L13: Maniac
Ich könnte mit euch wetten, dass bald irgend ein Xbox fanboy kommt und ein Blog oder Usernews verfasst, wo dann steht: God of War 3 ist Schrott oder sowas in die richtung.
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4.000 Stück nur für Deutschland ist nicht sonderlich stark limitiert. Wo hast du denn deine Ultimate Trilogy bestellt, Old Snake?
Der PSP Teil hat mich sehr begeistert, jedoch ist aus finanziellen Gründen nur eins drin. Weil die Editoon mit den 3 Teilen, so genial wie die auch sein mag, aber für mich lieder zur Zeit etwas zu teuer. of War III is much the same: a technical marvel, but with all the clever stuff turned towards the aim of very basic gratification. There are no branching paths, no complex decisions, and no multiplayer modes, but this particular game is all the better for it, since the results are rich and focused rather than drawn-out and a little ragged. Ultimately, if you want to revel in old-school pleasures decked out in the very brightest new armour, this is about as good as it gets.
Oh, and in case I didn't make this entirely clear, it includes the absolute best dog-kicking puzzle you'll ever see. might have worked out that I like God of War 3 a lot. A game with this much hype always has the potential to disappoint, but Sony and the team at Santa Monica Studio clearly knew what they were doing. This is a video game developed at the very highest level and takes what I thought was possible to new heights. God of War 3 is easily the best PS3 game I've played and sits comfortably as one of my favourite games of all time.