Bain, weißt du eigentlich was Ladezeiten auf dem DS bedeuten?
1-2 Sekunden, mehr nicht, und die sind bei FF4 auch nicht größer.
Aber hauptsache mal wieder bashen, gell?
Wie schon öfter gesagt, dich sollte man für den N-Bereich einfach grundsätzlich sperren, machst eh nur Ärger und bist auch nur auf selbigen aus. Keine Ahnung,warum die Crew das duldet. Freifahrtsschein fürs Bashen wohl...
Achja und zu deinem zitieren Text - das NeoGAF ist natürlich ne Wahnsinnsquelle.
Wenn das "Review" von einem solch objektiven User, wie du es z.B. einer ist, verfasst wurde...nya...ich red besser nicht weiter
rofl knöllchen,weil einer im gaf net so positive eindrücke postet bin ich am bashen?

vielleicht solltest du dich einfach damit abfinden andere meinung zu aktzeptieren ;-)
noch paar eindrücke von nem anderen user
I got the game earlier today, and finished the game I was playing before diving in. My thoughts so far... (I didn't read any of the other posts, so apologies if some of this has already been covered)
- The new menu system is really weird, but it seems pretty efficient. It uses both screens pretty well, but I need more characters and items to really see how good it is.
- There's a bit of loading when going between rooms. It's not a huge deal by any means, but I do wish it were shorter.
- The voiced scenes are pretty neat, and I've noticed one extra scene if you talk to **** after being removed from the throne room. I can't wait to see some more new ones. The voices really added a LOT to the scene with Cecil and Rosa in his room.
- The music seems to be inspired by the Celtic Moon arrangements, especially the Theme of Love and the town music.
- Battles are a tad slow, even on the highest speed... There's a delay between actions that doesn't really make any sense. This is a real negative for me, but I'll get used to it I hope.
- The automap in dungeons is cooler than I thought it would be. The radius around your character for uncovering it is surprisingly large.
- I actually died against the first boss... never came close before. This fight is definitely much harder than before.
I'll go back and try that boss again in a while.![]()