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Not sure if serious:
Da kostet mich eine 25er 3DS Shop Karte, die ich mir via Mail zuschicken lasse und mit Paypal zahlen will EUR 27,87...
Ich wills zwar nicht beim Gameshop/sonstwo kaufen müssen, oder meine KK angeben, aber bei solchen Preisen kauf ich lieber nix...

Joa, weiss das es überteuert ist. Ist aber vermutlich für die gedacht die schnell Guthaben benötigen... Ich würde dort auch nicht kaufen.
Not sure if serious:
Da kostet mich eine 25er 3DS Shop Karte, die ich mir via Mail zuschicken lasse und mit Paypal zahlen will EUR 27,87...
Ich wills zwar nicht beim Gameshop/sonstwo kaufen müssen, oder meine KK angeben, aber bei solchen Preisen kauf ich lieber nix...

die sind nicht nur bei den 3DS Karten so teuer, sondern auch bei den PSN Cards
Vorallem wollen die 1,20€ zusätzlich, wenn ich mit Paypal zahle... öhmm... nein!?

uiii die psn cards sind schon etwas billiger geworden. früher waren die schon etwas teuer. es wäre ja ok, wenn man die zugeschickt bekommt aber das geht alles über e-mail :ugly: da geh ich lieber zu einen händler und hol mir die karten so, als bei denen zu bestellen.
uiii die psn cards sind schon etwas billiger geworden. früher waren die schon etwas teuer. es wäre ja ok, wenn man die zugeschickt bekommt aber das geht alles über e-mail :ugly: da geh ich lieber zu einen händler und hol mir die karten so, als bei denen zu bestellen.
Nee, nee, ich finde den Mail Versand schon ganz ansprechend und habe ja direkt einen solchen Shop gesucht, so hab ich keinen Müll rumliegen und wenige Minuten nach dem Bezahlen mein Produkt, wenn die nen anständiges System aufgebaut haben. Aber bei besten Willen, nicht für den Preis!
Wenn Euch Euer 3DS fragt, ob Ihr den neuen EuroSport Channel installieren wollt (was meins gerade gemacht hat), spart Euch die Zeit. Es ist Nintendo Video mit einem EuroSport-Skin. Das exakt selbe Programm mit dem exakt selben Konzept: Vier ausgewählte Clips via SpotPass.
Cool! Hab das Spiel auf den Konsolen nie gezockt, von daher keine Ahnung was fehlt :ugly:

Fands immer nur ganz interessant, aber sowas ist nichts, was ich gemütlich auf dem großen Fernseher zocke.
Ja 16 neue und 16 SNES Strecken.
Ursprünglich gabs aber 20 Strecken bei Super Mario Kart.
Also wurden 4 nicht übernommen.

edit: War ewig her, an das erinnere ich mich.
Wir sehens ja am Freitag.

Habe jetzt mal bei Gamefaqs nachgeschaut:

Mario Kart: Super Circuit hat 20 neue Strecken plus 20 (alle!) SNES-Strecken!

Es gibt 5 Cups a 4 Strecken plus 5 Extra-Cups a 4 SNES-Strecken!!!


3.01. Mushroom Cup

Peach Circuit

Walkthrough - The first corner is a very sharp u-turn, so drift around it and
go onward to collect an item from the row of item boxes. Drift
the left, right left combo of turns and again with the left turn
shortly after. The course then finishes with tame right and left
turns and sharp left then right corners.
Shortcuts - You can use a mushroom to cut out a corner in the turns after the
first set of item boxes.
- After the three turns is a slight right then left; you can use a
mushroom to the left of the tree here to cut that out.
Other Tips - None.

Shy Guy Beach

Walkthrough - Drive onward, drift left at the far island and past a vegetated
area. Drive over the bump and round the islands, navigating round
the crabs that litter them. Head over the small islands, sticking
in the middle to avoid the cannon fire either side and drift
round the corner. Now head down the left side of the vegetation
and through the shallow waters straight to the checkpoint.
Shortcuts - When you first come to the green vegetated area on the left you
can use a mushroom to boost through to the other side and over
and island.
Other Tips - Stick to the light, shallow waters.

