will air monthly, with a new game featured each time!

und ich habe jetzt 12k Credits im Account :awesome:

Also bei dem Game is der MP echt das größte Feature. Is ja nich einfach nur draufgesetzt, sondern das Kernfeature das für quests, ökonomie und erforschung des weltraums sorgt. Und sorry, wer für kosmetischen Conten zahlt is selber schuld :P

vor allem weil der SP mit MP verknüpft werden kann ^^
Zuletzt bearbeitet:
neues stretchgoal :awesome:

daddy needs his spacestation, pledged mal schön (wenn möglich nciht im item store)

und abendlaender regt sich über die schiffspreise auf? Life time insurance - nothing more to say
Kanns kaum erwarten die Bilder und Videos in guter Qualität zu sehen.

Wäre cool, wenn man den Thread mit den neuesten Ankündigungen Up to Date halten könnte. Ich hätte zB von diesen Aufnahmen wohl sonst nie was mitbekommen :)
und abendlaender regt sich über die schiffspreise auf? Life time insurance - nothing more to say

Wobei man sagen muss, dass eine normale Versicherung wohl..naja, mehr als bezahlbar ist^^.

Raumstationen..bin mal gespannt wie schnell die weg sind..auf jeden Fall werden die wohl, zumindest in den lowsec-Systemen, sofern man die Koordinaten hat..oft umkämpft werden. Ach ich freu mich drauf :D

Kurze OT-Frage: haben wir überhaupt einen X Rebirth-Thread? Ich finde irgendwie nichts :ugly:
Wobei man sagen muss, dass eine normale Versicherung wohl..naja, mehr als bezahlbar ist^^.

Raumstationen..bin mal gespannt wie schnell die weg sind..auf jeden Fall werden die wohl, zumindest in den lowsec-Systemen, sofern man die Koordinaten hat..oft umkämpft werden. Ach ich freu mich drauf :D

Kurze OT-Frage: haben wir überhaupt einen X Rebirth-Thread? Ich finde irgendwie nichts :ugly:

wenn ich das game 2-3 jahre spiele ist meine 90 euro freelancer geschenkt - believe ;)

@x rebirth thread. ja der sollte eingerichtet werden.
wenn ich das game 2-3 jahre spiele ist meine 90 euro freelancer geschenkt - believe ;)

nachdem ich die Freelancer im Hangar begutachten konnte muss ich sagen, dass die irgendwie zu klein und eng wird. Bin am Überlegen ob ich zu meiner Hornet nicht doch eine Explorer Origin dazukaufen werde. Wollte ja eigentlich erst Hornet und Freelancer machen, muss mal schauen, was es für alternativen gibt.
i300 meinst du? nun ich habe eine. aber evtl wird die eingeschmolzen samt der freelancer und ich hole mir die connie xD (sah in echt ja noch besser aus als auf renders....)
wenn ich das game 2-3 jahre spiele ist meine 90 euro freelancer geschenkt - believe ;)

Das sowieso..aber ich rechne nicht damit, dass man ein Schiff 2-3 Jahre spielen wird, vorallem dann nicht, wenn wohl noch "bessere" Schiffe, von den anderen Ingameunternehmen (wie wohl das MISC oder RSI-Gegenstück zur Hornet aussehen wird? 8-) ) erscheinen.

Na gut, mein aktueller Plan (Ingamemuseum im Hangar :awesome:) sieht vor, dass ich die Stella eine ganze Zeit lang spielen werde, u.a. da ich sowieso mehr auf Erkundung aus bin und es in dem Bereich aktuell nichts besseres gibt. Aber die Stella ist ja schon was größeres und ein kleines mobiles Haus. Kein vergleich zu den kleineren Schiffen.

@x rebirth thread. ja der sollte eingerichtet werden.

Ok, ich warte :v:

nachdem ich die Freelancer im Hangar begutachten konnte muss ich sagen, dass die irgendwie zu klein und eng wird. Bin am Überlegen ob ich zu meiner Hornet nicht doch eine Explorer Origin dazukaufen werde. Wollte ja eigentlich erst Hornet und Freelancer machen, muss mal schauen, was es für alternativen gibt.

Das ist sogar so, aktuell ist sie nur 18m lang, anstatt 32m. Entweder ein Fehler im Modell, oder falsche Angaben auf der Webseite.
i300 meinst du? nun ich habe eine. aber evtl wird die eingeschmolzen samt der freelancer und ich hole mir die connie xD (sah in echt ja noch besser aus als auf renders....)

Einfach nur :awesome:
Vorher hatte ich ne Lancer^^.

Die neue Innenbeleuchtung gefällt mir auch ganz gut:



Schade das die Innenaustattung im Gegensatz zur Lancer noch alles andere als fertig ist. Die Tür zum Maschinenraum/zur Dusche, etc, geht auch noch nicht auf (dabei gab es davon schon Bilder)
Aber schon ein schönes Schiff :D
i300 meinst du? nun ich habe eine. aber evtl wird die eingeschmolzen samt der freelancer und ich hole mir die connie xD (sah in echt ja noch besser aus als auf renders....)

ja, hatte vorher ja die 325a, bevor ich die in die Hornet eingeschmolzen habe.

Aber ich muss mal schauen, eine Avenger würde mich auch reizen, aber die lohnt sich dank Hornet nicht

Das ist sogar so, aktuell ist sie nur 18m lang, anstatt 32m. Entweder ein Fehler im Modell, oder falsche Angaben auf der Webseite.

ich tippe auf falsche Angabe. Hätte die Freelancer eine falsche größe, dann würde das ja vom Cockpit/Pilot nicht passen
das ist was anderes xD

die verdammte constellation sieht wie gesagt wirklich noch mal besser aus als auf den renders. (wenn ich auf meine südamerika reise verzichte dann ... :v: ) und was ist südamerika gegen die "the whole galaxy" :awesome:

Ich sehs schon, in nem Jahr wird Rince in nem 1 Zimmer Appartment leben und sich nur von 1€ Chessburgern ernähren, dafür das beste Schiff der Galaxis haben :angst2:
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