L14: Freak
Hmmm, IGN schrieb folgendes in einem Vorab-Review vom 18.11. :
Und im Anschluss:
Graphically PDZ is one of the most impressive 360 titles at launch. From the amazing motion-blur and lighting effects, to the crisp normal mapping and steady framerate; seeing this puppy run on a 50 inch HDTV plasma display will make you want to slap yo' mamma'. It's one of the sharpest looking FPS I've ever seen.
Und im Anschluss:
If you liked Perfect Dark or Goldeneye, pick this game up. If you like a good FPS, pick this game up. If you like beautiful graphics, pick this game up. For the rest of you, go pick up a copy of NBA Live 360 and cry yourself to sleep, because you're not invited to my house to play PDZ splitscreen.