NDS Pokémon Diamond und Pearl

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Falls hier zur Zeit nochmal jemand vorbei schaut, wegen Wii news und so!

The official site today revealed several new tidbits of information regarding the information revealed on Tuesday:

* Zugaidosu and Tatetopusu, the two Fossil Pokémon are also exclusive to the games. Zugaidosu is exclusive to Diamond whereas Tatetopusu is exclusive to Pearl.
* Mukkuru's attack, Brave Bird, is a Physical Flying Type attack that causes Mukkuru some recoil.
* Tatetopusu's Attack, Metal Burst is a Physical Steel Type attack that just seems to do damage
* Zugaidosu's attack, Double Headbutt, is a powerful Physical Rock type attakc that causes recoil
* Bippa's ability, Natural, has been elaborated on. If the opponent raises their Attack, Defense, Special Attack or Special Defense then Bippa's stat gets raised by the same level
* According to the new demo, Mukkuru knows Endeavor and Bippa knows Hyper Fang

OMG, sehen die neuen Viecher Kacke aus :oops:

Fällt mir schwer zu glauben, dass sich dieseer Stil gut verkauft. Auch in japan :oops:
Also wenn Tatetopusu ein fossil Pokemon ist dann wirds ja zum glück kein Flunkiefer^^. aslo schon mal gut hm jetzt muss ich mal schauen welche edi ich nehme , das andere fossil poke ist ja das andere dino pokemon also wirds wohl ertsmal diamond und dann später Pearl
und bippa hat echt nen coolen effeckt und hyper zahn, dann bekommst bestimmt auch super zahn :D
Schöner Trailer, danke. Ich mag die Anfangspokémon, irgendwie. Imo haben sie zumindest die recht gut hinbekommen, gefallen mir zumindest besser als die aus G/S/K.
Well a new magazine has revealed a few tidbits of information:

First off, Bippa has been given a number in the Shinou Dex and thus the National Dex, #013 making it #399 in the National Dex...does Mukkuru have two evolutions?
The 8 Gym Leaders of Shinou have been revealed. Their Names, Pokémon and speciality are not yet known

There are 30 routes in the game taking the total up to Route 230
Shinou is set out as follows. Hover over the areas for the detailsc including all Routes and special areas (unmarked on map but noted when hovered over):
Some new DP Information including usable atrtacks by Pokémon and some numbers have been revealed by Famitsu:

* Naetoru has the attacks Tackle,Withdraw, Absorb, Razor Leaf, Curse, Bite, Mega Drain, Leech Seed, Synthesis, Crunch, Giga Drain and Leaf Storm
* Hikozaru has the attacks Scratch, Leer, Ember,, Taunt,, Fury Swipes,, Flame Wheel, Scheme, Torment, Facade, Fire Spin,, Slack Off and Flamethrower
* Pochama has the attacks Pound, Growl, Bubble, Water Sport, Peck, Bide, Bubblebeam, Fury Attack, Flood Water, Whirlpool, Mist, Drill Peck and Hydro Pump
* Mukkuru has the attacks Tackle, Growl, Quick Attack, Wing Attack, Double Team, Endeavour, Whirlwind, Aerial Ace, Take Down, Agility and Brave Bird
* Bippa has the attacks Tackle, Growl, Defense Curl, Rollout, Headbutt, Hyper Fang, Yawn, Amnesia, Take Down, Super Fang and Superpower
* Korobooshi is #015 in the Shinou Dex and presumably #401 in the National Pokédex
* Korinku is #017 in the Shinou Dex and presumable #403 in the National Pokédex. It has the attacks: Tackle, Leer, Charge, Bite, Spark, Roar, Swagger, Crunch, Thunder Fang, Scary Face and Discharge
* Magikarp has the Shinou Dex of #023, Gyarados has #024, Pichu has #103, Pikachu has #104, Raichu has #105, Hoothoot has #106 and Noctowl has #107
Some new DP Information including usable atrtacks by Pokémon and some numbers have been revealed by Famitsu and by some other sources in Japan including blue skY:

