Daran ist nichts schwammig. Unabhängiges Studio veröffentlicht sein Spiel = Indie. Indie Studio macht Auftragsarbeit = Auftragsarbeit. Indie oder nicht also komplett irrelevant. Einige mich daher auch nicht auf irgendwas mit dir.
Ja. Ist schwammig. Manchmal indy, manchmal nicht. Ubisoft ist auch nicht abhängig von dir und hat die meisten Anteile in eigener Hand. Valve ebenfalls. Für die Tatsache, dass das schwammig ist, brauche ich auch nicht dein Einverständnis. Tut mir leid, dass ich mich da falsch ausdrückte.
Allgemein wird schon mit dem Begriff verbunden, dass es einen Kontrast zu "AAA" darstellt. Das heißt, es schließt das aus. Das heißt, dass es quatsch ist, zu meinen, AAA-Studios wären indy. Das behauptet ihr beide.
An indie game, short for independent video game, is a
video game typically created by individuals or smaller development teams without the financial and technical support of a large game publisher,
in contrast to most "AAA" (triple-A) games.
Dann wird es schwammig, da man mehrere Sachen damit verbinden kann:
However, the "indie" term may apply to other scenarios where the development
of the game has some measure of independence from a publisher
even if a publisher helps fund and distribute a game, such as creative freedom. Because of their independence and freedom to develop, indie games often focus on
innovation, experimental gameplay, and taking risks not usually afforded in AAA games. Indie games tend to be sold through
digital distribution channels rather than at retail due to lack of publisher support.
So, wie stellt man das fest?
However, as with both indie films and music, there is
no exact, widely accepted definition of what constitutes an "indie game"
besides falling well outside the bounds of triple-A video game development by large publishers and development studios.
Aha. Also geht es um den Umfang.
One simple definition, described by Laura Parker for
GameSpot, says "independent video game development is the business of making games
without the support of publishers"
Das passiert bei Verträgen, doch dann gleich eine Relativierung:
Dan Pearce of
IGN stated that the only consensus for what constitutes an indie game is a
"I know it when I see it"-type assessment, since no single definition can capture what games are broadly considered indie.
Oho... "I know it when I see it"... Also... Instinkt... Fast... Bauchgefühl... Klingt schon...
Indie games generally share certain common characteristics.
One method to define an indie game is the nature of independence, which can
either be:
- Financial independence: In such situations, the developers have paid for the development and/or publication of the game themselves or from other funding sources such as crowd funding, and specifically without financial support of a large publisher.
- Independence of thought: In this case, the developers crafted their game without any oversight or directional influence by a third party such as a publisher.
Also als Versuch einer Definition entweder eine völlige
finanzielle Unabhängigkeit, was beim Selbstpublizieren ebenfalls schwer nachzuweisen ist. Wie hat sich beispielsweise für Valve die Entwicklung ausgedrückt, als sie CS:GO entwickelten? TF2? Portal?
Independence of thought" auch wieder etwas, das nur sehr unklar zu beweisen ist... eher...
Hier ein paar Beispiele, die sogar beinahe selbst das Prädikat "
Schwammig" verdienten, was den Status angeht (erst recht, nach euren nebulösen Definitionsversuche):
However, this view is not all-encompassing, as there are numerous cases of games where development is not independent of a major publisher but still considered indie.
[1] Some notable instances of games include:
- Journey was created by thatgamecompany, but had financial backing of Sony as well as publishing support. Kellee Santiago of thatgamecompany believes that they are an independent studio because they were able to innovate on their game without Sony's involvement.[1]
- Bastion, similarly, was developed by Supergiant Games, but with publishing by Warner Bros. Entertainment, primarily to avoid difficulties with the certification process on Xbox Live.[17] Greg Kasavin of Supergiant notes they consider their studio indie as they lack any parent company.[1][18]
- The Witness was developed by Jonathan Blow and his studio Thekla, Inc. Though self-funded and published, the game's development cost around $6 million and was priced at $40, in contrast to most indie games typically priced up to $20. Blow believed this type of game represented something between indie and AAA publishing.[19]
- No Man's Sky was developed by Hello Games, though with publishing but non-financial support from Sony; the game on release had a price equal to a typical AAA title. Sean Murray of Hello Games believes that because they are still a small team and the game is highly experimental that they consider themselves indie.[20]
Gibt noch viel mehr Ansätze. Werdet ihr eh nie lesen. Da ich wusste, dass das ein äußerst
schwammiger Begriff ist, wurde ich antagonistisch. Ihr jedoch beharrt einfach darauf. Na ja, dann weiß es halt die ganze Branche schlechter als ihr. Die versucht es wenigstens nur zu definieren, weiß jedoch, dass es schwierig ist und gibt es zu. Ihr habt eben Bauchgefühle und wollt auf Teufel komm raus darauf beharren. Na dann.
So. Darauf einige ich mich.