Riverside Park

Walkthrough - Drive on and drift around this first corner, down the straight
and drift the next two corners, then jumping over the river
with the aid of the booster panels. Jump on the left side to
make use of the booster panels on the other side too, and
brake and turn to get round the hairpin. Turn left, drift another
hairpin left, down the straight, right, right again and onward
to the bridge. After is a long spiral corner which can be
completely drifted to some booster panels that take you back to
the checkpoint.
Shortcuts - After the first corner there is bridge on the right that goes
through the barrier. Naturally there's a gap in it, so use a
mushroom to make your way across.
Other Tips - Getting in any water means you'll have to be fished out, wasting
a fair amount of time.

Bowser Castle 1

Walkthrough - Drift the first two corners, down the straight and remain in
the centre of the track as you go round the next corner to stay
clear of the Thwomps. Stay on the left to avoid the gravel pit,
banking right as the track shifts and drifting the left U-Bend.
The next straight is full of bumps over lava with fireballs,
which are pretty hard to get hit by so if you do, count it as
bad luck. Drift the final corner and onward to finish.
Shortcuts - None.
Other Tips - None.

3.02. Flower Cup

Mario Circuit

Walkthrough - Drift the first corner slightly then stick to the centre of the
road to make it to a straight. Drift the inside of this U-Bend
and the same again with the following corner and U-Bend. Head
straight through the mini S-Bend and round the final hairpin to
the checkpoint.
Shortcuts - At the final corner, use a mushroom halfway round to the layby
next to the checkpoint to find a booster panel.
Other Tips - None.

Boo Lake

Walkthrough - Drift the first corner and stay on the left to use the extra
booster panel as you go across the jumps. Drift right early
on the next corner to avoid hitting the outside of the track
and head around either side of the gap in the centre. Drift
the next corner and hairpin to a straight to a square U-bend
(there is a bridge going straight through it if you can do it).
Go the rest of the way to the checkpoint without drifting as the
corners are rather tame and finish.
Shortcuts - There is a small square U-Bend toward the end of the course. You
can cut this out however by using the bridge that goes through it -
brake early and take care across you should stick save a bit of
Other Tips - The tiles get destroyed when you touch them, so on later laps
watch how you go.

Cheese Land

Walkthrough - Cut round the inside of the starting corner and head straight
through the S-Bend, exiting on the left of the rock at the end.
Drive on to in-between two barriers and drift around the left to
some booster jumps - remember to turn quickly after as hairpin
turns follow each one. Now just follow the track, avoiding the
mice, until you reach the checkpoint.
Shortcuts - At the first booster jump if you drift to the right you can
head straight over past the final jump directly to the right.
- At the final S-Bend section, use mushrooms over the dirt to cut
a lot of it out.
Other Tips - Avoid the mice!

Bowser Castle 2

Walkthrough - Perform a single drift round these first two corners so you
end up on the left side for the booster panel. Do a similar drift
for the other end, and head left of the Thwomp and end up on the
far left in this mesh area and turn right. There a booster here
but remember to move to the left straight after to avoid the
Thomp that is beyond. Either way turn right over a booster jump
and stick to the right side to take advantage of the item box
at the end. Drift right and here remain on the far right for the
boosters and to avoid all the bogus lava pits. Drift right and
head straight to the check point while avoiding the two Thomps.
Shortcuts - None.
Other Tips - DRIFT ROUND CORNERS. They are mostly right angles so it's very
useful and important if you do so.
- The last mesh area has many bogus lava pits - ie. booster
jumps that lead you across pits that are too big for you to land
in. Just stick to the far right if you please.

3.03. Lightning Cup

Luigi Circuit

Walkthrough - Turn left then drift wide left (to avoid the puddles) as well
as drifting the next right u-turn. Avoid the puddles on the left
side, drift the sharp u-turn and drift into the s-bend to the
right, and do the same again whilst going out. Again drift the
next two u-bends and simply drive straight through the middle of
this windy section finishing off with drifting the last two
u-bends and staying in the middle of the track (puddles at the
edges) to the check point.
Shortcuts - None.
Other Tips - Drift round the u-turns, please.
- You can leap over puddles if you need to.

