L13: Maniac
- Seit
- 9 Jul 2002
- Beiträge
- 3.441
...noch ein paar Bilder...

Im folgenden Video siehst du, wie du consolewars als Web-App auf dem Startbildschirm deines Smartphones installieren kannst.
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Sasuke schrieb:Wann soll das Teil erscheinen? Diesen Monat noch oder ?
--=ZerO=-- schrieb:Sasuke schrieb:Wann soll das Teil erscheinen? Diesen Monat noch oder ?
Draygon schrieb:Von welcher Firma kommt das Teil denn? Ich mach mir bei solchen Dingern immer etwas Sorgen um den zukünfitgen Support
Sasuke schrieb:--=ZerO=-- schrieb:Sasuke schrieb:Wann soll das Teil erscheinen? Diesen Monat noch oder ?
Dann dürfte es demnächst Infos zum preis geben....
Draygon schrieb:Von welcher Firma kommt das Teil denn? Ich mach mir bei solchen Dingern immer etwas Sorgen um den zukünfitgen Support
Stimmt, ohne Firmware updates und Co. bringt auch der beste preis nichts![]()
Well well well, what do we have here. Seems like some company is going to release a DS Sized flash cart that uses a Micro SD card around August 20. You need to have Flashme installed for this card to work.
Some official words:
We didnt test compatability for all titles yet, but since we got intensive DS experience from the past,
it wont be a problem for us, after all, this is a software issue, we can always finish and update it
step by step in the future. As far as TF card (Micro SD), we have tested 1G, 256MB, and 512MB, works fine.
And we have tested NDS, IDS, and IDSL (NDSL Chinese version), no problem at all.
Update: More info
Well, apparently the problem that DS-LINK facing is the CPLD part. CPLD is a programmable logic chip, and most of flash card use CPLD to connect data to the right direction, including Passcard devices that used NOPASS method,
they usually got a programmed CPLD installed. The problem is not that they cant do it, it's just that, the space avaliable onboard and the cost of development. They thought lots of people already flashed their DS, therefore, by skipping the NOPASS they can cost-down the DS-LINK. CPLD is the biggest chip on board, and usually takes over a huge among of space from PCB.
There are a couple of options for DS-LINK:
1. Rewrite Flashme source code and combine it with DS-LINKs core bios (takes time and money to do, not likely they will do so, since they are trying to cost-down the product).
2.Install a stand-alone security chip just like normal DS card, but it is going to take over an area on the PCB. (yet, remember the early version of Passme devices? You need to write a save file to your SLOT2 GBA port in order to run the Passme feature, not practical in this case).
Mainly it's the cost-down issue.
They are also trying to develop a tool that allows you to back up your original DS bios. (Yeah right, Whoop-di-doo)
Oh, by the way, if they still rely on Flasheme method, that means, likely you might still need to patch roms, and the WIFI download play is going to have the same problem with all other SLOT2 products out there
* DSDoom loads any Prboom-compatible IWAD file.
* Single-player is playable at very smooth framerates.
* Multiplayer network play is possible using DS wifi and prboom_server.exe.
* Configuration file.
* Sound effects work with stereo panning.
Future Plans:
* Possibly a better net code or music support (would be very difficult though because of the MIDI files DOOM uses).
* Touch screen control.
DreamRider schrieb:ach ja, ich hab mal geguckt:
Man kann ja von der Homebrew database direkt auf den DS Sachen downloaden.
Jetzt Frage ich mich mal:
Da muss man eine spezielle version Downloaden, je nachdem ob M3, Supercard oder sonstwas.
Also ist die kompatibilität nicht überal gleich, hm?
Sagen wir, ich kauf M3, dann klappen nicht alle apps?
Ich werd bei sowas immer sehr verwirrt im vornherein
Draygon schrieb:--=ZerO=-- du scheinst dich auszukennen, vielleicht kannst du mir bei DSOrganize helfen
Ich hab meine WiFi Daten des NintendoDS konfiguriert und kann mir Mario Kart DS auch Onine spielen. Mit DSOrganize klappt das aber nicht, weder zum IRC noch zur Homebrew Datenbank. Weißt du was ich evtl. Falsch gemacht haben könnte?
# Runs completely from the DS slot - No GBA cart required,
# No PassMe, WiFiMe, FlashMe required,
# No need for external memory,
# No additional hardware required,
# 4Gbit (512MB) of built-in onboard flash memory,
# USB Plug 'n' Play - shows as a standard drive - drag and drop,
# High-speed USB 2.0 connection (mini-B connector),
# No software/patching required,
# Hardware and firmware are fully upgradeable,
# Compatible with ALL current and future DS consoles,
# Full sized onboard EEPROM,
# Same size as a standard DS game cartridge - does NOT stick out.