I saw something interesting on Semi Accurate today. The details are unfortunately for subscribers only so I have no hard info to post. I've been reading Charlies' stuff for a long time, since before he created Semi Accurate, and he is usually pretty well-informed with his educated guesses on things before he publishes them.
The part that caught my attention is bolded below.
"It’s new console time again and SemiAccurate brings you news of Nintendo’s NX silicon. If you recall our past guesses were pretty spot on and this time should be the same. You might also recall we made some pretty surprising calls on the console silicon front too, and this one will probably make most of you pick your jaw off the floor."
Most people have speculated an AMD APU will be powering the NX, so my interest is piqued by the jaw dropping part. AMD x64 silicon isn't jaw dropping to me. What could the jaw dropping part be referring to?
There is a forum thread at Semi Accurate where people make some interesting guesses, one being that Charlie isn't referring the CPU/GPU, but rather some other chip in the NX.
For those unfamiliar with Semi Accurate, some content is locked behind a paywall, which it turn prevents forums from discussing the content as well. The info will probably trickle out at some point, but until it does I shall be waiting, interest piqued.