L20: Enlightened
Patch 1.07
Hey all,
I know you want to be informed as much as possible. So I'm writing up the preliminary patch notes for Patch 1.07.
Please Note: this is subject to change and we don't know exactly when this will go live yet. I will inform you on that as soon as we can, but we are trying to roll this out in the first week of April.
Patch 1.07 Contents list:
Custom Games PHASE ONE for Clans and solo players - Explanation below
Bullet Damage and Faster Aim ribbon now unlock correctly
Separate turn speeds for ADS on Primary weapons in Multiplayer
Increased Accuracy ribbon effectiveness has been lowered
Bullet Damage ribbon effectiveness has been lowered
The 3rd person revive beam now shows correctly
Bilgarsk Boulevard - preventing players getting stuck at spawn location
Akmir Snowdrift – fixed a problem where the speaker object can fall beneath a piece of geometry
Fixed a crash when joining a Guerrilla Warfare Clan match
Blood Gracht – Fix for a hang when the Recon ability was used
Fixed a crash while joining a Warzone game
Player gets directed to multiplayer lobby when being kicked from game due to inactivity
Adjustments to reduce the server load
MAWLR Graveyard –Improved collision around one of the Capture and Hold locations
Kaznan Jungle – Added a blocker around a tree to prevent player to use tree to jump out of the level
Bilgarsk Boulevard - Removed invisible collision of S&D objectives in Guerrilla Warfare
Bilgarsk Boulevard - Prevent players from accessing an advantageous position (above the ISA Base) and climb out of the level
Single Player Campaign
Scrapyard Shortcut - Mobile Factory – Fixed a hang to a red Debug screen upon the user reaching the Jetpack Troopers
Added a “Mute all” button
Updated icons and text on the Medals statistics
Fixed clipped text for moderator messages
The Faster Reload ribbon now updates properly on the Personal statistics page
The Increased Accuracy ribbon now updates properly on the Personal statistics page
The Bullet Damage ribbon now updates properly on the Personal statistics page
Fixes a hang when accepting a squad invite on the final results screen of an online game
Fixed the Pause functionality in Botzone on the Class selection screen
"Squad menu" is changed to "manage players” in the menu
Button configuration improvements - Swapped L1/L2 grenade and aim
Melee is now on the circle button
Multiplayer - Aim Lock will now time out after one second
Camera turn upped while using jetpack. Lowered for mounted weapons
Explanation of Custom Games
Custom Games will be rolled out in 2 patches. This one (1.07) and a future patch. We don't know when this will be yet.
Phase One of Custom Games gives players the option to create unranked games with the choice of:
Game Mode
Missions (Warzone only)
Mission Time (Warzone only)
Invite Squad members
Invite Enemy Squad Leader
This gives players the ability to create private matches, and playing with and against friends or a rival clan for instance. People who don’t get an invite to these games won’t be able to join through matchmaking.
We still need to spec this out, so this is subject to change, but we are looking to add the options of choosing:
More configuration options for missions in Warzone and Operations
Adjustable kill count for Guerrilla Warfare
Configurable Unlocks (choose which one you want to play with)
Configurable Classes (choose which one you want to play with)
Configurable Weapons, Abilities, Skills, Ribbons
Friendly Fire On/Off
Brutal Melee On/Off
That's it for now!