Halo 3

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# Dialogue is (mostly) pinned down - read this post before posting about it (transcript plus cleaned audio)

# According to KP, the commercial takes place on Earth. It is not specified whether the ENTIRE commercial takes place on earth, or simply the bulk of it; it's possible the initial clip, with the children, takes place elsewhere.

# The children are probably either two generic kids on Earth, or John and an unidentified female companion somewhere else. (John was never on Earth as a child.) Among the camp that believes it's John and a companion, speculation about the companion includes Cassandra (from the Conversations with the Universe booklet), a Spartan we know, or a totally unrelated, non-spartan childhood friend.

# At about 20 seconds into the video (just before we see the Chief's hand), there are a pair of unidentified flying craft in the right half of the frame; smoke trails would suggest Banshees.

# There are two UNSC vehicles in the trailer - an overturned Warthog (visible before the Chief picks up his rifle), and an overturned Mongoose, visible after he's shielded.

# The shield itself seems to be more focused in the front - the plates are closer together. (Ciarán speculates that this is for gameplay reasons - one can only hope this shield will appear in the game. Frankie did not rule it out.)

# People seem to be pretty sure that the pistol the Chief holds is the M6D, from Halo 1. Whether it is or not, we have no evidence that a pistol in Halo 3 will behave like a pistol in Halo 1 - but Bungie reaction suggests that this is wishful thinking on the part of nostalgic fans.

# The large cloud bank visible at the end of the trailer is probably the Ark Storm we saw in the E3 Halo 3 trailer. Frankie stated that these two pieces take place at roughly the same time.

# The vehicles visible at the end of the trailers are new Wraiths. The characters below the Chief in his final jump are Brutes - the one in the center is the Alpha Brute (Tartarus' replacement), as evidenced by his hold on the Fist of Rukt. The brutes are wearing new armor.


Q: HBO-Forum
Frankie beantwortete die fragen zu Halo TV

Frank O’Connor, Bungie.net Content Manager, also known as Frankie, gave a little ‘interview’ regarding the new Halo 3 trailer. While on IRC last night, several users asked questions, and several users got answers.

Konrad: Frankie, is the so-called Shield Grenade a game element?
Frankie:Nothing in the trailer was placed there by the agency - that is to say, every object and action was put in there with Bungie’s consent and usually assets.
Frankie: Which you have t assume we wouldn’t do without good reason, riht?

Angel: My question: Are the models of the kids supposed to represent John and Kelly, and if so, is there a specific time frame that they’re in, such as during a training op or something?
Frankie: The children at the start are there “for your interpretation.”
Frankie: Are they young Spartans? Are they Earth kids from the 20th century? It is a question presented in the ad, not an answer

FG_Infinite_7: Frankie, my Question : why the shot with the hand armor? its brought up enough controversy
Frankie: What do you mean why? It’s a 1st person shot of the Chief’s hand.
KP: He’s referencing the H2 assets in the Valhalla first person shot.
Frankie: Oh
Frankie: That was because KP nubbed up the shot
Frankie: It was because then we didn’t have 1st person view armor

Hawaiian_Pig: Is the “bubble” grenade related to forerunner tech in any way?
Frankie: The tech of the Bubble Shield is top secret, ONI-owned

KP: any comment on when [the trailer] takes place?
Frankie: It takes place near or around the events of the E3 trailer
Frankie: When those are, is a spoiler

Ironlion: Who says “Time to go” as Master Chief gets up in the ad?
Frankie: The little girl.
Frankie: A little girl.

masterskill: Group at the end with the wraiths(?); brutes, or some new folk?
Frankie: Brutes
Frankie: One has a hammer
Frankie: Those are Wraiths
Frankie: New Wraiths

PhantomFaux: Are you, Frankie going to star in Halo 3, say as as guest spartan or a marine or some other role in the game?
SG: I assume the commercial is proof that the halo 1 pistol is back. If so, has it undergone any changes to damage, rate of fire, accuracy, ect.?
Frankie: No. Worst question ever. me in game
PhantomFaux: I got mugged today coming home from school.
Frankie: At gunpoint?
PhantomFaux: no
PhantomFaux: they just mugged me
Frankie: then quit being a wussy

Slith: Will the shield grenade be the fourth grenade type we can use in Halo 3 - alongside the frag’s, plasma’s and spike’s?
Frankie: Why does the shield have to be from a grenade? Obviously the object is grenade-like. But who says it’s a grenade?

Narcogen: Grenade or not, does the “not indicative of gameplay” caveat apply to the special shield the Chief used in the advertisement– in other words, is this something we should NOT be expecting to see in gameplay?
Frankie: Not indicative of gameplay means, these images were not captured from the gameplay engine.
Frankie: Anything else is up for interpretation

Konrad: Frankie, WHERE does the trailer take place?
KP: The trailer takes place on earth.

Veegie: What were the high pitches screaming during the time frame transition?
Frankie: The high pitched screaming was a transition to the explosion noise
Frankie: it was artsy
Halo 4 Grunts? Ooooh...

...wie wäre das schön, hier über Grunts aus Halo 4 zu berichten. Aber leider gibt es kein Halo 4! Aber seid euch gewiss: wenn es ein Halo 4 geben würde, würde es vermutlich genau wie in dem Video von Ben Falcone aussehen. Der Kanadier hat mithilfe einiger Kollegen und den Programmen Digital Fusion, Maya, mental ray, Photoshop & ZBrush eine kurze Animation geschaffen, die sich sehen lassen kann. Sie ist zwar nur fünf Sekündchen lang, aber die haben es definitiv in sich! Jede Woche so ein Clip und das Warten auf Halo 3 wäre ein Kinderspiel ;)
Also beachtet, dass es sich hierbei um kein offizielles Halo-Material handelt, sondern lediglich um eine wirklich fantastische Kurzanimation einiger Grunts - von Fans gemacht. Der Needler sieht sogar cool und gefährlicher aus, als im Original und über den Detailgrad der Grunts, Waffen und Umgebung kann man eigentlich nur staunen und wilde Dinge über Halo 3 träumen. Wer schon einen Vorgeschmack möchte, schaut sich das dazugehörige Bild an. Alle anderen warten ab, bis das knapp 6MB Video mit HD Qualität geladen hat.
Den gestreamten Quicktime Clip (Klick) findet ihr auf der Homepage des Machers. Auf HBO hingegen auch einen WMP9-Download Mirror. Wie schon erwähnt, bei diesem Kurzclip kommt man aus dem Schwärmen nicht mehr raus, wie Halo 3 am besten aussehen sollte...
haha echt geil der typ der runteplumst ist echt der coolste,abgesehen davon ist die grafik echt top da haben die jungs aber schön was gezaubert!Weiter so ;)
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