L20: Enlightened
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- 3 Okt 2001
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Toll. Gestern habe ich mir die 500 GB für 100 € weniger bei Amazon bestellt![]()
“We haven’t yet caught up with the initial demand across Europe.” Fergal Gara, Managing Director of Sony Computer Entertainment UK told us during E3 2014. “We are still dealing with the day one market.”
He added: “We are very close to being in a full supply situation, but we are not quite there yet.”
Although describing the PS4 supply chain as being “close” to clearing the backlog, Gara admitted the issues continue to result in lost sales.
“We may have lost some sales,” the PlayStation UK head said. He added: “There is no update on PS4 sales figures right now, but suffice to say it is still selling, and selling very well.”
Looking at areas worst affected by the continuing PS4 stock shortages, Gara suggested that the UK is actually faring better than most.
“We are in a bit better shape in the UK, but there are countries that are still selling out every last unit that drops into the market on a weekly basis,” he told us.
“A good example at the moment would be Germany who had phenomenal sales figures last week, but they just haven’t had enough stock so far.”
Sony kann der anhaltend hohen PS4-Nachfrage in Europa immer noch nicht gerecht werden und kommt mit Lieferungen der Konsole weiterhin nicht nach. Das gesteht Fergal Gara, Managing Director von Sony Computer Entertainment UK, gegenüber Trusted Reviews ein.
Man habe immer noch nicht die Nachfrage der Erstkäufer der PS4 decken können, sagt Gara. Allerdings befindet sich Sony kurz davor, ausreichend PS4 in Europa bereitstellen zu können. Das dünne Hardware-Angebot in den Händlerregalen hat Sony wahrscheinlich den ein oder anderen potentiellen PS4-Käufer gekostet, wie Gara meint.
Ich warte noch auf die PS+ Version um Knack mal zu testen.
Ich warte noch auf die PS+ Version um Knack mal zu testen.