L15: Wise
Genau... Maul halten und fressen was da ist 

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Kann nicht so schlimm sein, wenn man das Lineup schlechter reden muss als es ist.Genau... Maul halten und fressen was da ist![]()
So ist es!
Und sollte es eine neue IP sein, hoffe ich auf ein Action-Adventure oder Action-RPG!
Ich will ein 08/15 Shooter von denen sehen, dass braucht die Switch IMO :-D
Genau... Maul halten und fressen was da ist![]()
Nein, beim besten Willen nun wirklich nicht!DKCR3, Metroid oder neue IP bitte....eines davon wird es wohl sein.
Kann nicht so schlimm sein, wenn man das Lineup schlechter reden muss als es ist.![]()
Was bringt es also immer und immer wieder darauf rumzureiten?
Ist ja schön für MS und Sony....muss aber nicht sein und man sollte imo lieber andere Genres bedienen. Aber vielleicht kommt ja tatsächlich ein Metroid FPS, also ein echter FPS und kein 1st Person knows....die E3 wird hoffentlich zeigen was Retro in der Mache hat.
Wenn die 2D Plattformer weiter für Qualität stehen, dann immer her damit. Weiß nicht wo das Problem ist, das eine schließt das andere ja nicht aus. So massig 2D Plattformer waren es auf der U nun auch nicht....fällt halt mehr auf, da das restliche Lineup durch null 3rd Support quasi ziemlich dünn war.![]()
Skully, du erwartest einfach Dinge von Nintendo, die kein Publisher dieser Welt leisten kann und je geleistet hat. Wenn dir das alles nicht ausreicht, dann kauf dir die Switch nicht oder nutze nebenbei eine andere Konsole. Ist doch eigentlich ganz einfach. Warum muss man darum immer so ein Gewese machen?
Ich denke ein Metroid mit der Splatoon Steuerung (optional auch nur Sticks) wäre ziemlich gut. Könnte man ja in der BotW Engine machen (die 3D Karte ist ja schon vorhanden) aber eher Open-Schlauch als Open World also zwar alles zusammenhängend aber weniger offen als BotW.
Nicht jedes Spiel muss Open Irgendwas sein... Und Metroid den genialen Düster-Bunten Stil zu nehmen und in ein Cel-Shading Gewand zu quetschen wäre ein ganz schöner Tritt in Richtung Fans. Man muss sich nur mal vorstellen, wie Metroid Prime auf der Switch aussehen könnte, wenn man sich ansieht, was aus einer PS3 gequetscht wurde... Und auf Switch dürfte da mehr möglich sein im Laufe der Zeit...
In April, Epic Games Japan held a lecture titled “Switch & Unreal: Making Game Development More Unreal” at Unreal Fest West ’17. It was delivered by representative Takayuki Kawasaki and senior support engineer Noriaki Shinoyama. Nintendo’s Masaru Mitsuyoshi and Yusuke Fukushima were there as well.
The lecture began with the reasons as to why Unreal Engine hadn’t been formally supported on Nintendo platforms until recently from the viewpoints of both Epic and Nintendo. Epic’s Kawasaki started by saying that there was a mismatch in timing. Epic couldn’t negotiate directly with Nintendo until they established Epic Games Japan in 2009, and the Wii U was released just when Epic was ending support for Unreal Engine 3. Epic had always wanted to support Nintendo consoles, and that desire is finally realized with Switch. The company had been provided with development materials from Nintendo since it was still in development under the NX code name.
Nintendo’s Mitsuyoshi also agreed on the “timing” aspect. Nintendo had been receiving requests to have Unreal Engine 3 titles on Wii U, so he had been keeping in touch with Kawasaki since then. When Switch was known as NX, developers were interested in using Unreal Engine 4 because that’s the era we’re in now. Kawasaki reached out right at the time when the demand for that was high, so the two sides could start communicating from an early phase.
During the talk, Kawasaki put out a comment, wondering if Nintendo had a change in heart given how it had been announced that Switch supports various middleware and tools from an early phase. In response, Mitsuyoshi explained that past Nintendo consoles used to be comprised of hardware with unique architecture, so they had to provide their own tools to developers. Switch, on the contrary, uses PC architecture, which makes it match up well with middleware and game engines. That means the Switch is more open when compared to Nintendo’s past consoles as well.
Mitsuyoshi also spoke of the importance of putting Switch into the main branch (for multiplatform development that’s used for PlayStation 4, Xbox One, and PC). Because in a major update for Unreal Engine 4, if Switch was the only version that was delayed for a month, there could be issues in creating games. In accordance with these point, Mitsuyoshi said that the 4.15 update which made Unreal Engine 4 formally support Switch was their first goal.
Nintendo is preparing for free and individual developers to be able to develop titles for Switch, as Mitsuyoshi had been receiving requests from indie developers wanting an easier environment to release titles on the system. The tools are to be sold in prices lower than 50,000 yen. Corporations that have custom license agreement with Epic Games were given development tools at the end of 2016, and also at that time version 4.15 became the main branch.
The free / EULA version is currently undergoing final adjustments from both Nintendo and Epic Games, and is planned to be supported in version 4.16 (to be released around mid-May). However, support for Switch will be only provided to those who have completed registration for Nintendo Switch Developer.
In the next segment, a developer going by the name Shinoyama and Fukushima showed a vehicle game demo for Switch made with the aforementioned dev kit that’s priced under 50,000 yen. Shinoyama said that in order for it to be playable on Switch, developers only need to push a button. Although performance adjustments and optimizations are still required after this, the basic pace of porting is simple with just one button.
Supporting local multiplayer can also be done smoothly. Shinoyama demonstrated that he could add local multiplayer support to the vehicle game demo in just a couple of minutes. Switch-exclusive features such as binding the way of holding Joy-Con (horizontally or vertically) are also supported, which allows flexibility for developers.
Performance settings between Switch’s TV and portable modes can be set in detail, too. Other than Differed and Forward Renderings, Clustered Forward Rendering can also be implemented, and the different rendering modes can be used with corresponding Switch modes. Epic’s Kawasaki and Shinoyama said that only Switch has the selection between these three rendering modes.
Finally, Shinoyama tried running a user-made game for Nintendo Switch, which is Casa Barragan by Makaya Kenichi. Shinoyama said that only the resolution was changed; due to the burden caused by some objects it could only run at 720p, but if adjusted it should be able to run at 1080p.
Zelda ist und bleibt ein neues Spiel, auch wenn es noch für die Wii U erscheint. Und solche Kracher direkt zum Start einer Konsole dürfte es ruhig öfter geben. Gibt es aber nicht.Mehr als zwei WiiU-Ports zum Start zu erwarten ist nun wahrlich nicht zu viel verlangt.
Ich will ein 08/15 Shooter von denen sehen, dass braucht die Switch IMO :-D
Kann nicht so schlimm sein, wenn man das Lineup schlechter reden muss als es ist.![]()