Im folgenden Video siehst du, wie du consolewars als Web-App auf dem Startbildschirm deines Smartphones installieren kannst.
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About the items and the exploration :
- there is a great variety of environments to explore (hotel, amusement parc, train station, underground shopping center,...etc). "
- in addition to using it like a flashlight, you can use the Wiimote like a microphone to investigate your environment, the Wiimote speaker reproducing the notable sounds of your surroundings.
- When you discover an item that's been left behind, the development of the story changes too. In fact, each item holds the memories of his disappeared owner [By the way, the development team is apparently offering to each fan to create an item that will be inserted in the game's environment, and write a backstory behind it...].
- Obviously, while some items are actually integral part of the environment, some items can actually be used directly by the character to progress and survive. For example, you can sometimes find an item that can serve as a weapon, like a golf club.
- The graffities left throughout the game can also retain the thoughts and the feelings of people that were once in their place. In fact, when you investigate these graffities (all different in accordance with the person that left it), a ghostly shadow appears before the eyes of the character to reveal him some of his backstory and give him some hints that will help him progress in the game...
About the battles :
- As it's an RPG, there are obviously battles against enemies. The battle system is actually totally seamless, meaning no good old screen cut out.
- As an "ruins exploration game", there is a fair dose of nervous tension, as the enemies burst out from the darkness to attack.
- Given that you're totally free to use the Wiimote as a flashlight or as a weapon at any moment in real time, it's also vital that you act promptly to unearth the enemies (with the flashlight) and attack them (with the weapon) before they attack you.
- You never know where the enemy is going to come out from, so in the case when the enemy got you by surprise and got close enough to you, a close range weapon like the stick or the golf club should be used.
- The bow, on the other hand, allows you to attack preemptively at great distance.
- There is actually a large variety of use for each item you find. [the magazine doesn't give much details on that, but it appears that you can combine different items to create alternative weapons, and such].
About the enemies :
- When every human vanished from the surface of the Earth, all that was left were wild animals like stray dogs and some kind of evil spectres roaming in the darkness. These creatures are what became the enemies of the main character, Seto.
- You can detect invisible spectres thanks to the kind of microphone that amplifies the whispers of these creatures through the Wiimote speaker.
- These spectres tend to be invisible in the dark, so the flashlight should be used to uncover them, forcing them to materialize, and attack to defeat them.
Besorg dir lieber Soma Bringer, dass ist ein geiles Game![]()
Glaube mir,dass Spiel wird geholt,geliebt,vergöttert![]()
Ein neuer Screen
btw. ich bin mir zu 99% sicher das es sich bei dem bild nicht um ingame handelt....
Ich würde sagen,es ist In-Game :o
Ein neuer Screen
Das auf dem "Screen" sieht allerdings auch nicht wirklich wie eine der Zwischensequenzen aus dem Trailer aus. In-Game ist es aber sicherlich nicht, und wenn's in-Engine ist, dann ein massiver Bullshot.nein es ist nicht ingame
schaut euch den trailer an. da sieht man einige ingame sequenzen und ganz kurz auch das mädel aus dem neuen pic. das ist ne zwischensequenz und höchstwahrscheinlich ist die sequenz nicht in echtzeit.