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Naja kannst dir auch was fertiges kaufen aber das wird sicher wesentlich teurer sein als eine ps5. Hab hier Windows 10 und überhaupt keine Probleme mit den Spielen. Außer das ich nicht die Grafik auf Maximum schrauben kann das ist aber bei meiner ps4 auch so. Ich hole aber wahrscheinlich auch direkt eine ps5, da kann man wenig falsch machen. Mein PC kommt auch schon in die Tage und aufrüsten würde teuer kommen.Egal wie es kommt, ich hol mir die PS5 auf jeden Fall, denn ich hab einfach kein Bock mehr auf frickeln. Allerdings hab ich es nie für möglich gehalten dass die first party Titel auch auf dem PC erscheinen, wenn es denn so kommt. Völlig verrückt was Sony da vor hat. Die Hauseigenen Exklusives waren immer DAS Kaufargument für eine Playstation. Selbst wenn die Titel 2-3 Jahre später auf dem PC erscheinen, bleibt ein fader Beigeschmack.
Wenn PC dann keine Kompromisse bei der Peripherie, aber der PC sollte hier eben nicht das Thema sein und da hörts auch schon auf.Naja kannst dir auch was fertiges kaufen aber das wird sicher wesentlich teurer sein als eine ps5. Hab hier Windows 10 und überhaupt keine Probleme mit den Spielen. Außer das ich nicht die Grafik auf Maximum schrauben kann das ist aber bei meiner ps4 auch so. Ich hole aber wahrscheinlich auch direkt eine ps5, da kann man wenig falsch machen. Mein PC kommt auch schon in die Tage und aufrüsten würde teuer kommen.
Da werden vielleicht vereinzelnte Spiele erscheinen aber sicher nichts jedes PS5 Game, noch dazu erst ein paar jahre später. Bei mir ist die aktuelle Lage so das ich mir die PS5 day one mit Cyberpunk und Ghost of T holen werde falls zum Release nichts gutes für mich erscheintAlso hast du erstmal kein bock auf die exklusiv Spiele und auf die neuen Features?
Na ja. Ich schon. PS5 wird day on
Launchtitel wird doch eh mit höchster Wahrscheinlichkeit GoT werden.
Man hört einfach zu wenig davon...
Desweiteren wird es vllt noch ein Knack oder Ratchet...
-Knack oder Ratchet als exklusiv
-AC Ragnarok
-Watch Dogs
-Fifa 21
-Lego Titel
-Elden Ring
-einige Indie ähnliche Spiele
-Indie Titel
Frühjahr 21
-Demon Souls
-weiteres exklusiv Titelchen Spiderman 2 oder Horizon 2
So könnt ihr mir das vorstellen
- PlayStation 5 is launching October 30th for $500. The price point is set, but many variables including SSD size is liable to change over the next couple of months. They are trying to push to 2TB.
- Launch games planned currently include:
· New Killzone Title from Guerrilla Games (This title has been very much under wraps for years. It seems to be a huge departure / reboot from the rest of the franchise. Also extra focus on multiplayer.)
· Demon’s Souls Remake from Bluepoint Games (It’s a full remake of the game. Despite having Miyazaki’s blessing the game is sure to be a source of debate for fans since Bluepoint are taking artistic liberties and adding their own ideas.)
· SOCOM Reboot from San Diego Studio (Long rumored to be in development at Guerrilla, the game is being developed by ex Zipper Interactive employees and burnt out MLB devs using the Decima Engine. It has almost photo-realistic graphics.)
· Gran Turismo 7 from Polyphony Digital (Huge project that has been in development since 2014. The game is designed to be supported for 10 years and has more employees working on it than any game Sony has ever made.)
· New Ratchet & Clank from Insomniac Games (Start of a new Trilogy and sequel to the Future series the game has been in development since before the 2016 Remake was released. This game sees the return of space exploration, hoverboots and competitive multiplayer which could be free to play. Still being decided.)
· New Multiplayer Title (Project Vanguard) from Remedy Entertainment (Sony is planning to acquire Remedy based on the reception to this game and a few other variables. In terms of this game, think of a cross between Control, Star Trek and the film Gravity.)
· WiLD from Wild Sheep Studio (Back in 2017 the game was a mess and lacked direction with Michel Ancel devoting more time to Beyond Good & Evil 2. He is still on board just in a lesser capacity. The game has switched to Decima Engine and will be on PS4 and PS5.)
