NDS Metroid Prime: Hunters NDS

  • Thread-Ersteller Thread-Ersteller R_Kelly
  • Erstellungsdatum Erstellungsdatum
Moses schrieb:
Das Spiel wurde auf das Erste Quartal 2006 verschoben :oops:

Die Meldung ist seit einem Monat überfällig, da sagte Craig von IGN schon:

Metroid: no way in heck is it going to be an August 22nd release, so we're just going to have to fix that entry in our database. It might not even make an October release, either. Stay tuned on that front, there may be some interesting news to report about that game.

-- Craig

Er hat damals schon gesagt, dass der Titel verschoben wird... nur bleibt immer noch die Frage was "there may be some interesting news to report about that game" bedeutet ;-)
die solln mal lieber n richtigen story mode einbauen... nich son dahingefuschten artefakte sammel dreck...

Story ganz weglassen und lieber den Ultimativen DS-Onlineshooter draus machen. Gescheite Waffenbalance, Gute Maps (größer ist nicht besser, schaut UT oder Quake an), Pickups ausbalancieren und auch die Respawnzeit dieser einstellen (30 Sekunden für Health z.B.; 60 Sekunden für starke Powerups wie Raketen). Dodgen wäre noch sehr gut, zweimal in eine Richtung strafen (wie beim Boostball). Dann noch ein Mapvotingsystem, Pregame-Chat/Lobby, einige Gamemodes und viele, viele Einstellungen wie Brightskins, Instagib und editierbare Emoticons für ingame.
Das würde ich mir wünschen, lieber auf solche Sachen achten als einen halbherzigen Singleplayer und einen halbherzigen Multiplayer. (½+½!=1)
Ich bin sowieso auf den Single player gespannt. Soll ja komplet anders werden als die bisherigen Metroid games. OOHHH Big N brauche Infos :(
Link's adventure schrieb:
Ich bin sowieso auf den Single player gespannt. Soll ja komplet anders werden als die bisherigen Metroid games. OOHHH Big N brauche Infos :(

Naja, soll halt ein Ego-Shooter werden.

Wurde das spiel jetzt auf 2006 verschoben ?
verplant schrieb:
Die Meldung ist seit einem Monat überfällig, da sagte Craig von IGN schon:

Metroid: no way in heck is it going to be an August 22nd release, so we're just going to have to fix that entry in our database. It might not even make an October release, either. Stay tuned on that front, there may be some interesting news to report about that game.

-- Craig

Er hat damals schon gesagt, dass der Titel verschoben wird... nur bleibt immer noch die Frage was "there may be some interesting news to report about that game" bedeutet ;-)

Der Auslöser der Gerüchte hat sich gemeldet... ich kann es kaum glauben - Nintendo hört auf die Kunden????

IGN (Mailbag) schrieb:
I read the news on Metroid Prime : Hunters being delayed... I'd take that as good news if one thing was for sure. How much of a possibility is it that the game will now make use of Nintendo Wifi Connection? I think that if it did it'd be a super killer app!


Let's just say this: if Metroid Prime Hunters ships next year without some sort of link to the Nintendo Wi-Fi Connection service, I'll drive down to the LA office on the day of the game's release and give Matt a big, wet one. Right on the lips. And we'll post the videos on IGN Insider.

-- Craig

Wir bekommen unseren Online-Modus ;-)
Das wäre mir natürlich 1000 mal lieber als Videos über Knabenliebe! ^^

Bei einigen DS-Titeln die jetzt so erscheinen hofft man dann bei der nächsten Version auf WiFi Unterstützung, aber ein Spiel so spät zu veröffentlichen, das sich perfekt für WiFi eignet aber darauf verzichtet wäre echt plöt.
Also kommt doch ein Online Modus??????????????????????????????????


Mein Most Wanted Nr1!!!
Damit würde der NDS so abgehen!
OmG, ich kanns net fassen! :D :D :D
hoch, Metroid Prime Hunters mit Online Modus wäre einfach zuu geil... :o Wäre echt zu schön, daher mach ich mir mal keine Hoffnungen :hmpf:
Also, mittlerweile ist es ja offiziell, MP:H wird nen onlinemodus haben; einer vom IGN-Board konnte den Singleplayermode spielen:

See the thing is, it's not that different from what we've seen in Metroid Prime. I didn't see anything new to get excited about. But the fact that Hunters features a single player Metroid adventure has really piqued my interest in the game.

The interface has changed a bit, but it pretty much controls the same (except the Touch to shoot option was removed). Otherwise, there were the same kind of control options. Switching to morphball or rockets is still done with icons on teh touch screen, they've just been moved apart.

One thing I was hapy to see was that the scan visor was in full working order. You touch the scan visor icon for about a second to activate the Scan Visor and it works much in the same way as the Prime games. There were no elaborate graphics when you scan enemies like in the GameCube version, just text descriptions. Of course, that could still change. The one tough thing was that there is no lock-on, which made it tough to scan moving enemies. Some NST designers were actually on-hand asking for feedback from players, finding out what they liked, what was confusing, etc.

The game also features the same kind of 3D map from Metroid Prime on the pause screen. It wasn't totally working yet, as it didn't distinguish between which room you'd already visited and which ones you hadn't.

Other than that, I don't have any special details about the game. It seem like Metroid Prime, which got me excited. You arrive in some space station, and you can scan some computer logs or something, but I didn't really read them. You move through, killing enemies, blasting doors, jumping on some platforms, you can find a few missile expansions by rolling into some small spaces. It's the Prime gameplay that you know. At one point, you catch up with one of the other Bounty Hunters and a cutscene shows him folding up and spinning away. I guess you're supposed to chase him or something. I didn't actually complete the demo. There were other people waiting. I watched the next guy, but he couldn't figure out where to go, so I didn't end up seeing what happens at the end of the demo or anything.

So anways, yeah, so far, I can't see anything that makes the single player a whole lot different from Metroid Prime (except the controls make it a lot more like an FPS, aiming and dodging are a lot more important than on the GameCube), but on the other hand, finding out that there's going to be a full single player mode with a story and everything got me a lot more excited about the game. So between that and the announcement of online multiplayer, I think I can safely decide that I'm going to buy this game.

I should also note that the graphics are good. The game runs very smoothly. There's a bit of lighting, and the texturing looks like something between the N64 and PS2's capabilities. There were short pauses when opening some doors, just like the GameCube games. It doesn't bother me at all and it's certainly better than a loading screen.

The only other detail that I can think to mention is that one of the NST guys said that they don't yet know how many players can play in an online match and stuff. Being that it's going to come out Q1 2006, they've still got quite a bit of time to figure things out, change things, improve things, etc. I just find comfort and excitement in the fact that Hunters is going to be another beefy game, with several multiplayer options, and a full single player game. Heftier games are just coming out on the DS now, but we could still really use a game like Hunters and I'm gald to know that it we'll have a new Metroid adventure to look forward too.

Wie schon gesagt, hätte von mir aus nicht sein müssen, mehr Multiplayermaps und modes (ctf z.B.) usw wären mir schon lieber gewesen aber mal sehn. vielleicht kriegen sie ja alles unter einen Hut, dass sowas funktionieren kann, zeigten GE und PD
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