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- 11 Aug 2006
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haben die nicht auch noch dieses grasshoper Suda horror survival game in der mache?^^epic will übrigens 2 titel auf der gdc ankündigen![]()
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haben die nicht auch noch dieses grasshoper Suda horror survival game in der mache?^^epic will übrigens 2 titel auf der gdc ankündigen![]()
haben die nicht auch noch dieses grasshoper Suda horror survival game in der mache?^^
KA was ich meine. Ich denke halt nur an diese großangrkündigte Zusammenarbeit zwischen Epic und grashopper^^nein, cliff hat letztens getwittert das er von nem horrorspiel nichts weis.
edit: falls du das meinst^^
Wo steht denn bitte, das Epic 2 Games ankündigen möchte???
Ich habe nur gelesen, das sie ein paar Vorträge halten wollen.
Gut, dann wird wohl 1 Spiel vorgestellt werden. Ich kann mir nicht erklären, wieso sie sonst 2 Konferenzen abhalten sollten. Eine wird sich wohl wieder um die Unreal Engine drehen und die andere eben um ein neues Spiel, maybe Gears of War III oder so.
Wir werden es bald wissen![]()
Bringing UE3 to Apple's iPhone Platform
Speaker/s: Josh Adams (Epic Games)
Day / Time / Location: Tuesday 3:00- 4:00 Room 306, South Hall
Track / Format: iPhone Games Summit / Lecture
Description: This talk will cover the methods Epic used to bring a large-scale game engine over to a mobile device in only a few months time. Important points include what we had to change in Unreal Engine 3 to target the iPhone, what we were able to leverage directly, and what features we cut to overcome limitations of the hardware. Low-level systems such as rendering, file I/O, input, and threading will be addressed in addition to how our Windows-focused tools and engine are used with the Mac-centric development of the iPhone.
Producer Boot Camp
Speaker/s: Mike McShaffry (Red Fly Studio), Richard Lemarchand (Naughty Dog), Rod Fergusson (Epic Games), Pete Isensee (Microsoft), Matt Allen (Monolith Productions) and Matt Priestley (Bungie)
Day / Time / Location: Wednesday 10:00- 6:00 Room 124, North Hall
Track / Format: Production / Tutorial
Description: With each new generation of gaming hardware - capabilities are increased, customer expectations are raised, games become more complex and team sizes grow larger. Now more than ever, in the controlled chaos that is game development, the role of the producer is critical to the success of shipping a blockbuster title. Successful producers are much more than just schedule jockeys; they are team managers, communication facilitators, conflict mediators, risk mitigators, work enablers and predictors of the future.
The Producer Boot Camp focuses on some of the key skills required by producers, both new to the role and seasoned veterans, to be successful in this challenging industry.
10-10:15am - Intro/Welcome Remarks
So You Want to be a Great Producer
Speaker: Rod Fergusson
As game development has grown more complex, the once undervalued role of Producer has become even more critical to its success. For new Producers, those looking to become Producers or those who just want to understand us better, this presentation will discuss key aspects of the production discipline from both an external and internal perspective, describe common production pitfalls and try to explain why Producers are like meteorologists.
Building Blocks: Artist Driven Procedural Buildings
Speaker/s: James Golding (Epic Games)
Building Blocks: Artist Driven Procedural Buildings
Speaker/s: James Golding (Epic Games)
Day / Time / Location: Thursday 10:30-11:30 Room 130, North Hall
Track / Format: Programming , Visual Arts / Lecture
Description: Creating a detailed city window-by-window is a daunting task. Having to adjust every window when requirements change is even worse!
The first part of the talk describes the problem at hand - that of creating a city where buildings look very detailed, do not take long to construct, can be easily modified, and allow automatic generation of a low level-of-detail version. Existing approaches are compared, and pros and cons are listed.
This talk then proposes a new method, expanding on current academic research. The approach is to allow a designer to place very simple shapes to define the building layout, and then assign a set of rules (created by a technical artist) to decorate it procedurally. The rules work by extracting rectangular regions (scopes) from the faces of the building, and recursively breaking them into smaller regions, until finally using a library of feature meshes (doors, windows, columns etc.) to fill in that region. This approach is explained with reference to several real-world examples of buildings.
Rules then connect to form a directed graph, so it can be useful to present the 'rule set' to artists graphically in that form. Many of the rule types that we have found useful will be explained, with use-cases. This includes splitting, repeating, occlusion tests, edge-angle and height tests, and more. Specific difficulties like trim work, roofs and non-rectangular faces are discussed, and the requirements for artist-created meshes are mentioned. Some detail is also given on the general technical challenges involved in rendering a building constructed in this modular method.
The talk then covers automatically creating LOD versions of these buildings. The lowest LOD is the simple shape already defined by the designer, but the transition from high to low can happen incrementally based on special rules. An offline render process is used to texture the low-LOD buildings, with special steps to generate masks for reflective windows.
Agile: No Silver Bullet
Speaker/s: Rich Vogel (BioWare), Clinton Keith (Clinton Keith Consulting), Michael Capps (Epic Games) and Chris Oltyan (ZeeGee Games)
Day / Time / Location: Friday 9:00-10:00 Room 303, South Hall
Track / Format: Production , Business and Management / Panel
Description: The goal of this panel is to discuss the good and the bad of agile development. Let's not sugar coat it, agile development is hard and does not fit all production paradigms. We'll discuss where the dogmatic approach to agile fails and where to apply practices from other areas, such as waterfall and lean. The panel will also answer audience questions directly and help diagnose how and why Agile projects went wrong, and methods teams and companies can use to get their processes back on track.
Davo n hat Naughtydog auch einige. Es wird halt wissen ausgetauscht. Das schließt Ankündigugen zwar nicht aus, aber nicht bei solchen panels^^Es geht auf der GDC nicht ausschließlich um Engines, oder Konsolen ;-)
Quelle: http://schedule.gdconf.com/
Das sollten die beiden Keynotes von Epic sein.
To be precise, you'll want to clear an area extending at least 4 meters (a little more than 13 feet) away from the television.
That's the back edge of the space to be taken into account by the Natal sensors.
In terms of width and height, the field of vision naturally expands as it moves from the Natal device to that back edge, ending up a little more than 4 meters wide and 2.7 meters high (about 8 feet, 10 inches).
Bisher hatte sich Microsoft zum technischen Unterbau von Natal eher ausgeschwiegen und nur das grundlegende Prinzip der Erkennung erläutert. Heute teilt der Hersteller mit: Der zentrale Bestandteil der Kamera stammt von der israelischen Firma PrimeSense.
Die Hardware-Spezialisten haben mit dem PrimeSensor einen Chip im Programm, der die 3D-Erfassung der Umgebung ermöglicht und auch die Vorlage war für Microsofts Entwickler, die darauf basierend Natal konzipierten.