L20: Enlightened
Das ist ja verrückt, Verbrennen ihre Konsolen, damit sie ein wenig Internetfame erhalten. Da war doch auch was wo einer in die Xbox gekifft hat um MS zu diskreditieren oder?
Komisch, das hier immer xboxen betroffen sind
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Love chiming in on these. IT for fire department for over a decade.
The scorching on the internal components, and the fact they're not completely charred, is indicative that the Xbox was indeed sitting below the fire and not the actual ignition point. Odds are something else was already on fire before they left the room. Glad the person and their cats are okay.
Unfortunately I see this post kicking off an entire chain of "Xbox burned up my stuff" lawsuits and publicity tactics.
Side note. The pop was likely a capacitor or glass on the TV shattering due to heat.
Ob unsere weißen Internetritter nun heroisch angetrabt kommen um das Niveau von randoms Post zu tadeln? Oder ist der Post ok, solange er nur in die richtige Richtung bashed?