Serie Game of Thrones (Spoilertags für S8 & Keine Buchspoiler)

adhs generation halt... gerade die letzten beiden bücher haben erst meine faszination mit dem universum ausgelöst. hab letztens im asoiaf reddit nen post gesehen der die story der letzten season mit nur kleinen änderungen wesentlich besser gemacht hätte. die autoren der sendung sind halt einfach nicht gut bzw. haben keinen bock drauf eine hochwertige story zu erzählen jetzt wo sie keine vorlage mehr haben.
Wer Band 4 und 5 als langweilig ansieht, der sollte lieber Panem und Co. lesen

Seh ich ja nicht nur ich so, sondern viele Leser wie die amazon kritiken beweisen. Passiert halt nicht viel Spannedes und der Autor verzettelt sich in zuviele nebenstränge und Nebenfiguren.

Mit deiner politisch inkorrekten Weltanschauung und deiner vorliebe für Trash wie Fear the walking dead bist du aber ohnehin kein passender Masstab für den Mainstream, lieber Ramsay.
Seh ich ja nicht nur ich so, sondern viele Leser wie die amazon kritiken beweisen. Passiert halt nicht viel Spannedes und der Autor verzettelt sich in zuviele nebenstränge und Nebenfiguren.

Mit deiner politisch inkorrekten Weltanschauung und deiner vorliebe für Trash wie Fear the walking dead bist du aber ohnehin kein passender Masstab für den Mainstream, lieber Ramsay.

Eben, grade Buch 4 und 5 bestehen nurnoch aus Nebenfiguren die zur Handlung nichts beitragen und alles unnötig in die Länge ziehen. Da bin ich froh das man bei der Serie sich aufs wesentlich beschränkt und es dort wenigstens voran geht und endlich das passiert worauf man seit 7 Jahren wartet.
Eben, grade Buch 4 und 5 bestehen nurnoch aus Nebenfiguren die zur Handlung nichts beitragen und alles unnötig in die Länge ziehen. Da bin ich froh das man bei der Serie sich aufs wesentlich beschränkt und es dort wenigstens voran geht und endlich das passiert worauf man seit 7 Jahren wartet.

Die serie steht inzwischen für sich allein und das ist gut so. Schade um die bis zum dritten Band so gute Buchreihe, aber ich zweifle daran, dass Martin die Kurve noch mal kriegt. Dann besser die Serie würdig abschliessen. Auch wenn von der Tiefe und Vielschichtigkeit der ersten staffeln ohne literarische Vorlage nicht mehr viel übrig ist.
Seh ich ja nicht nur ich so, sondern viele Leser wie die amazon kritiken beweisen. Passiert halt nicht viel Spannedes und der Autor verzettelt sich in zuviele nebenstränge und Nebenfiguren.

Mit deiner politisch inkorrekten Weltanschauung und deiner vorliebe für Trash wie Fear the walking dead bist du aber ohnehin kein passender Masstab für den Mainstream, lieber Ramsay.
Nicht jeder findet Hitler cool, sorry wenn das dann politisch inkorrekt ist. Was auch immer das mit GoT zu tun hat
Eben, grade Buch 4 und 5 bestehen nurnoch aus Nebenfiguren die zur Handlung nichts beitragen und alles unnötig in die Länge ziehen. Da bin ich froh das man bei der Serie sich aufs wesentlich beschränkt und es dort wenigstens voran geht und endlich das passiert worauf man seit 7 Jahren wartet.

"nebenfiguren"? für mich gibt es in asoiaf keine hauptfiguren.. bin über jedes kapitel dankbar das nicht dany und sansa zum inhalt hat ;)
Bücher 4 und 5 machen die Schwächen des Autors mehr als deutlich. Er mag eine gute Geschichte schreiben können, aber wenn vorübergehend nicht viel passiert, gibt es um Welten bessere Autoren um das zu beschreiben. Vor allem sein Vorgehen „Oh, mit Charakter X passiert gerade nichts... schicken wir den Charakter doch mal auf eine verdammt lange Reise“ wird in den beiden Büchern auf die Spitze getrieben.
Die Staffeln kommen jetzt auch nach und nach als Ultra HD Blu-ray.
  • Staffel 1 am 7.Juni 2018
Die technische Aussattuung ist noch nicht von Warner freigegeben. Nur das auch die deutsche Ultra HD Blu-ray mit Dolby Vision-HDR ausgestattet sein wird.
HBO hat das erste Spin-Off offiziell bestellt. Wird zur Zeit der Helden spielen, also knapp 10.000 Jahre vor GoT. Bin mal gespannt.