Sky Garden

Walkthrough - Drift left and turn left and over the booster jump. Follow the
track right and drift to the left, and go on ward. Here you
can go round the u-bend normally, use the jump over the gap to
get an item box or use the shortcut (see below). Either way you
will end up at a bridge, so drift right onto the track again
and follow the track for a short while. Drift round the sharp
right turn, on to the bridge and drift off again. Drift the
final corner and avoid the booster jump (it's useless and I'm
fairly certain it slows you down a little) and continue onward
to the finish.
Shortcuts - After the first turn, you can use a mushroom on the small wooden
ramp ahead on to some clouds beyond with links you to the track
a little later on. To be honest this doesn't cut that much of the
track off as the clouds you land on slow you down a fair bit, so
unless you are using triple mushrooms or a golden mushroom, save
you single one until the next shortcut.
- Where there is a small booster ramp (with an item above), to the
right is a small wooden ramp. Using a mushroom here will fly you
straight onto the bridge, cutting a fair few seconds. Very handy.
- The final shortcut is toward the end. Just before the green bridge
is a cloud filling the gap. You can jump these gaps (R button) or
drive straight over using a mushroom here to skip the bridge and
save some time. Even with jumping it's a time safer, so adopt this.
Other Tips - Take note of the useful shortcuts above, as they are very handy.

Cheep Cheep Island

Walkthrough - Drift left around the first corner, slow down for the twisting
bridge then around the central grass to the bridge that follows.
After the following corner if you cut left sharply there is
another smaller side route with booster panels - drive over
these and stick to the left to find another set, taking you to
the bridge. Drift left around round to another few bridges
then a sharp right angle turn taking you to a large bridge that
splits. Take either path to the far corner, where you can drift
if you like but beware of the barrierless corners. When you come
off the checkpoint awaits.
Shortcuts - At the far bottom left of the map the track goes down and back up
again. Instead continue right to find a small bump. Use a mushroom
here to fly over to booster islands that take you to the strange
Other Tips - None.

Sunset Wilds

Walkthrough - Drift the first two U-bends and head through the muddy patch in
the road. Turning left, there are boosters on the road with
bumps in front of each. If you want to use them you have to jump
before hand and land on top of them. Continue to another mud
patch covered in booster panels. Continue to the tight hairpin,
down a straight, another tight hairpin turning left to an
are of teepees and booster panels. Use the panels to zip down
the road (hold left as the track banks left) and round the hair
pin that follows. After the next U-Bend avoid the rocks either
side of the road to come to the checkpoint.
Shortcuts - Straight after the booster road with teepees, there is a bump on
the right next to the barrier. Use a mushroom here and if you timed
it right you'll come out next to the starting checkpoint.
Other Tips - If you hit a teepee a Shy Guy sticks to you for a few seconds.

3.04. Star Cup

Snow Land

Walkthrough - Drive left and right, then drift round to the long straight.
Just turn normally until you reach a left U-bend, being sure to
come out more or less in the centre of the track to avoid the
penguins and cracks at the sides. After the U-Bend at the end
exit on the far left to avoid the massive crack in the ice and
to use the booster panel. Drive around the sudden nudge right in
the road, drift the final corner and finish.
Shortcuts - Before the first long straight you can go straight on to a side
area. This takes you to some booster panels back on to the track.
- On the road before the nudge (bottom of map) there is a huge crack
on the right side of the road. If you drive to the right of this
there is a path to the side of the main road.
- At the nudge in the road (bottom of the map) there is a bump at
the barrier before it, so you can drive straight over it if you
like. Use a mushroom and you'll check the ice patch after too.
Other Tips - Avoiding hitting snowmen, trees and the lake on the sides of the

Ribbon Road

Walkthrough - Turn right, drift close on the inside of the hairpin that
follows exiting on the inside to get use other small booster
panel before the big jump across the road. Land on the right
for another panel and drift right to the inside of the next
corner to take advantage of another booster panel. Drift the
bend before the next jump, over the few small bumps and on the
inside of the right turn for another booster panel. There are
most boosters as the track shifts, around the corner (inside for
the booster), left, drift right round the U-bend, left, drift the
U-Bend right and nudge right as the track shifts to finish.
Shortcuts - At the first booster jump turn right to end up past where you'll
land for the second booster jump, skipping out a decent portion of
the track.
Other Tips - There is a shed load of hairpins and U-Bends here, so practice up
on the drifting.

