- General tech, animation (besides facial lip sync) is praised.
- Clipping is visible a bunch
- Distant enemies render at lower FPS (so they look jittery at a distance)
- Motion blur used is not very good quality
- Lighting and contrast levels are weird at times
- PS4 vs XB1:
PS4 is 1080p, XB1 is 864p.
Temporal reconstruction is used on base consoles too.
Noticeable loss in image quality when moving camera.
1080p on PS4 looks sharp when standing still but becomes blurry when moving. Same for XB1.
- Pro vs XB1:
Prioritize resolution mode:
Pro 1800p via CB rendering. XBX 1720p native.
Even XB1 has some kind of temporal reconstruction.
Visible stripling and DoF look worse on Pro.
When using resolution mode, additional detail found on Pro not present on XBX.
Slightly higher pixel count and more detail on Pro, more stable image on XBX.
Performance mode:
1080p on both.
Pro exhibits more detail while XBX has similar detail as base PS4.
Graphics mode:
1080p on both
Both have similar level of detail.
- Performance:
No option to cap FPS to 30
Frame time spikes all over the place.
Base consoles:
Base PS4 performance mostly same as Beta.
XB1 performance generally below 30 most of the time. Generally the worst performing version.
Pro vs XBX
Frame rate mode: Pro avg 40 FPS and below during combat. XBX avg is higher than Pro but still feels jerky due to hitches and frame time.
Some later areas run faster, XBX can reach 60 FPS in sparse areas.
No combat world exploration avg: Pro 43 FPS, XBX 46 FPS. Pro draws more detail in the world compared to XBX
Town: XBX avg is higher compared to Pro.
In prioritize resolution priority mode Pro is slightly higher avg compared to XBX but XBX has slightly less frame time spikes.
In prioritize graphics Pro performance is slightly faster or the same as resolution mode. XBX commands a significant lead on (8, 10 FPS).
XBX runs faster in Performance and Graphics mode. Pro runs slightly faster in Resolution mode.