3DS Kingdom Hearts: Dream Drop Distance


Neku aus TWEWY ist in KH DDD und neues Outfit für Sora und Rikku ist am Start.

Neku :aargh:
wie üblich nur closed mega theater,also ist ne text beschreibung vom trailer alles was wir bis jetzt kriegen

Trailer description is finally up. Okay part of the story in KH3D is about "the world buried in sleep" where Sora and Riku perform their mark of mastery. The enemies in the game are Dream Eaters, which are creatures who eat your dreams. The round dog-like thing is indeed a pet companion in the game, and it can be seen floating around Sora and following him around as he performs actions in battle. It's extremely cute, and you can interact with it using the camera function (AR) and the touchpen. At the end of the trailer is apparently a scene from Xehanort's point of view, where he sees Braig talking to him asking him if his memory has returned.
SE haut die Trailer seit den letzten Events aber immer recht bald nach der Veranstaltung raus - ab nächster Woche kann man mit einer Online Version rechnen.

Dream Eaters ? Also neuer Gegnertyp.

Neku :aargh:

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Crossover oder werden die Universen verschmolzen?
Und die neuen Designs schauen... wirklich scheiße aus. Ich hoffe einmal, dass die DDD-only bleiben werden.

Btw, weil es noch niemand gepostet hat:

In this month's issue of Nintendo Power, video game composer and the Kingdom Hearts series very own composer; Yoko Shimomura was interviewed, where she talked about what it's like writing music for the Kingdom Hearts series and other video games.

In the interview, she was asked about how it felt when she was approached to work on the Kingdom Hearts series. She stated that she was shocked by the idea, because she didn't have that much "self-confidence", but she tried her best to create the score with the image of Disney's worlds in her mind.

When questioned about how she came up with the iconic Dearly Beloved, she replied that the tune was originally written for a certain event in the game, but eventually, the tune was cut from the game. When she was asked to compose something for the title music, she proposed Dearly Beloved, and the next thing you know, this tune was chosen to be the title music!.

Her current projects right now include working on the music for the long awaited Kingdom Hearts 3D: Dream Drop Distance and Final Fantasy Versus XIII.
Zuletzt bearbeitet:
Ein gutes Zeichen für TWEWY 3DS? :aehja:

Sieht klasse aus :) Werd's mir wohl zulegen!
Dass es schon im Frühjahr erscheint, ist heftig xD

Frühjahr 2012 in Japan. ;)

Wir bekommen das doch eh frühestens Ende 2012(dann allerdings nur in Englisch mit dt. Untertiteln wie schon bei BBS), eher im Laufe 2013.

Und das es bereits so weit fortgeschritten ist amcht mich auch stutzig... evtl. war es für eine andere Plattform in Entwicklung und wurde dann auf den 3DS umgeschwenkt?

Sieht aber bislang kalsse aus und im Video läuft es butterweich. :D Dazu noch das Twinstick addon(ist ja bestätigt für KH 3D) und alles ist 1A.
2 Jahre Entwicklung ist doch komplett ausreichend, muss ja nicht alles 6 Jahre vor Release ala Versus angekündigt werden ;-)
Zumal Nomura die Ideen und Konzepte ja schon langer vorher ready hat - die Frage ist nur wann ein Team frei ist um das ganze dann umzusetzen.

Weiter Infos von KHInsiders

We start off with Sora back in Traverse Town. He's got new clothes but... he apparently doesn't know why! It seems he's been separated from Riku, and Sora immediately yells out for his friend. It's then that we first see Neku Sakuraba from The World Ends with You. Neku promptly tells Sora to shut his noisy mouth and asks if he is a participant in the "Reapers' Game". Since Sora doesn't have the countdown stamp on his hand like Neku, it appears he is not.

Sora heroically offers his help to Neku as a friend. Neku retorts that Sora can't make friends that easy, to which Sora replies that it is easy. Neku then promptly dashes off into Traverse Town in midair in a cloud of sparkles.

It's here you gain control of Sora, fighting through Traverse Town. The X button on the 3DS is your "freeflow" button, which will allow Sora and Riku to do all sorts of crazy and fast maneuvers such as bouncing off of walls and swinging around poles. The idea behind this mechanic is freedom of movement based around objects in the environment.

While in freeflow you can attack by pressing the attack button, and it will be contextual to where you are in freeflow. It's particularly flashy and fun to execute. However, it seems that the camera is a bit slow with keeping up with these maneuvers.

Commands are structured just like Birth by Sleep and Re:coded in which you can cycle through abilities. Use one and there will be a cooldown before you can use it again. You get the idea.

At the end of Sora's scenario he fights a boss. The boss can described as boxy with long arms. It can attack from a distance by shooting it's arms into the foreground. This looks particularly impressive in 3D.

After the boss is defeated, Sora's scenario ends.


We see Quasimodo carrying Esmerelda towards the cathedral of Notre Dame when we first visit Le Cité des Cloches (The City of Bells). Riku is with them and also sporting a new outfit and shorter hair. It seems he is protecting them.

Riku battles inside the cathedral, and you can freeflow between the pillars inside. It's important to note that Sora and Riku are now accompanied by new companions we've seen in the keyart. Sora's companions are described as a panda-like creature and a smaller more "squirrely" companion. Riku's companions are described as something resembling a unicorn and a bat.

When the group reaches the top of the cathedral, Riku's boss fight begins. It's a winged flying boss, and for this fight Riku is able to fly. You must jump up to the roof and chase it in flight around the cathedral. This is also impressive looking in 3D.

Neku wieder ganz charmant xD
Zuletzt bearbeitet:
Hmm, nun ja, ich weiß nicht, was ich davon halten soll, hab The World Ends With You nie gespielt...vielleicht mal nachholen. Problematischerweise ist das recht teuer noch...Das man Riku und Sora nun irgendwie umgestaltet hat find ich schon ein bisschen frisch, aber wie passt das nun zusammen, denn das sind doch die jungen Versionen, oder?

Edit: Vielleicht importieren, wenn sichs rentiert...wo gibts das günstig? ^^
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Bin ich es nur oder bekommt Nintendo die Kiddie-Designs, weil Nomura die KH2-Design Sonyexklusiv lässt? :ugly:
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