Wii No More Heroes 2: Desperate Struggle [MMV x Grasshopper]

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Außerdem hat GameSpot ein Interview mit Suda geführt:

We chat with the self-proclaimed punk rock developer about some of the new features fans can expect from the sequel to No More Heroes.

One of the big third-party Wii games set to be shown at E3 2009 is No More Heroes: Desperate Struggle, the sequel to 2008’s eccentric and hyper-violent story of Travis Touchdown, a young man who takes his trusty lightsaber on a quest to kill the world’s top 10 assassins. What can fans expect to see out of this upcoming sequel? For the answer to that question, we recently spoke with the game’s director, Suda51.

GameSpot: Tell us about the story. Does it pick up where the original game ended?

Suda51: NMH2 picks up 3 years after the events of the original game. Travis is still living in his same motel room, but things have changed in Santa Destroy and the city has been overtaken by an industrial conglomerate. Travis soon becomes aware of a terrible tragedy strikes him close to home. His thirst for revenge pushes him to once again fight his way to the top of the UAA (United Assassins Association) rankings.

GS: What changes have been made to the open world to make it more engaging?

Suda: You will find out more about this later, but rest assured that the city of Santa Destroy has been greatly improved and will offer far more interesting opportunities.

GS: Is the game still broken up between over-world segments, where you must earn money doing odd jobs, and assassination levels?

Suda: The structure of the game is consistent with NMH1. Expect more variety this time around with a wider range of odd jobs and assassination levels that will connect to the main storyline.

GS: Do the dual lightsabers impact how you control the game? For instance, can you use two remotes? Or do you swing the nunchuck as well?

Suda: The sword system will remain consistent with that of NMH1, with improved accuracy. Having 2 katanas will certainly impact the gameplay. Sorry, but it’s too early to discuss how it will affect your use of the controller at this time.

GS: Are there more weapons in your arsenal aside from the lightsabers?

Suda: Travis is a good assassin because of his Beam Katana, so don’t expect any other types of weapons in his arsenal.

GS: Does the motorcycle make a return? Will there be any new vehicles?

Suda: Travis will again ride his motorcycle. More details on this to come, but there will be many cool options available.

GS: Will there be more optional minigames to keep things fresh?

Suda: Yes, there are new minigames and a larger selection to choose from. More information on this later.

GS: What sort of boss encounters can we expect?

Suda: You should expect boss encounters that are just as cool as what you had in NMH1. This time around you can also expect bigger battles, sometimes with several bosses at once. Look forward to the return of some old favorites along with some really good surprises in store!
Zuletzt bearbeitet:
Fast zeitgleich. :ugly:

Suda: You should expect boss encounters that are just as cool as what you had in NMH1. This time around you can also expect bigger battles, sometimes with several bosses at once. Look forward to the return of some old favorites along with some really good surprises in store!

Klingt besonders geil.


Wie stehe ich nun da? :ugly:
Suda51 Has Bonkers Ideas For Wii Vitality Sensor

Nintendo's recent announcement of the Wii Vitality Sensor may have convinced certain fans they've finally lost the plot, but No More Heroes creator Goichi Suda (better known as Suda51) is already brimming with ideas for the peripheral. Sadly he's not yet ready to divulge what they are, but considering the hero in No More Heroes saves on the toilet, you'd better believe they'll be completely barmy.

Slightly less worrying is Suda's assurance that his development team are trying their best to incorporate Wii MotionPlus support into their second No More Heroes game, subtitled Desperate Struggle. If support for the peripheral elevates the game's beam katana fighting into the lightsaber game we've all been imagining for the past few years, it should outstrip the original's disappointing sales easily.

What sorts of ideas does Suda51 have in-store for the Vitality Sensor? A minigame where you have to poke your finger inside a machine to retrieve a lodged coin? Who knows?










Zuletzt bearbeitet:
Boah D: Was freu ich mich auf dieses Spiel... das wird Amok :-D

Gibts diesmal kein Blut? o.o ... Nichmal für die US-Version?
Nich, dass ich es unbedingt brauch, frag nur interessehalber^^
Blut wird natürlich wieder drin sein, angeblich auch in EU.

Ich find's übrigens merkwürdig, dass diesmal der erste Trailer die geschnittene Version zeigt. Bei Teil 1 hat man damals direkt von Beginn nicht mit dem roten Lebenssaft gegeizt.
Zuletzt bearbeitet:
whoa, die screens sind geil! spiel glaub ich jetzt nochmal den ersten teil durch, hab wieder voll lust auf travis bekommen! der ist meiner meinung nach einer der coolsten videospielcharaktere aller zeiten und ich spreche hier von echter coolheit und nicht diese aufgesetzte, pseudocoolheit....bei travis schwingt die coolness quasi im subtext mit!
Zuletzt bearbeitet:
Grafisch sieht das ganze dieses mal auch deutlich besser aus!
Freu mich drauf.
Vorm Release spiel ich Teil 1 noch durch :D
:shakehead: :shakehead: :shakehead: :shakehead: :shakehead: :shakehead: :shakehead:

Ich verstehe es net....:cry:

Und ich WUSSTE, dass du darauf antworten wirst!
Ich wusste es :D

Also ich erklärs dir:
1. Ich hab noch eine ganze Menge an Spielen vor mir die durchgespielt werden wollen
2. (und das ist der wichtige Grund) Ich hab kein Component Kabel für meine Wii, damit die Spiele auf dem HDTV Fernseher besser aussehen. Und bei NMH tun mir echt die Augen weh. Das flimmert echt unerträglich.
Und da ich so schnell nicht das Geld für so ein Kabel auftreiben kann, muss es eben warten :)

Aber weiß du was? Mich störts nicht, da ich das ganze geniale Spiel ja noch vor mir hab ;)
ich hab teil eins auch noch nicht gezockt, hoffentlich finde ich mal ne videothek die das führt.

aber die screens oben vom zweier sehen echt schon geil aus.
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