Xbox360 Gears of War 3

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Want a really nice Halloween treat, Gears of War 2 multiplayer buffs? Epic Games and Microsoft have ratcheted up the XP bonus by 31 times, the only trick being that you must play beginning today (October 29) through Monday, November 1, in order to reap the rewards of their generosity.

Reicht es wenn ich an jedem Tag ein bisschen spiele? Die wollen doch nich ernsthaft das ich die Box 3 Tage am Stück laufen lasse oder ÜgÜ die arme Umwelt

Rumor: Gears of War Coming to Kinect

Is Epic Games helping Microsoft turn hardcore gamers on to Kinect?

Though Kinect has been a big success for Microsoft since debuting on November 4, many hardcore gamers have turned up their noses to the innovative camera controller because they think it's just an enabler for minigame collections, casual fare, and rhythm stuff. If you go by the launch library, well, they have a point. But a reliable source tells IGN that's all about to change.

According to our tip, Microsoft is using the Spike TV Video Games Awards (VGAs) to introduce some big action games, including new titles for the Kinect. The headliner is Gears of War for Kinect, coming straight from Epic Games. Now, we cannot clarify whether or not this is an all-new Gears of War for Kinect or if it's an existing Gears of War game, retro-fitted for the camera controller. But it definitely clicks with recent rumblings that Microsoft wants to get in front of the conventional wisdom that the Kinect is only a toy for casual gamers and family.

We reached out to Microsoft for comment. Microsoft returned our request for additional clarification with the traditional "we can't comment on rumor or speculation." IGN has also put in a request for comment from Epic Games, but has not heard back yet. If Epic Games has a statement on this story, we will certainly pass it along.

But what do you think? Would you welcome a Gears of War for the Kinect? And if you have plans to resist the Kinect, does the promise of Gears for the camera controller at all change your mind?
therealcliffyb: "No Kinect in Gears of War 3."

jop habe die meldung jetzt gesehen :)



Quite a few rumors have been floating around about Kinect being involved in Gears of War 3, and Cliff Bleszinski takes the issue head on. Find out what he says after the break!

Posted by WhoIsDo on Nov 15, 2010 23:41 (2 hours ago) There have been quite a few rumors regarding Kinect in Gears of War 3, and we've yet to receive the official word on the usage in the title by any of the Gears staff. Looks like we now have concrete proof if Cliff Bleszinski's Twitter account has anything to do with it.

In a recent tweet by Cliff, he simply stated, "No Kinect in Gears of War 3." Honestly, it doesn't get more concrete than that, and we're glad to hear that the team isn't tacking on the camera in the upcoming title.

What do you think about Kinect not being involved in Gears of War 3? Let your voice be heard! Leave us a comment below, or sound off in our forums! Gears of War 3 is set to hit store shelves in the Fall of 2011 exclusively for the Xbox 360.
ein Glück :)

und hoffentlich gibts bald mal wieder was Neues zu Gears 3, das Game wird geil, im Konsolenbereich (grafisch und genretechnisch) hoffentlich wieder alles zerfetzen :)

vielleicht kommt ja ein Spinoff, "Gears Party" xD
vom 19. - 29. gibt es 10X xp :kruemel:
und in der zeit soll wohl auch irgendwas an horde anders sein damit man die 100.000 kills schneller bekommt.

was bringt einem das? gibts da irgendwelche xp abhängigen achievements?
oder sind das eh dlc erfolge, die wir daher sowieso nicht kriegen?
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