Switch NX - Handheld? Konsole? Hybrid?

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Lustigerweise stelle ich mir das NX im Prinzip so vor wie das NeoGeo X

Mein Problem ist nur, dass ich bislang keinen Anreiz sehe meinen new 3ds einzumotten. Der einzige wäre meine Downloads übernehmen zu können. Das traue ich Nintendo aber nicht zu.
SHIELD erinnert mich irgendwie an die OBox aus China (ebenfalls 4K Konsole)

Takashi Moschizuki (WSJ NX Article Writer): NX Console Can Outrun Most PCs:

Alright guys keep in mind this has nothing to do with that forum poster link that has been floating around here, lets make that clear.

This is from Takashi Mochizuki the man who posted the Wall Street Journal article, he just responded to my email that I sent him regarding the "Industry Leading Chips" quote, here it is:

Originally Posted by Trevelyan9999

Several people who said who have seen a demo said what they saw is impossible to run on a computer without a "industry-leading" or "cutting-edge" chips. Cutting-edge in what way, they refused to elaborate.
And an important thing to remember, probably you know well already, is that chip specs won't be finalized until much closer date to the release.

hope this helps, and plz ask me follow-up questions if you have.


mochi http://www.nintengen.com/2015/10/nin...le-to-run.html
I'm kind of in a bit of shock right now.......I can't believe this, it's the real deal.....

Play with Power oder I WANTED ALL

Nintendo muss eiegntlich nur so frech wie damals sein.
Der Westen reagiert auf sowas extrem siehe Sony oder halt damals Nintendo/Sega
"Several people who said who have seen a demo said what they saw is impossible to run on a computer without a "industry-leading" or "cutting-edge" chips. Cutting-edge in what way, they refused to elaborate.
And an important thing to remember, probably you know well already, is that chip specs won't be finalized until much closer date to the release."

Hat man bei der U doch auch gesagt. Auf solche Sprüche würd ich nichts mehr geben.
"Several people who said who have seen a demo said what they saw is impossible to run on a computer without a "industry-leading" or "cutting-edge" chips. Cutting-edge in what way, they refused to elaborate.
And an important thing to remember, probably you know well already, is that chip specs won't be finalized until much closer date to the release."

Hat man bei der U doch auch gesagt. Auf solche Sprüche würd ich nichts mehr geben.

In der Tat: sowas wird bei jeder Konsole und jedem Hersteller gesagt und eigentlich nie in dem Umfang eingehalten. Aber interessant, wie im Untergrund schon jetzt Hype erzeugt wird xD Vielleicht ist ein Release nächstes Jahr doch drin?
In der Tat: sowas wird bei jeder Konsole und jedem Hersteller gesagt und eigentlich nie in dem Umfang eingehalten. Aber interessant, wie im Untergrund schon jetzt Hype erzeugt wird xD Vielleicht ist ein Release nächstes Jahr doch drin?

Also das Nintendo bald was Neues liefern muss glaube ich auch. Es kommen ja fast keine nennenswerten Spiele mehr.
In der Tat: sowas wird bei jeder Konsole und jedem Hersteller gesagt und eigentlich nie in dem Umfang eingehalten. Aber interessant, wie im Untergrund schon jetzt Hype erzeugt wird xD Vielleicht ist ein Release nächstes Jahr doch drin?

Hypes können niemals schlecht sein. Man erinnere sich nur an die Hölle, die beim PS4 Launch in den Läden los war. Selbst wenn Nintendo marketingtechnisch groß die Backen aufbläst ohne wirklich etwas zu liefern, so könnte es was werden. Die Leute sind anfällig dafür und um Nintendo war es diesbezüglich die letzten Jahre recht ruhig und man gab sich wenig kämpferisch.
Let the Hype begin. :awesome: :banderas:




Sobald ich sowas auf der NX sehe bin ich Fixkäufer. :v:
Wie du meine Wunde weitest, damit sie bei der NX Vorstellung aufgrund einer möglichen Enttäuschung dann vollkommen ausbluten kann. xD
Nochmal ein interessanter Kommentar, den ich auf NeoGAF gefunden habe: Ist ein Auszug aus einem Interview mit Dan Adelman (war damals für die Indie-Titel bei Nintendo zuständig):

"In many interviews, you’ve spoken publicly about how difficult it was to pass policies and get things done at Nintendo. For example, in your Kotaku interview you said, “I absolutely did try to fight internally to change whatever I could.” In your IndieGamerchick interview, you said, “Unfortunately, it was hard to get the changes I needed because no one could hear me over the ringing of all the cash registers.”

But why was it so difficult to get things done at Nintendo?

Is there a lot of bureaucracy, additional layers of management, and red tape?

Is it because NOA offices are not very autonomous, and you need to always report to Japan (NCL)?

Adelman: Nintendo is not only a Japanese company, it is a Kyoto-based company. For people who aren’t familiar, Kyoto-based are to Japanese companies as Japanese companies are to US companies. They’re very traditional, and very focused on hierarchy and group decision making. Unfortunately, that creates a culture where everyone is an advisor and no one is a decision maker – but almost everyone has veto power.

Even Mr. Iwata is often loathe to make a decision that will alienate one of the executives in Japan, so to get anything done, it requires laying a lot of groundwork: talking to the different groups, securing their buy-in, and using that buy-in to get others on board. At the subsidiary level, this is even more pronounced, since people have to go through this process first at NOA or NOE (or sometimes both) and then all over again with headquarters. All of this is not necessarily a bad thing, though it can be very inefficient and time consuming. The biggest risk is that at any step in that process, if someone flat out says no, the proposal is as good as dead. So in general, bolder ideas don’t get through the process unless they originate at the top.

There are two other problems that come to mind. First, at the risk of sounding ageist, because of the hierarchical nature of Japanese companies, it winds up being that the most senior executives at the company cut their teeth during NES and Super NES days and do not really understand modern gaming, so adopting things like online gaming, account systems, friends lists, as well as understanding the rise of PC gaming has been very slow. Ideas often get shut down prematurely just because some people with the power to veto an idea simply don’t understand it.

The last problem is that there is very little reason to try and push these ideas. Risk taking is generally not really rewarded. Long-term loyalty is ultimately what gets rewarded, so the easiest path is simply to stay the course. I’d love to see Nintendo make a more concerted effort to encourage people at all levels of the company to feel empowered to push through ambitious proposals, and then get rewarded for doing so."

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