· New Action Title from London Studio (Actually inspired by Hellblade, this game is a short, but hopefully satisfying open world Guy Ritchie-like adventure.)
· New Action Title from Japan Studio (From the makers of Forbidden Siren, this game is more of a spiritual successor to Gravity Rush 2.)
All titles are liable to be delayed out of Fall 2020.
- Sony will host an event on February 5th to unveil the system, controller and key aspects of their plan with another event close to E3 2020 in timing, then one last event shortly before release. There will also be 2 or 3 State of Play’s throughout the year to keep fans excited and remind gamers of other big PlayStation releases.
- Other non-launch titles due to be unveiled at these events include:
· New Horizon Title from Guerrilla Games (2021)
· New Uncharted Title from New Unnamed Studio (2021)
· New The Order Title from Ready at Dawn Studios (2021)
· New Motorstorm Title from Codemasters (2021)
· New Spider-Man Title from Insomniac Games (2022)
· New God of War Title from Santa Monica Studio (2022)
· New Fumito Ueda Title from genDesign (2022)
All titles are liable to not be unveiled. Plans change or worse.
- Key features of PlayStation 5 include:
· The ability to have 3 games and multiple media functionalities suspended while you play a 4th game.
· The ability to have different states of the same game running at the same time.
· In the cloud you can have as many games suspended as you like. You can use the cloud to resume a game on your console after months of playing other game exactly where you left off or of course any other platform through the cloud.
· Save data, screenshots and video clips can be offloaded to the cloud to free up hard drive space.
· Rigorous amounts of data and statistics for you to view about your games and platform use.
· Backwards Compatibility for all PlayStation Formats.
- More on Backwards Compatibility
Expect PlayStation 1, 2, 3 and 4 games available to purchase and play on PS5 at launch. The full PS4 catalogue will be available, but libraries will be limited for other platforms to begin with. More games will be added as time goes on in much the same way Microsoft did. You will actually see a lot more old games supporting high frame rates, 4K resolution and HDR (even ray tracing) on PS5 than has been possible on Xbox One. Sony are very much concerned about saving old games from older platforms. They have the first Gran Turismo game running on PlayStation 5 at 120fps with ray tracing enabled. It looks surprisingly great for a 22 year old game. Backwards compatibility for PSP and Vita are also in development with Sony aiming to have both available within 2 years of the system launching.
- Some other tidbits:
Sony and Microsoft are currently both in a business war with one another to secure marketing rights to certain third party titles that are going to be considered major draws to the next generation. Interestingly enough Microsoft has already gotten the marketing for Rocksteady’s new title, but the WB Games Montreal title heavily rumored to be called Batman: Arkham Legacy (not sure about the name) is up for the taking and is said to be an exceedingly and surprisingly impressive game. Right now the developers are having issues porting the game to current generation hardware. Also in contention is 2 different projects from EA Motive, a 4th Mafia game from 2K, an exciting New IP from Sega and Creative Assembly and Ubisoft’s Avatar.
Rumors about either Sony or Microsoft undercutting each other on price is wrong. Both cost very similarly to produce, are almost indistinguishable in terms of specs and can’t afford to launch at any less than $500. The main differences between both systems is the SSD technology which Sony has the slight edge on, but the differences and long term outcomes cannot be predicted.
Xbox Lockhart is in development, but isn’t going to make it out in time for Xbox Series X launch and specs are still being decided.
There is some truth to rumors that Sony is looking to acquiring ZeniMax Media with Herman Hulst leading the charge, however this has actually happened before and if there is no news before the end of March don’t expect it to happen.
Lastly speaking of Herman Hulst, there is a considerable amount of renewed excitement within Sony and Worldwide Studios with the restructuring and appointment of Hulst. Everything is more organized with communication and worker satisfaction being at an all-time high.
Klingt eher nach Wunschzettel an den Weihnachtsmann als nach leakWurde wahrscheinlich schon gepostet und wieder einmal ein Gerücht (hört sich etwas Fanboy an aber auch mit ein wenig Realitätsnähe^^)
Nachdem gestern hier ein Stimmungstief herrschte, muss wieder etwas Hype reinKlingt eher nach Wunschzettel an den Weihnachtsmann als nach leak![]()
Nachdem gestern hier ein Stimmungstief herrschte, muss wieder etwas Hype rein![]()