Dragon Age: Origins

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Dragon Age Consolen Interface:



Und um die PC Version etwas herrauszustechen :P

I just arrived home from Edmonton and the DA builder’s event. Just thought I would tell you all how it went.

Short version - Simply Awesome

Long version - S-i-m-p-l-y A-w-e-s-o-m-e

Seriously though, this tool set is very powerful. I strongly suggest you come at with the attitud that is is something new, and NOT an extension of nwn1 or nwn2. Although there are a few similarities, you can't expect a yellow chunk of clay to taste like butter so don't expect the DA toolset to run like nwn1 or nwn2 - It's much better.

First off - NO CRASHES!! I don't believe anyone crashed out, lost their work or any such thing of that nature. Although there is some polish needed before finale release, the toolset over all ran very sound. This is not to say that there won't be any hardware or driver issues down the road. I highly recommend a wide screen monitor, I believe the ones we were using at the event were 23"(??) and mine is a 20" this gives more room for the best editing.

Some points on just a few of the tools

Script generator:
POWER TO THE PEOPLE! almost every aspect of the game is controled by scripting. Character generation, leveling, and yes even combat is scripted. don't like how something works just copy that core script and make your tweeks. It comes with all the functionality of what is to be expected from a script gen with some new features like auto complete (that works) and a built in "lexicon" of sorts - very handy. Loads of new functions, script templates and a great compiler.

Terrain editor:
Very nice and easy to use. You can layer multiple textures and scale textures. Raise and lower the ground and even create over hangs and outcroppings and a bunch of other stuff I don't remember
You can also place buildings, or build a building using walls floor and roof. Setting the roof to "vanish" when in front of player view so your player can actually go inside a building without an area transition - very cool. Interiors can also be created.

VFX editor:
Although I didn't get the grasp of this tool very well, I saw the full potential of it. The tool had LOTS of parameters that can be tweaked for all types of placed effects as well as AOE types. I managed to make a wall of fire that, well sort of looked like fire

Head Morph editor:
This tool has so many features I can't even begin to list them. Basically you can make a head look anywhere from Mr. Potato-head to Ozzy,my hats off to Beerfish for the excellent presentation on its usage.

Conversation Editor:
Very well done. This editor includes a lot of the simple task - such as a "say once" option that makes the NPC speak a line only once per hero, once per day, once per game, or once per ... Those are the options I recall. It also ties nicely with the Plot editor. VO is in and works really well. You can also add emotions to the text so the NPC isn't just staring into the distance flapping their gums.

Plot editor:

Setting up plots is now as simple as setting up variables and tie with the convo editor or other scripts. Essentially your list of plot variables can be "included" in a script using #include "plt_plot_name"; and now those variables are ready to use within that script.

Animation editor:
Each creature is given a set of "bones" or bone structure. Different animations applied to the creature will affect these bones and make them behave accordingly. For example a "wave" animation when applied to any humanoid creature, that creature will wave. That animation can be applied to any creature, but if it doesn't have the proper bone structure it might look a bit odd, or very funny. I don't know if there is any limitation to how many animations can be applied to a creature, but the human creature had hundreds of animation nodes.

Cut scene Editor:
Don't even know where to begin with this one but I can tell you, scripting cut scenes are no more. This tool is simply amazing - and amazingly simple to use once you understand it. It will take some practice to get the camera angles just right and such but this editor adds so much more life to the game - painlessly.

Builder to Builder tool:
Helps ease sharing of files between multiple builders. Export/Import only what you need.

Builder to player tool:
Allows you to package your module so the player only needs to download one file and install it. We saw this in action at the event with our group mods and it worked very well.

I have only touched on some of the tools in this toolset, there are many more.

A note on what the toolset don't do; There is no magic button to push that will create you an awsome module.

Module creation will take some time and effort. The potential is there to quickly get started with something simple to something really massive. We have seen first hand at the event and the mini mods that the 4 teams made in just about 14 hours proved to me that the toolset isn't beyond anyone’s ability to use.

In closing, I just want to give a HUGE thanks to Bioware for this great opportunity. It was a lot of fun meeting all the staff as well as the familiar names that I have been talking to all these years.
Ohje Baldur's Gate I & II gehören zu meinen Top5 Lieblingsvideospielen und ich bin total scharf aufs Game.

Jetzt überleg ich nur grad wie ich mir das holen soll? Ich hab ne PS3 und ne Rechner der bei Bioshock schon nicht mehr mitmacht. Diesen Herbst wollte ich n iMac kaufen und ich glaube wenn ich dort WinXP drauf hab reicht die Leistung wahrscheinlich nicht um es zu spielen...

