conker 7777 schrieb:
Das du dich immer so weit aus dem Fenster legen musst,Frenck.
Bei Kameo posauntest du ständig und in schöner Regelmässigkeit heraus,wie "erbärmlich Kameo doch selbst für ein Launchtitel aussehen soll" und heute beschreibt die Presse es als sehr nahe an
Pixar Grafik Qualität(GameInformer) und stellt es auf
eine Stufe mit GoW( und das Kameo das Spiel sei,das man kaufen soll,um seinen Leuten Next Gen zu zeigen.Würd mal sagen,zimlich peinlich für dich im Nachhinein!
Ja sicher
Ganz sicher!Beweis?! Eindruck zu Kameo:
This game has been a long time in the making, but it has profited from the delay. Kameo: Elements of Power, now for the Xbox 360, revels in a visual sumptuousness with jewel-toned colors, breath-taking lighting effects, and environments teeming with details that bring them to life. This is a fantasy game, so you won't find "realism" here; but the use of next-gen hardware is as evident in the visuals as in something like Gears of War. Depth-of-field effects blur the distance into an impressionistic haze, and light plays softly on leaves and grass, and dances on water. Simply roaming around the environments is like taking a pleasant vacation. There are also scenes featuring massive armies of enemies all at once, an impressive display of what seems to be the new trend in pushing game hardware, as well as an effect that pushes this action/adventure game into epic teritory.
The story revolves around a fairy-girl who has the magical abiity to shapeshift into fantastic animal forms. She embarks on a quest to save her friends from an evil nemesis - only to find herself involved in a much deeper conflict. There is a massive war brewing between two camps, and Kameo can, if she chooses, take part in the battles. Each shape available to her has unique abilities, and can learn more abilities over time by completing sidequests.
Obviously the shapes are suited to different environments and tasks. But it is quite fun to switch on the fly and experiment. The characters animations are so well-done that the shape-change is really a true change, and not just a matter of re-skinning the original character. The animations are detailed and delightful, with an air of lightness but also the solidity common to developer Rare's games - a certain satisfying thickness.
This game has been in development since at least 2001. It's high time it saw the light of day.
And what a pretty light it is. "
Die GameInformer schrieb ihr Fazit über die TGS, in dem Kameo besonders hervorgehoben wurde.
Ein Auszug daraus:
"Microsoft has done a formidable job of having quite a number of playable Xbox 360 demos available for gameplay, but very few of them actually look and feel like true next-generation games. First and second party titles from Microsoft Games Studios were by far the most impressive of the lot. Gears of War, N3: Ninety-Nine Nights, Dead or Alive 4, Kameo: Elements of Power, and Project Gotham Racing all look fantastic and really seem to portray what Microsoft is going for in this next generation.
One game that really surprised me was Rare’s Kameo: Elements of Power. I’ve seen this game transcend two different companies – Nintendo and Microsoft – to ultimately make the jump between three differenent consoles – GameCube, Xbox, to Xbox 360, and Kameo really shows what over six years of development can do for a game. Microsoft doesn’t really have a Zelda-esque like action adventure title in its launch arsenal, and Kameo has a good shot of filling that need.
Rare’s been known to do amazing things graphically with any hardware they’ve worked with, but Kameo on Xbox 360 is near Pixar-standard graphics. If you have a HDTV, this game should most definitely be on your launch list just to show your friends what the next generation of gaming looks like. Incredible lighting, brilliant detail, and it looks like they’ve drained every palette imaginable to make this the most colorful game I’ve ever seen. Not like visuals have ever been a shortcoming for the company.
...Rare can add a visual flair like no other
This game could be the sleeper hit of launch.
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