Taking place thousands of years before the events of Game of Thrones, the series chronicles the world’s descent from the golden Age of Heroes into its darkest hour. And only one thing is for sure: from the horrifying secrets of Westeros’s history to the true origin of the white walkers, the mysteries of the East, to the Starks of legend … it’s not the story we think we know.
Also The Age of Heroes wird es.

Weiß nicht. Bran the Builder ist für mich etwas was ich nicht sehen muss. Hoffe die werden nicht die bekanntesten Momente abarbeiten.

Jetzt bitte noch ein Duncan the Tall und ein Greyjoy Spin-Off
Neues zum Spin Off. Alles Gerüchte, aber die Dreharbeiten beginnen angeblich im Oktober in Belfast. Dreht sich um den Fall von Valyria und die Anfänge der Targaryen.

Big Picture:
  • The title of this prequel series is "Empire of Ash".
  • It is about the events leading up to the Doom of Valyria: the massive volcanic super-eruption which destroyed the Valyrian Freehold in a single day.
  • It is also the story of the origins of House Targaryen, a minor family of dragon-lords in old Valyria who rose to prominence by fleeing to Westeros just before the Doom - leaving them with the world's only living dragons.
  • This story centers on the decline and fall of Valyria, a colonial empire which ruled half of the known world at its height.
  • It reveals the social, economic, and political crises which tore apart the empire from within - these themes rang eerily familiar to me in today's climate.

  • "Empire of Ash" seems to be planned out to last five seasons or more. It's not just a short one-shot special or something. It's another full TV series.

  • Similar to Game of Thrones and the A Song of Ice and Fire novels. Different political factions intriguing against each other - with a larger magical threat looming for the endgame.

  • George R.R. Martin has said that Valyria was "like the Roman Republic, with dragons". A major focus of this prequel is on diversity, as it deals with issues of immigration, naturalization, and cultural identity - all within a multi-ethnic democratic state. The central conflict that kicks off the series is, "what does it mean to be 'Valyrian', and who gets to share in that power and prestige?"
  • According to its summary documents, this story addresses themes of a free republic in decline, the fallout of military and cultural imperialism, colonialism, immigration, and racial diversity (sound familiar?)
  • Did I mention there are dragons? Lots of dragons. Hundreds of dragons.

  • Multiple members of the primary cast are to be played by actors of color. As a result, something like a third to a half of the cast isn't white. It explicitly instructs this in their casting sheets.
  • This also extends to diversity of female and LGBT characters, several of whom are also core cast members.
  • Something like a third to a half of this prequel series is actually set in Sothoryos, George R.R. Martin's fantasy version of Africa, mentioned in ASOIAF and The World of Ice and Fire. Sothoryos and Valyria are the two big axises around which the show revolves: the tension between the capital city and its provinces.
  • The capital of Sothoryos, one of the major settings of the action, is conceptually supposed to be "Roman North Africa", a mix of Carthage and Constantinople, a major port city with a multi-racial society. Looking at a map, I would guess pre-Doom Zamettar.
  • Thus, most of the characters there are "non-white": according to the casting calls, they're looking for variously African, Asian, other groups (it's a very mixed, "melting pot" port city).
  • One of the main characters, a POV core cast member, is a platinum blonde black female dragon-rider - one of her parents was a white Valyrian, the other a foreigner, leading some to deny that she's a "real" Valyrian.
  • One of the other main characters is a self-made former slave, a deceptively matronly-looking Asian woman in her 50s, that's now not only one of the richest citizens but also a major political leader and government intrigue-player.
House Targaryen:

Concept art already exists for three rival political factions in Valyria: the Sphinxes, the Young Dragons, and the Free Holders.
The Targaryens may be a minor family of the Young Dragons, but I cannot confirm.
I only got a brief and blurry look at artwork of their war banner. It's a dragon of some kind.
Aenar Targaryen and his daughter Daenys the Dreamer are also characters but I don't know if they're introduced in Season 1.