Yoshi Desert

Walkthrough - Drift left through the mini S-bend, drift left tight round in the
inside of the corner, right U-Bend, drift the left turn early
to come out to some booster panels and an open area. Boost
straight through, left, drift right watching out for the
whirlpools either side of the track and after a few small bumps
a left driftable U-turn. Next is a sharp right turn but thanks to
a small bump you can drive over that to skip some of it. Drive
around the lake and onward to the checkpoint.
Shortcuts - When you reach the lake there is a bump on the very left side,
along the barrier. Use a mushroom to jump over the lake and to
appear at the checkpoint.
Other Tips - The whirlpools here are dangerous, one wheel in and you'll get
sucked in, so watch where you are drifting.

Bowser Castle 3

Walkthrough - Drift round the first two let corners, and wide right to avoid
the Thwomps. Over the grates, turn right, left and left again
to the bumpy area. Bomb straight across; if you get hit by a
fireball then it's pretty much bad luck. Drift the U-Bend at the
end, straight to the end and right past the Thwomps - watch out
as the track thins up a little and has no barriers. Stick in the
middle, drift right, through the jagged section, drift left round
the end U-Bend and head down the centre of the track to avoid
the pits on either side to the checkpoint.
Shortcuts - At the bumpy section of the lava, at the last one you can sharply
turn left and make it over the barrier. This may be easier if you
use a mushroom.
Other Tips - None.

3.05. Special Cup

Lakeside Park

Walkthrough - Drive onward, drift round right and go straight through the
following S-bend by going by the inside of the trees at the
corners. Drift left around the corner, coming out on the left to
avoid the gap in the bridge, and drive slow round the next two
right turns - the first is tame, the second sharp. Lava should
start dropping now where the holes are in the ground, so avoid
going over them. Drift the next few tight turns and around to the
booster jump - note that you if you go too far on the last corner
then you may go over the bump and back over the wall, so stay
tight on the inside on that final corner. After the jump cut
right, drift right and shift left to the checkpoint.
Shortcuts - At the booster jump toward the end, if you take advantage of the
smaller panel before and a mushroom, you *may* just make it past
the far barrier and meet out near to the checkpoint.
Other Tips - The dark holes in the ground are where lava drops should fall, so
avoid 'em.

Broken Pier

Walkthrough - Head right, and drive right round the corner as the left side
after is easy to fall off, and drifting could make you do that.
Continue to the end, driving right round, through the middle,
left and straight on to the bridge at the end. Navigate around
the track, right, and stay on the left using the booster to get
over the thin bridge that skips a corner. Continue left, and use
the booster but straight away brake and turn otherwise you'll hit
the edge of the track. Simply continue now to the checkpoint.
Shortcuts - On the outside after the first corner there is a hidden bridge.
It flashes blue now and again if you wait.
- Looking at the map, on the right side there is a square section
there. If you go there, there is a bump on the edge. If you use a
mushroom here you'll land at an island with boosters on, taking you
to further down the track. A great shortcut if you can get it
Other Tips - Broken Pier - not to be confused with Brighton Pier.

Bowser Castle 4

Walkthrough - Cut straight through the mini bend and drift left. Go more or
less down the middle of the lava pits (you can jump them if you
like) and slow down for the tight turn after. Right, right at the
end to the grated area after. Head through the S-Bend and thin
section of track - turn on the inside to get to a side path
loaded with booster panels. At the end cut left back on to the
main track, round the corner, over the bumpy segments (take the
right path) and over the jump. Mecha-Bowsers populate the track
ahead. Navigate round the turns, drift the final U-bend and down
the straight to the checkpoint.
Shortcuts - None.
Other Tips - None.

