Stammtisch Der Xbox Stammtisch

Äh. 3,5mm Stecker ist doch nur für Audio? Dachte ich zumindest immer.

Aber die Geschichte mit Apple glaube ich trotzdem keinen Meter. Die wollten uns auch mal versuchen weis zu machen, man bräuchte kein USB, nur um es dann bei der nächsten Gelegenheit als neuen geilen Scheiß zu verkaufen.
3.5mm Stecker scheinen sich in dem Bereich wegen der Simplizität für Zusatzcontroller als Standard etabliert zu haben.
Und das mit Apple war natürlich ein Scherz.
Neues Interview mit unserer Lieblings-PR-Maschine Aaron Greenberg

zu FH4
Horizon 3 was, in many ways, a great open-world game. The game and setting was very unique and, with the quality of the game, it stood out. The challenge for [developer] Playground was how do you build on that? Having the setting in beautiful Britain, which as we know is where Playground is based, being able to add in the elements of the four seasons and how that can change gameplay... that is going to take the franchise to a whole other level.
So our expectation is that Forza Horizon 4 is going to be the biggest and best-selling Forza game that we've ever launched. Currently our pre-order tracking is well ahead of where we want, and tracking ahead of where we were with Forza Horizon 3. So the early indicators are really good. And that's before you get into the fact that this title will be in Game Pass, which will allow it to reach another set of gamers who may never have played or bought the game.

Zu SoT und SoD2
Sea of Thieves is a big priority for us," says Greenberg. "Both Sea of Thieves and State of Decay 2 were, for us, breakout hits of the spring, They exceeded what we expected them to do. Sea of Thieves has over 5 million players, State of Decay 2 has more than 3 million players. They both sold more than we expected and drove a lot of great engagement with Game Pass.
For Sea of Thieves, [developer] Rare has dedicated teams that are building add-on content that's completely free. The entire community gets them. They've added new ships, gameplay, quests and things that is going to be great for engaged fans who want to keep playing, but every couple of months the game gets bigger, so it also enables us to go back to people who have never played and introduce them to it. That's modern marketing. People don't need to get a new game to get new content and innovation.

Zu Gamepass und den Retailern
It depends on the retailer. For the most part, yes. A couple of things are happening at retail. One, it's by and large the place where most consoles are purchased. So when they're buying a console, it's a case of what do you get with it? In that sense, Game Pass is a great addition. For one low price, you already have a library of over 100 games, including a bunch of new releases, so that's great. In addition, if you want to get the latest new release that's fine, but this is a great value add and I think retailers see that.
Also, there are times of the year when there may not be a big AAA game. But retailers can go and sell Game Pass as an offering during those months.
But we'll see. Some retailers have reacted differently to it. We intentionally built this service so that retailers can participate in the ecosystem. If you think about other subscription models, like video streaming and music and things like that, retailers don't play a role. But we do value our partnerships with retail.
Es gibt (endlich) eine neue Twitch-App im Preview. Scheint immerhin nicht mehr ganz so laggy und unbenutzbar zu sein.
mega gut, hab einige Freunde und Bekannte die sich extrem darüber freuen werden. Gut und wichtig das solche Titel auch auf der Plattform erhältlich sind, obgleich ich wenig mit der Serie oder dem Genre anfangen kann :)
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