Die IGN-Preview finde ich eigentlich sehr positiv.
Ich brauche auch nichts revolutionäres in FPS, lieber gute Weiterentwicklungen als Verschlimbesserungen.
Was mich aber echt erschreckt ist eben die Ausage zur KI:
Ich brauche auch nichts revolutionäres in FPS, lieber gute Weiterentwicklungen als Verschlimbesserungen.
Was mich aber echt erschreckt ist eben die Ausage zur KI:
Enemy A.I. depends largely on what difficulty setting you've set the game on. On Agent, everyone you fight is a total idiot and must have gouged out their own eyes at some point in their life to be so inaccurate with a gun. On higher settings, they're much more precise. However, it's still the same mechanic as Goldeneye where if you draw the attention of one enemy, a whole bunch more are going to show up and follow you. At no point did I notice any of the enemies pulling off any advanced tactical maneuvers. They simply stood and shot, and sometimes some of them would lob grenades. On higher difficulty levels they were more aggressive and did more damage, but didn't necessarily improve their attack strategies.