Rainbow Road

Walkthrough - Turn round the first few corners and drift right. At the end of
the straight is a very tight hairpin, so slow down and cut left
early and jump over it. Head onward, drift the U-bend and right
to where the track shifts right with a small path on the left.
For the left path read below at the shortcuts. Otherwise head
down the right side using the boosters to get to the far end
quicker. Drift the corner and the track will get thinner; ahead
is a section of booster jumps. Stay on the right to get more
boosts and at the end slow down for the turning, where on the
inside at the end is a line of booster panels that take you over
the checkpoint.
Shortcuts - After the first few corners is a U-Bend. Instead of going round
use a mushroom to jump straight over to the other side, skipping
a large portion of the track.
- After the above shortcut you'll reach two paths; the main path on
the right and the thin one on the left. Jump over to the left one
where it'll be full of rapid booster panels. You'll gain loads of
speed, so at the end turn right to make it near the booster jumps.
You may overshoot but it's a great shortcut and well worth
Other Tips - Most of this track has either no barriers or bumpy barriers, so
ensure that you stick the centre of the track.

3.06. Extra Mushroom Cup

Mario Circuit 1

Walkthrough - Turn left and head down the straight and drift tight around the
corner. Drift towards the inside of the turning and collect
an Item Box. Drift into this tight left, along a small straight
and drift right, finishing off with a long left toward the
check point.
Shortcuts - You can cut a portion of the track out using a mushroom over the
large dirt area, just after the load of Item Boxes.
Other Tips - Placing items around the corners will limit the room opponents can
travel though, hindering their progress.

Donut Plains 1

Walkthrough - Drift right on to the bridge, followed by another driftable
right turn. Go left and then drift right, nice and close to the
mud, followed by nice and long left and right corners. Again
drift these close to the inside, and that's a lap!
Shortcuts - After the right turn after the bridge, you can go straight on
and miss the corner via the gap in the barrier. Use a mushroom
through this to make full advantage of it.
Other Tips - As the bridge is thin, place a few items on there to hinder your

Ghost Valley 1

Walkthrough - Drift round the first left and go straight through the bendy
section of track. Drift the left, drive over the bump and drift
the next left. Be sure to drive over the next bump at some speed
to make it over the gap in the road, right and around the next
two bends to the checkpoint.
Shortcuts - None.
Other Tips - If you hit a tile at the edge it'll be destroyed, so you can
be a bit clumsy on some of the tricky corners but on later laps
watch out you don't fall out of the holes you've made.

Bowser Castle 1

Walkthrough - Drift round the first corner, head further down ahead of you
and drift the next left. Head down the straight, and drift right
around the U bend to the next bumpy straight over the segments of
lava, completely drift another bend to another bumpy straight,
and do the same with the last few corners to the home straight.
Shortcuts - None.
Other Tips - None.

3.07. Extra Flower Cup

Mario Circuit 2

Walkthrough - Drive straight through the middle of the S-bend (through the two
pipes in the middle), drift the next two left corners, drive
slow round the tight right, drift the right corner, and drift
early around the corner before the speed boost over the road. If
you boost on the left side you can go tight around the inside of
the corner to shave off some time.
Shortcuts - As you enter the S-bend at the start, use a star or mushroom
straight across to the far side of the dirt.
Other Tips - If you use a mushroom at the speed boost jump you can get more
height and get a lot further.

Choco Island 1

Walkthrough - Head left of the flower and drift the corner, over the small
bumps and straight through the S-bend. Drift the next left and
drive around the puddles in the road on these last few turns to
the checkpoint.
Shortcuts - You can use a mushroom straight after the checkpoint to the right
of the flower and round left.
- There are a few bumps around the puddles at the end, and if you
use a mushroom before them you can jump over the barriers and cut
out some of the track.
Other Tips - The puddles toward the end slow you down, so if you have a star or
mushroom you can go straight through them and retain your speed.

Ghost Valley 2

Walkthrough - Drift around the first wide U-Bend and drive left round the
corner. Stick to the left to go around the barrier and go right,
and then right left right quickly making sure you exit wide on
the right to avoid the gaps in the track. Finish off my drifting
the final corner to the checkpoint.
Shortcuts - None.
Other Tips - As said in the walkthrough, toward the end after a few quick
corners exit wide on the right turn to avoid the hole in the

Donut Plains 2

Walkthrough - Drift this first long left corner, onward and start to drift the
next left but slow down and carefully drive through this lake
side S-bend as it's quite tight. As you exit there's a sharp
hairpin right, stick close left round the corner that follows,
and continue onward and drift around the wide right turn. Drift
tight on the inside of the final corner to finish at the
Shortcuts - None.
Other Tips - None.