* Naetoru has the attacks Tackle,Withdraw, Absorb, Razor Leaf, Curse, Bite, Mega Drain, Leech Seed, Synthesis, Crunch, Giga Drain and Leaf Storm
* Hikozaru has the attacks Scratch, Leer, Ember, Taunt, Fury Swipes, Flame Wheel, Scheme, Torment, Facade, Fire Spin, Slack Off and Flamethrower
* Pochama has the attacks Pound, Growl, Bubble, Water Sport, Peck, Bide, Bubblebeam, Fury Attack, Tide, Whirlpool, Mist, Drill Peck and Hydro Pump
* Mukkuru has the attacks Tackle, Growl, Quick Attack, Wing Attack, Double Team, Endeavour, Whirlwind, Aerial Ace, Take Down, Agility and Brave Bird
* Bippa has the attacks Tackle, Growl, Defense Curl, Rollout, Headbutt, Hyper Fang, Yawn, Amnesia, Take Down, Super Fang and Superpower
* Korobooshi is #015 in the Shinou Dex and presumably #401 in the National Pokédex
* Korinku is #017 in the Shinou Dex and presumable #403 in the National Pokédex. It has the attacks: Tackle, Leer, Charge, Bite, Spark, Roar, Swagger, Crunch, Thunder Fang, Scary Face and Discharge
* Magikarp has the Shinou Dex of #023, Gyarados has #024, Pichu has #103, Pikachu has #104, Raichu has #105, Hoothoot has #106 and Noctowl has #107
* Munchlax knows a new attack called Reminiscent Headbutt. It's details are not known
* Weavile knows an attack called Dark Wave. Its Details are not known
* Mime Jr. knows an attack called WakeUp Slap. Its Details are not known
* Contrary to what other sites are reporting, it seems that it is NOT necessary to complete the Shinou Dex to get the National Dex. However this is not 100% confirmed
* Tide is an attack known by Pochama. It is a Water type with Base Power of 60. If the user's HP is below 50%, then its power is doubled
* Leaf Storm is an attack not dis-similar to Overheat and Meteoric Swarm. After it's used, the users Special Attack sharply falls
* Brave Bird is an attack not dis-similar to Double Edge. Being a Flying type attack, it also causes recoil to the user
* Discharge has a Power of 80 and a chance of Paralysis. It hits everyone

More Attack Classifications (Physical, Special & Other) have also been revealed:

* Physical: Hyper Fang, Flame Wheel, Bide, Crunch, Bite, Electric Fang, Endeavor, Facade, Rollout, Struggle, Headbutt, Spark, Tackle, Peck, Wing Attack, Aerial Ace, Quick Attack, Take Down, Drill Peck, Superpower, Pound, Scratch, Super Fang, Brave Bird, Fury swipes, Fury Attack, andRazor Leaf
* Special: Bubble, Whirlpool, Flamethrower, Gigadrain, Tide, Absorb, Hydropump, Bubblebeam, Ember, Discharge, FireSpin, Megadrain, Leaf Storm
* Other: Taunt, Swagger, Double Team, Withdraw, Synthesis, Agility, Scary Face, Charge, Mist, Amnesia, Growl, Slackoff, Leer, Curse, Splash, Whirlwind, Roar, Defense Curl, Water Sport, Leech Seed, Scheme, Torment

Some more news has come through Famitsu. Be warned as this contains spoilers for the start of the game so look away otherwise:

* At the start of the game, you see a newscast about a Red Gyarados sighting. Thats right, the Red Gyarados makes a return. With the TV Report in mind, you go to your Rival's house and head to Trust Lake to try and see it. However when you get there you are attacked by Mukkuru and get to pick your starter Pokémon to fight them off. Your Rival gets the Pokémon that is strong against yours
* You then go to Futaba to get the Running Shoes from your mother and head to Masago Town where the Professor gives you the Pokémon you chose and the Pokédex
* You meet your other rival, Kouki if its Male or Hikari if its Female, who shows you around Masago Town. Afterwards you go to Futaba Town to get the Adventure Note (Unknown what that does) from your Mother and a parcel for your rival to be delivered to him
* On Route 202, Kouki/Hikari will be there to meet you and show you how to capture Pokémon. They give you the 5 extra Pokéballs and they have the Starter Pokémon that is weak to yours
* In Kotobuki City, you get the Town Map from your rival. Kotobuki has loads of areas to explore including a TV Station, Trainer School and the Pokétch Company. You have to answer questions correctly from 3 people around the City to get the Pokétch.

Dreifach post ^^
Serebii.net ^^

Ähm ... Edit ... Scans! Viele Scans! Sehr viele Scans ^^




Famitsu DS + Cube & Advance












Mal sehen wer als erstes nörgelt!
Na bei der Erwarzungshaltung... :wink4:

Eigentlich hab ich nur zu meckern, das meine Netzverbindung und mein lahmer PC bei der Bildermasse nicht hinterherkommen.

Zu den Pics. Ja, schaut alles ganz ordentlich aus. Minimalistischer Pokemonstil im leichten 3D-Gewand halt. (für die nächsten Edis könnte es aber ruhig mal was neues geben. Mehr Details und weg von den Routen hin zu einer etwas offeneren Welt @ Nintendo Difference)

Langsam gewöhne ich mich auch an die meisten neuen Pokemon. Mittlerweile find ich Bippa und die fette Taube ganz lolig.^^ Niedlich ist auch diese kleine, verdrehte Zwiebel, dessen Gesicht oft auf japanischen Küchenschürzen zu finden ist.
Jp und langsam habe ich auch kein problem mehr mit den neuen POkemon ... obwohl ich sehr hoffe das die Weiterentwcklungen besser aussehen!
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