This prequel puts a massive amount of work into worldbuilding, fleshing out the lost Atantis-like civilization that was Valyria.
I'm told religious scholar Reza Aslan, author of Zealot: The Life and Times of Jesus of Nazareth, was brought in - whether as a consultant or a writer I can't say but I hope it was to impact the religion-building of the world.
Gender and Sexuality have also received a lot of worldbuilding. Apparently, in this series Valyrians don't take issue with homosexuality - one of the leaders of the conservative "Sphinx" faction is publicly in a homosexual relationship and no one thinks it's particularly unusual.
Series Bibles:

While I don't have access to these documents on an ongoing basis, I was shown two documents amounting to extensive series bibles. Yes, "Bibles" plural.
The first of these is the Season 1 script outline. 10 episodes. Over 200 pages in length. These are not finished teleplays with dialogue, but they are more than just generalized notes. It's basically a scene-by-scene guide to the entire season!
But that isn't even "the" series bible, that's the Season 1 outline (the "script bible"). As for the series bible...well, we tend to use the term "jaw dropping" too casually. But when I glimpsed this document mine did: it looked like a second volume of The World of Ice and Fire. I mean that literally, like you could walk into a book store and find it ready for sale on the shelf. The entire thing is fully illustrated. Professional quality illustrations. Some of them were maps I recognized from wikis, others, particularly the character and location looks like they must have secretly hired major artists who did the World book and annual ASOIAF calendars to do new concept art without telling the public about it. Apparently "about 100 copies currently exist", which, if true, makes it even more insane that this was kept secret for so long.
There was even a new map in it of pre-Doom Valyria, in the style of The Lands of Ice and Fire. I don't know if they photoshopped it from the original or outright hired the original "Lands" artist, but it looked good enough I couldn't tell the difference. A lot of work and money went into this.
And of course, you know, I'm one of the people who writes up encyclopedia info for the wiki here. So when I saw this secret, unreleased internal series bible...not as an abstraction or "ideas we tossed around the office" but a true "Series Bible" of the kind we dream of...just wow. Stunned.
My first reaction? "It looks like these people locked themselves in a room for 2 years with a copy of The World of Ice and Fire, and wrote a TV show based on it." Heavily researched, but also including stuff never in the books. It's very clear world-building matters to them, as does staying true to Martin's work. And if the Reza Aslan rumor is true, they clearly care about history as well.
Development Process:

According to the source I spoke with, while several potential prequels are in development at HBO, the two front-runner projects are Jane Goldman's "The Long Night" and Max Borenstein's "Empire of Ash". That isn't to say that HBO will discard the other pitches. They're starting to see this as their Star Wars scale franchise and are planning it out in advance. Consider how many years in advance we heard about anthology movies like "Rogue One" or "Solo", even before the Sequel Trilogy movies were released.
Moreover, based on what I've heard, Borenstein's prequel is surprisingly close to beginning production. Apparently, veteran Game of Thrones director Miguel Sapochnik is attached to make the pilot episode for Empire of Ashes (consider his experience filming the extensive dragon battle sequences during the Second Siege of Meereen in Season 6).
I'm unsure why or how a prequel could get this far in development without HBO spreading any news about it, or why the Long Night prequel was announced first - especially when that storyline, set so long before the events of ASOIAF has garnered only limited enthusiasm from fans: consider the reaction video that Elio & Linda made at last month - I share a lot of their concerns.
So if these are the two front runners, why did they only announce the Long Night? While giving no word about the only other prequel project that is actually very deep into production? I can only assume it is some sort of legal or budgetary wrangling: based on what I saw of "Empire of Ash", the only reason they haven't gone forward with a pilot order yet seems to be ink on paper, they already have a director in place and everything.
My takeaway:

By the Smith's hammer...the series bible exists. It is astonishing. I hope you all get to see it someday. It's our Holy Grail - our Ark of the Covenant, containing the holy texts of knowledge handed down from the Creator.
They know what they're doing.
I look forward to this prequel getting a full pickup.
Valyria ist richtig hart psychedelic und surreal von den Beschreibungen und Artworks her. Ich weiß ja nicht...
Die haben jetzt schon kaum Kohle die Drachen in GoT zu animieren :uglylol:
das cgi budget von valyria wär so insane, glaub das kann höchstens in 20 jahren ökonomisch umgesetzt werden, leider.
Das mit der Serie über Valyria sind doch bis jetzt nur Gerüchte.

Bei den Dreharbeiten, die im Herbst beginnen, geht es um das bereits bestätigte Spin Off mit dem Arbeitstitel "The Long Night".
Ich kann mir nicht vorstellen, wie Valyria bitte eine demokratische Republik gewesen sein soll. Von allem was man gehört hat, waren Valyrians doch eher sowas wie Super-Nazis. Mit Drachen
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