3.08. Extra Lightning Cup

Bowser Castle 2

Walkthrough - Drift the first right angled corner and stick on the right side
of the track and over the lava pit and drift the U-bend that
follows. Drift left after the arrow, down the straight and drift
on the inside of the next corner. Drift left and quickly right,
where you'll come to a plaza like section where you are offered
two routes around a square segment. Take the outside as it allows
you to drift round around it. Drift the right turn to a bumpy
lava straight with two paths; either side is good but remember
that they form into one later down. After drift close to the
inside to be on the finishing straight.
Shortcuts - After the first U-Bend there's an arrow pointing onward on the
track. Just to the left of this is a road with the word 'STOP' on.
In the SNES version a feather would have taken you over here, but
you don't have such an item in this game.
Other Tips - None.

Mario Circuit 3

Walkthrough - Drift right, drive around the two left corners and drift right
on the exit to a tight right corner and a fairly long straight.
This ends in a really tight hairpin so stick to the right and
drift close to the corner and wide again (but make sure you don't
hit the pipes as you exit the corner). You can drift the next
wide bend around to the S-bend which has to be taken with care,
finishing with the final driftable corner.
Shortcuts - None.
Other Tips - None.

Koopa Beach 1

Walkthrough - Drift round the immediate right and drift straight through the
middle of the islands that go slowly right round. Head straight
through the light section of water, drift the corner as you
return to land to meet a vegetated section. Drive around the left
side and finish by drifting right through the small island and
back to where the checkpoint is.
Shortcuts - Just before the first section of water you can turn right and
head straight across to the far corner and over a small island
along the way, which has a item box on.
Other Tips - Stay on the light segments of water at all times; the dark areas
will cause you to sink instantly.

Choco Island 2

Walkthrough - Drift left, then drift left then right to a thin path through
several piranha plants. Drift right to a massive mud field,
where on the left is an island with some item boxes. After is
a load of bump ramps scattered everywhere, and if you are in
a light kart you'll go flying, so try and remain on the ground
at all times (you can't jump them, either). After the item
boxes stay on the right side to miss most of them here, and
finish with a drift to the right and race to the check point.
Shortcuts - Straight ahead from the start is a gap in the barrier, which can
be made via a mushroom skipping out the first two or so turns.
Other Tips - Use a mushroom or star over the mud sections.

3.09. Extra Star Cup

Vanilla Lake 1

Walkthrough - Drift right, straight on, drift the next right and through the
pipes that follow. After are several ice tiles that block the
path; try your best to drive through them but if you hit one
then it'll be destroyed for further laps anyway. There is
another line after, then turn right and stick on the right to
avoid the cracks and navigate your way through the field of
tiles. Stick on the inside turn that follows to avoid the
pipes and the sticking out barrier both on the outside that
follows to the checkpoint.
Shortcuts - None.
Other Tips - One of the tougher tracks in the game.
- As said in the walkthrough, if you hit a tile then it'll be
destroyed for future laps.
- Try and use a star when going through the tiled section, making
your work a lot easier.

Bowser Castle 3

Walkthrough - Drift left and move to the centre of the track quickly as it
tightens up. Gain some speed to use the bumps over the lava
and turn left immediately after the second to get round the
corner. Next is an area of bumpy sections to the far side, so
stick to the far left side to finish on the far left exit meaning
you'll save a few seconds of time. Turn left straight away
and down the thin straight, drift the wide U-Bend that follows
and drive down any of the three paths down the following
straight. Drift round this final bend and drive through the
bendy track to finish.
Shortcuts - None.
Other Tips - None.

