Hier mal ein paar Infos zu zukünftigen Updates:
Specifications of the Vehicle: So I have found out a lot - if not all - of the details about the buggy. Lets start by calling it a Hybrid ATV. What did I mean by that? Well, it's an ATV (All Terrain Vehicle) that has both Vertical Boosters and a Jet Engine to accelerate it. This means that not only can it get you around the planet but it can also lift off the ground with its vertical launch thrusters. Looking at the game files I noticed a reference to being able to jump in the ATV, which is why I'm assuming it has vertical thrusters. As far as I am aware, the buggy has 3 different technology categories. These are: Jetpack, Mounted Guns and Boosters - all of which can be upgraded to Alpha, Beta and Gamma modules (which will increase their performance respectively). Jetpack upgrades will allow the vehicle to get to a higher maximum altitude, and the upgraded Mounted Guns will allow for precision aiming by reducing recoil, while the boosters will allow for better maneuverability.
Getting the Vehicle To get a buggy you will need to build a Vehicle Terminal from the Specialist Terminal category and hire a mechanic from a space station. Once you've done this, you will need to complete missions to get the ATV working. This will require getting Acid to put into the battery, finding Tropheum and Fervidium to upgrade the Jetpacks, finding Copper Wire to make the onboard weapons system, and building a vehicle garage.
Vehicle Garage You will need a Vehicle Garage which is a "proximity-locked, secure parking facility for the Hybrid ATV personal transport". This will be required to get the vehicle (I'm not sure how to make it at the moment).
There is so much more information that I've written up that you can read for yourself, so I will provide you with a link to all of the dialogue, tech and other stuff. I have also managed to import the Vehicle Garage into the game, and I've made a video to show you all.
I would just like to say that the foundation update has added A LOT more than you think it has. Looking into the game files more we see that there is references to a possible 4th race called the Diplomat, there are references to freighters having tech trees and much more that we haven't even discovered yet... I really appreciate the work that Hello Games is doing and I truly feel awful for posting this, but oh well.
Der Buggy ist also quasi bestätigt.

Außerdem werden noch ein Mechaniker und noch eine vierte Rasse hinzugefügt. Hoffentlich kommt das nächste Update noch dieses Jahr.