Ratchet and Clank Future: Tools of Destruction Review: 10.5/10
The Good:
Shooting and platforming gameplay is fun.
Lots of different and useful weapons.
Beautiful, colorful visuals.
Tight controls.
Theres some good humor in it.
The Story is interesting.
Amazing ending.
Wealth of gameplay variety gives the game compelling identity.
Perfect gameplay difficulty.
The Bad:
Over the course of five years, Ratchet and Clank has crafted its own identity and has gone on to sell over 13 million titles world wide. Its no surprise that the Playstation 3s first outing continues this tradition by expanding upon the epic storytelling elements and caters to a broad audience. The titles core gameplay is better than its predecessors and is amplified by countless interesting minigames and diverse gameplay mechanics. These issues put Ratchet and Clank clearly above its predecessors and represents the best title on the Playstation 3.
A good story would have been nice, and this is precisely what Insomniac has delivered. In fact, one of the strongest aspects of Ratchet and Clank is its story. You play as Ratchet, a Lombax on a mission to find his own origins along with his robotic sidekick, Clank. The games script, humor, and artistic direction rivals that of a Pixar movie and establishes Ratchet and Clank above all other titles of the genre. Without spoiling the title, the game ends magnificently and sets up a sequel perfectly.
The gameplay is a mixture of platforming and shooting which allows players a wide breadth of weapons at their disposal. This only solidifies Ratchet and Clank as a title with tremendous gameplay diversity and identity, something Insomniac is known for while lesser developers have been lacking over the recent years. Even more than platforming and shooting, the gameplay presents a few unique and diverse elements that spruce the experience up even more, especially with the spectacular space shooting sequences that bring back memories of Star Fox.
The visual package of Ratchet and Clank exceeds any other title released so far for next generation consoles. Sony made a promise to deliver Toy Story graphics on the Playstation 2, and while they came extremely close, theyve satisfied this promise on the Playstation 3 with R&CF:ToD as it is indistinguishable from hollywoods greatest CG movies. Ratchet and Clanks audio is not only solid, but it is also remarkable and features an outstanding score that will keep you deeply engaged.
Try as it might, Tools of Destruction vastly exceeds the level of greatness exhibited by its predecessors. Its a perfect difficulty, the story is epic and engaging, and the throw everything including the kitchen sink style of gameplay is a stellar combination along with the platforming and fun combat. That said, the gorgeous visuals and fun gameplay are enough to make Tools of Destruction receive the highest score in Sony Defense Force history, a well deserved 10.5/10.