L15: Wise
Wer kein Twitter hat, hier nochmal auf CW (und um es hier für die Ewigkeit festzuhalten)
"What you will hear from us more and more is a bit of a change of strategy and again I'm not annoucing anything broadly here. Our mission is to bring our 1st party experiences, our subscription services, to any screen that can take a, that can play a game. That means smart TV, that means mobile devices, that means what we would have called competition in the past like PlayStation and Nintendo. We are going to Nvidia Geforce Now their subsriciption business. When we think about about taking our businesses to these endpoints, again it's that high margins business to new gamers. Really Activision allows us to do it in a much, I don't want to say easier, but a much more fast way to get there. Versus trying to build on your own."