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Danke, wenn ich in der Hölle auch so herzlich empfangen werde bleib ich doch gern hier.
Achja, willkommen in der hölle. ;-)
Mal schaunEdit: glaub übrigens nicht, dass es in den westen kommt. has announced a new Adventure-RPG for the Nintendo DS called Item Getter in the latest Famitsu magazine. The game is due for release on February 2009 in Japan.
- New DS Adventure RPG
- Game is divided into Adventure and RPG part
- You can use alchemy to create new items
- Phantasy Star Zero (DS)
Publisher: SEGA
Developer: Sonic Team?
Release: Winter 08
- Character Designer : Toshiyuki Kubooka (IdolMaster, Lunar)
- Scenario : Tooru Shiwasu (formerly in charge of the online quest on the original PSO, now a writer)
- Scenario : Teru Arai (mystery novels writer)
- New in the PSO series
- Multi play over Nintendo WiFi connection
- Chat system supports sending of stylus sketches (Something like Pictochat)
- Blow into DS mic to send msg (??)
- Huge Dragon: Rayburn
- Girls Mode (DS)
Publisher: Nintendo
Developer: ?
Release: 23rd Oct/4800 Yen
- Fashion game
- Item Getter (DS)
Publisher: 5pb
Developer: ?
- New DS Adventure RPG
- Game is divided into Adventure and RPG part
- You can use alchemy to create new items
- Power Pro Pocket 11 (DS)
Publisher: Konami
Developer: Konami
Nuker schrieb:Jeden Mittwoch die selbe Nintendo-pWnage. Ist ja fast wie bei "Und täglich grüßt das Murmeltier"^^
Sega will SE wohl Konkurrenz in Sachen RPGs aufm DS machen ;-)
Die einzigen japaner, die den DS noch nicht richtig unterstützen ist wohl atlus aber die unterstützen bis auf die PS2 garnix![]()
RPG Item Getter angekündigt
5pb. has announced a new Adventure-RPG for the Nintendo DS called Item Getter in the latest Famitsu magazine. The game is due for release on February 2009 in Japan.
- New DS Adventure RPG
- Game is divided into Adventure and RPG part
- You can use alchemy to create new items
Grafisch gibt es schönere Titel auf dem NDS im Bereich RPGs. Aber die Itemkombinationen scheinen interessant gemacht zu sein. developer 5pb (Yasuhiko Nomura)
- aimed at being kid-friendly
- takes place in Aphilia
- story: Main character Piquet and his friends accidentally visit this land, all through the use of the Tribalt V, a vehicle that actually accesses portals to other worlds. The Tribalt V is the property of a museum, of which Piquets Dad is holding the grand opening.
One Piquet reachers Aphilia, he is thrown into prison. Apparenetly Piquet is a dead ringer for Jacques, an evil sorceror that almost destroyed Aphilia years ago. Thankfully, Piquets luck changes once he uses his light, which the townspeople think to be magic. When he uses the lighter for good, the town sees him as a hero, and the answer to stopping Jacques.
- over 1000 items to collect, combine, and create with
- you dont kill monsters, just beat them up to steal items from them.
- personally customize items to make them your own
- trade, share items over WFC
- due out in February in Japan Full title: My Very Own Fashion: Girls Mode
- play an employee at a clothing retailer
- help people find the right outfits for every occasion
- over 10,000 items to choose from in 16 categories
- recommend fashions based on real-life seasons, customers pricepoint
- current seasonal fashions (your DS calendar plays a role here), your customers likes and dislikes, and how much money shes willing to spend. Get it right, and shell buy more from you - do well, and the customer will return with friends do poorly, and youve lost future business
- start small as an employee in a shop (Lumina), but do well to move up the ranks. Get moved to a new location where you can decorate to your own liking, get spreads in fashion magazines, and earn rare items by nailing fashion shows
- WFC play
- Oct. 23rd in Japan
Nein ? Mit Etrian Odyseey 1+2 und den beiden Trauma Center Games haben die absolute Godgame gebracht :-D Imo.
ich find die spiele geil aber es sind schon sehr wenige
EO 2 z.b. ist ja nur leicht verändert gewesen^^ und TC 1 hatte ein ziemlichen unausbalancierten schwierigkeitsgrad. für fans sinds aber godgames![]()
Atlus selbst entwickelt auch net soviele Spiele selbst - abgesehen von der Ps2 sind 4 Atlus Games in der Gen schon mehr als viel. Ma schauen..erwarte noch en MegaTen fürn DS - wie auch immer, ein Spiel wie EO ist mir lieber als 10 weniger gute Games ^^