Resident Evil 4 Bundle für Europa
Nintendo hat heute mit einer Pressemitteilung, ein Resident Evil 4 Bundle exklusiv für Europa angekündigt. Schon vor einiger Zeit berichteten wir darüber, jedoch ist die ganze Sache erst seit heute offiziell!
Das Resident Evil 4 Bundle wird aus einem GameCube in der Farbe "Platinum-Schwarz", einem Deckeleinsatz mit dem Resident Evil 4 Logo, einem Controller in "Platinum-Schwarz" und Resident Evil 4 Logo, einer Bonusdisk und dem Spiel Resident Evil 4 selbst bestehen.
Auf der Bonusdisk befindet sich ein Making-of von Resident Evil 4. Außerdem finden die Besitzer des Bundles noch Videos zu allen Resident Evil Teilen die bislang auf dem GameCube erschienen sind, also von Resident Evil, Resident Evil 2, Resident Evil 3: Nemesis, Resident Evil Code: Veronica, Resident Evil Zero und Resident Evil 4. Des Weiteren befindet sich noch eine spielbare Demo von Metroid Prime 2: Echoes auf der Bonusdisc. Das Bundle wird am 18.März zu einem Preis von 129,99 Euro in die Läden kommen.
Fantastic Value Resident Evil 4 Bundle Available From 18th March 2005
2 February 2005 - Nintendo has today unveiled an exclusive Resident Evil 4 bundle pack which will launch alongside the game on March 18th 2005. Included in the bundle is a limited edition Platinum and Black Resident Evil 4 branded Nintendo GameCube, a platinum and black controller featuring the Resident Evil 4 logo, a copy of the game and a special bonus disc featuring making of footage of Resident Evil 4, plus game movies of Resident Evil, Resident Evil 2, Resident Evil 3: Nemesis; Resident Evil Code: Veronica, Resident Evil Zero, Resident Evil 4 and a playable demo of Metroid Prime 2: Echoes all at the fantastic estimated retail price of around £89! This great offer will be available across Europe from 18th March 2005.
Resident Evil 4 takes survival horror games further than ever before by not only revolutionising the series, but by re-inventing the entire action game genre. Taking place years after the T-virus outbreak, the storyline and gameplay structure have dramatically changed to allow more emphasis on action. Gone are the signature fixed camera positions that gamers will be familiar with. Now the camera follows closely behind the player, allowing for more intuitive movement and shooting, which is enhanced with the newly added aim and shoot mechanic. The menacing enemies we are all familiar with have been replaced with a new darker breed of evil. Enhanced enemy AI (Artificial Intelligence) means that the enemies are faster, smarter and more dangerous than ever before! Resident Evil 4 will have even the hardiest of gamers on the edge of their seats.