Es ist offiziell: Final Fantasy IV kommt am 22. Juli in den USA raus.
Ob SE wieder neue Features in die NA Version einbaut ist noch nicht klar, aber zumindest wissen wir nun, wann das Spiel rauskommt. Den PAL-Releasetermin würde ich dann auf Ende 08/Anfang 09 schätzen. Wird importiert. LEGEND IS REBORN: FINAL FANTASY IV COMES TO LIFE IN FULL 3D
Revolutionary Title Comes to Nintendo DS on July 22, 2008
LOS ANGELES (April 10, 2008) Square Enix, Inc., the publisher of Square Enix interactive entertainment products in North America, announced today that it will launch a completely re-envisioned FINAL FANTASY® IV for Nintendo DS on July 22, 2008. A new generation of gamers will now have the opportunity to experience a legend reborn.
The team that brought FINAL FANTASY III to Nintendo DS comes together once again to breathe new life into a classic that broke convention and introduced a wide array of innovations to the RPG genre. With its groundbreaking Active Time Battle (ATB) system and an engrossing, character-driven plot, FINAL FANTASY IV was a stunning step forward for role-playing games when it was originally released for the Super NES® in 1991.
FINAL FANTASY IV for DS is a classic revived for the 21st century, said John Yamamoto, president and chief executive officer of Square Enix, Inc. The visual upgrades are remarkable, and the plot has been enhanced with added detail and depth. We hope that fans of the original, as well as players new to the FINAL FANTASY franchise, will enjoy all that this title has to offer.
Now featuring full 3D graphics, fully-voiced dramatic cutscenes, and added content, FINAL FANTASY IV for DS is a must-play for those looking to jump into the best-selling RPG franchise in the world.
Ob SE wieder neue Features in die NA Version einbaut ist noch nicht klar, aber zumindest wissen wir nun, wann das Spiel rauskommt. Den PAL-Releasetermin würde ich dann auf Ende 08/Anfang 09 schätzen. Wird importiert.