Hey everyone, thanks for the reports and feedback. Team is actively looking into data and any further adjustments that need to be made each day, and very much aware of current feedback (like this!) and we've been discussing throughout the week.
To give a quick bit of background, these changes came as a result of players in specific regions (EU as one example) asking to only match into EU because they didn't want to match into East Coast US (and didn't like the matches they were getting when they did). At the time, it seemed like many players who were speaking up did care about reaching US servers (and didn't want to), but we're certainly seeing both sides of the feedback now. In Germany last week, several players told me they had seen substantial improvements, but we're seeing mixed feedback elsewhere (even in this very thread!) which just tells us that there's a bit more work to be done.
It's also worth noting that skill matching parameters could also be a factor here, and the team is looking into adjustments that can be made across the board here, too. That said, if you're experiencing long wait times (regardless of region), please consider posting your gamertag/region/date & time/playlist(s) - the team will then review to determine why you might be waiting for a long time (ping to datacenters, skill delta, or a combination of both). We've been collecting data for those with laggy matches in the same fashion, and it has allowed our team to see 1:1 real world examples of what's occurring.
As a note, through conversations with services guys this week, if you want to find a match, it's important to search the ~5 mins until your search times out. I imagine many of you are already doing this, but data shows that many, many searches are ended within the first 30 seconds or so, which only gives you a small sample of players to find as the search hasn't fully "expanded" yet, if you will.
Thanks again for all of the feedback, apologies for the frustration, and will provide regular updates whenever I'm able. This is a priority.