L17: Mentor
Aus einem Review dass wegen dem Embargo wieder offline genommen wurde:
„Scorn's combat is so clunky and unpleasant that it feels like it would be a better time if you didn't have to fight anyone...Follow this with some of the least satisfying weaponry in video games – your piston jackhammer can attack at close range twice before it needs time to recharge, while the most common enemy in the game takes five hits to kill“
Oh je, oh je… klingt mal wieder gar nicht gut
„Scorn's combat is so clunky and unpleasant that it feels like it would be a better time if you didn't have to fight anyone...Follow this with some of the least satisfying weaponry in video games – your piston jackhammer can attack at close range twice before it needs time to recharge, while the most common enemy in the game takes five hits to kill“
Oh je, oh je… klingt mal wieder gar nicht gut