Forza ist doch schrott ... ich weiß gar nicht was die x360-trolle hier versuchen gut zu reden. Die Fahrphysik ist kein bisschen besser als in GT5Pro, die Strecken sind langweilig, die grafik ist armseelig ...
Forza hat GT schon mit dem ersten Teil durchgenudelt. Mit dem zweiten Teil wurde der Abstand anscheinend noch grösser, da sich Forza 2 deutlich weiterentwickelt hat und GT5...naja. Ich denke die Videos sagen mehr als tausend Worte.
Hier mal ein paar gesammelte Review Zitate aus dem Gametrailers Forum (Forza1 vs GT4):
05-18-2007, 04:23 PM
"The cars feel less arcade-like than GT, and even with the assists on, the vehicles are phenomenally realistic." - IGN
"Customization, handling, presentation, AI, damage, multiplayer: Forza hits the bull's-eye time after time. Although it doesn't have quite the bewildering range of cars as Gran Turismo 4, Forza is its equal in gameplay, its superior in AI, and adds the online play GT4 lacked. In gaming, like in business, innovators rarely dominate the market they create for long, and Polyphony Digital has got some catching up to do."
"After playing Forza for the better part of a week and neglecting all sorts of editorial duties, it's definitely hard to go back to the offline, bumper car physics world of Gran Turismo 4." -
"Gran Turismo 4 is, without a doubt, a complex driving simulator. But comparatively, based on what we've seen in the game, and from hands-on experience with cars that we're familiar with in real-life, Forza is crunching more physics data than anything out there." -
"Forza destroys GT4 in the area of customization" -
"When it comes to physics, A.I., and online features, Forza is the new and reigning king" -
"Forza Motorsport manages to succeed in doing what other games have tried to do for years - to beat Gran Turismo at its own game." - PALGN AU
"Let's dispense with the predictable comparisons in a couple of paragraphs. Forza Motorsport is as close to Gran Turismo as you will find on Xbox. Only better. This is not a statement to make lightly, and its coming from one who has an unabashed adoration of the powers of Polyphony Digital. GT4 is the benchmark by which console games are measured, yet on virtually every metric worth counting bar a couple, this game exceeds it. This is the new high water mark for console racing. " - GAME ARENA
"In short, racing fans who bought a PS2 just for the GT series should think long and hard about trading it in for an Xbox and a copy of Forza Motorsport." - Gamespy
"The pinball overtaking that works in GT won't fly here, because the physics and AI won't allow it. - Gamespy"