Mario Circuit 4

Walkthrough - Drift the first left corner and turn early for the sharp right
afterward. Turn right and get ready for the sharp left, drift
round left on the red inside of the track while not hitting a
pipe and drive round the next corner to a wide straight.
Stay on the left to drift early and close to the hairpin that
follows. Drive on down the slightly bendy lane, drift the corner,
through the S-Bend and tight round the final bend.
Shortcuts - Before the final S-Bend you can use a mushroom to cut through
the gap in the barrier to the right.
Other Tips - Plenty of tight corners and hairpins here, so make sure you
practice your drift!

Donut Plains 3

Walkthrough - Drive slow through this windy path to the bridge, ensuring that
you stick to the left side to avoid the hole on the right.
Drift right around to the next bridge and jump the gap toward
the end. Brake and turn hard left after, drive slow down the
path and drift round the inside of the bend. Drive close to the
insides of the S-bend like section to finish at the checkpoint.
Shortcuts - None.
Other Tips - If you fall in to the water, you can drive out again before the
Lakitu rescues you.

3.10. Extra Special Cup

Koopa Beach 2

Walkthrough - Drift left until the item boxes are close, and do it again
until you are close to the Cheep Cheep. This water section has
both light and dark shades of blue; stay on the lighter shade
as you'll instantly fall down the darker shade and have to get
dropped back on again. Head down the right side to avoid most of
the nasty parts and to sample one of the three item boxes. Drift
round the rest of the corners now, until you reach the shallow
bit of water that you can drive through, to the check point.
Shortcuts - None.
Other Tips - None.

Ghost Valley 3

Walkthrough - Drift the first right corner and stick in the middle and
drift around the U-Bend at the end. Head straight down the
middle of this jagged section and round the next corner close
to the inside and onward sticking to the left to avoid the gap in
the track. Drift right around the U-bend ensuring you come out
on the left side to avoid the gap on the right; when you use the
bump try and go down the left of the hole ahead. Head through
the jagged section and round to the checkpoint to finish.
Shortcuts - None.
Other Tips - You could try using a feather on the gaps toward the end of the

Vanilla Lake 2

Walkthrough - Drive left around sticking close to the cracks, onward and then
jumping the crack if you can. After the next crack
are blocks of tiles - there are small gaps between that you
can drive down, so slow down and head through here. Jump the
next crack sticking out and instead of dealing with the crazy
cracked section on the left just plow straight the snow
and through the barrier gap on the right. Drive around the
outside of the tiles here to the checkpoint.
Shortcuts - Although I've counted it in the walkthrough, when you come to
the major cracked ice section there is a gap through
the right barrier; if you use a mushroom you can go straight
through here without being bogged down in the snow.
Other Tips - Try and use a star when going through the tiled sections, making
your work a lot easier.

Rainbow Road

Walkthrough - Head round the first right corner and drift the second and slow
down a little for the next corner. Drift around the U-bend here
and watch out as the track gets smaller as you exit. Drive
through to the end, slow down the next two corners and on the
next straight the path splits into two. Slow down for the
final corner as it's a bit tight and just continue onward to
finish at the checkpoint.
Shortcuts - None.
Other Tips - This course has no barriers, so take it slow round most corners.
Just 4 info man kann jetzt den EuroSport Channel runterladen. Habs schon gemacht, ist leider nur wie der Nintendo Channel (also 4 Videos per SP). Da es aber WATTS Videos sind und ich persönlich dise immer recht amüsant finde, ist es besser als nichts :)

Zumindest steigt der Content beim 3DS ;)
Also hat Mario Kart Super Curcuit die meisten Strecken aller Mario Kart Spiele.
Und spielt sich auch noch wie das tolle Super Mario Kart.
Schade das es nicht so bekannt ist, aber das wird sich bald ändern.
Wenn Euch Euer 3DS fragt, ob Ihr den neuen EuroSport Channel installieren wollt (was meins gerade gemacht hat), spart Euch die Zeit. Es ist Nintendo Video mit einem EuroSport-Skin. Das exakt selbe Programm mit dem exakt selben Konzept: Vier ausgewählte Clips via SpotPass.

Na und ist ja nix schlechtes! Nintendo Video ist gar nicht so schlecht wie alle sagen da waren echt schon einige Highlights drinne. Z.B. die Zelda Orchester Videos. Für einen kostenlosen Dienst vollkommen okay! Leute können auch immer nur meckern meckern meckern!
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