Sehr schade ich glaube nämlich dass ich unbedingt die PC-Steuerung dafür haben möchte. Heißt das nun ich muss doch n PC kaufen oder hat hier Jemand auch so das eine oder andere Spiel mal aufm Mac gespielt? Da die Mindestanforderungen nicht sooo hoch sind dürfte das ja vielleicht noch hinhauen :-(

@MondPrinzessin: Mitte Oktober meinten die gerade beim Gamesundso-Podcast...
Sex-Szenen, brachiale Action und fette Wummen ...

Fette Wummen? :ugly:

Scheint, dass Bioware Wort gehalten hat und das Spiel bewusst für eine erwachsene Klientel entwickelt wurde ... seht gut!

Hehe jo und so eine Armbrust aus feinsten seltenen Hölzern kann auch ganz schön fett sein, so als wumme ;)
Dragon Age: Origins

Platform: Windows PC, Xbox 360, PlayStation 3

Rating: Mature

Content descriptors: Blood, Intense Violence, Language, Partial Nudity, Sexual Content

Rating summary: This is a role-playing game (RPG) in which players control a group of mythical warriors through missions and battles in the ravaged lands of Ferelden. The combat system in the game is similar to other third-person role-playing games where the user does not usually have direct control over combat moves. Instead, players select a target (e.g., soldier, stone golem, dragon, bear, etc.) and an action (e.g., "attack," "kill," and magic spells), then watch as the game executes the move. Players use swords, axes, knives, and magic to attack enemies that react to damage by emitting splashes of red blood; pools of blood are occasionally depicted near dead bodies as well. The most intense instances of violence occur when players have the option to kill non-combatant civilians: A prisoner can be stabbed to death in order to steal a key; a merchant who overcharges refugees can be slashed in the throat; and a boy possessed by an evil demon can be killed off-screen. During the course of the game, players are able to visit a brothel where a hostess asks what they are interested in. If players select "Surprise me," they can sometimes wind up face-to-face with a woman, a man, a transsexual, or an animal; sexual activity is never depicted during these brothel encounters. Players can also initiate brief cutscene sequences in which couples (male and female or same sex couples) can be depicted kissing, embracing, and caressing one another as the screen fades to black. Though the game never features human nudity, one female demon character is briefly depicted with bare breasts. Some profanity (e.g., "sh*t," "b*tch," and "a*s") can be heard in the dialogue.

WTF Bioware? Sex mit Tieren?:o:o:o
Da wird sich FOX News aber wieder freuen, denen ist schon langweilig geworden ...

... aber echt mal WTF? xD
Sex mit Werwölfen *rrrrr* ;)

Zu sehen bekommt man eh nichts, also wirds halb so schlimm sein. Wobei ich das "Tierfeature" sicher nicht nutzen werde ;)
naja du kannst ja überrascht werden :P

Naja Sex ohne story bzw den dazugehörigen Charakteren ist für mich eh uninteressant und solange ich davon nicht wirklich profitiere, werde ich es eh nicht nutzen^^

Allerdings wirkt es etwas komisch auf mich. Es ist so, als wenn Dragon Age soetwas nötig hätte um sich von anderen Spielen abzusetzten bzw um wieder schocken zu können, damit man sich nciht solange über das ansonsten 0815 Spiel unterhalten kann.^^
SEx ist eine Sache. Sex mit transsexuellen ist schon etwas "härter" aber Sex mit Tieren?^^

vielleicht meinen die mit "Tieren" auch nur Dryaden, Vampire & co - sowas gab es ja auch schon in the Witcher zu hauf (und vermutlich wird man bei Dragon Age eh weniger nackte Haut sehen, als auf den Witcher Karten) :ugly:
Du weist ja nicht, was sie als Tiere ansehen. Orks oder Elfen können ebenso dazu gehören. Außerdem kommt doch eh ein schwarzer Bildschirm, damit man die Phantasie etwas bemühen muss. Hoffe nur das Bioware wieder eine gute Party zusammenstellt. Bei nur 3 Kumpanen kann schnell Langeweile aufkommen.
vielleicht meinen die mit "Tieren" auch nur Dryaden, Vampire & co - sowas gab es ja auch schon in the Witcher zu hauf (und vermutlich wird man bei Dragon Age eh weniger nackte Haut sehen, als auf den Witcher Karten) :ugly:
Also Witcher hatte es znächst auch nicht so mit Nacktheit... bis man dann auf die Tryade und die Nixe gestoßen ist. :uglylol:
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