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Den wirklich guten 3rd-Party-Support gibts auf Nintendo-Konsolen seit dem N64 eigentlich nicht mehr. Findes ziemlich schade, und hoffe, dass es bei der WiiU im Laufe der Gen ein ausgeglicheneres Angebot zwischen First+ Thirdparty-Titeln geben wird. Alleine die N-Kracher rechtfertigen es für mich, die Konsole zu einem späteren Zeitpunkt zu holen, aber ein solider 3rd-Party-Support ist wichtig, Nintendo kann nicht alles alleine schaukeln.
Für mich ist das Thema eh soweit abgeschlossen: neben der WiiU wird wohl die PS4 (später dann die 3. Xbox) geholt ... daher muss ich nicht jedem 3rd-Party-Spiel, das nicht für die WiiU erscheint, hinterhertrauern

[h=2]MercurySteam would consider HD version of Castlevania – Mirror of Fate[/h] February 4th, 2013 Posted in 3DS, General Nintendo, News, Posted by Valay, Wii U At the moment, Castlevania: Lords of Shadow – Mirror of Fate is a 3DS exclusive. That could change in the future, however.
MercurySteam producer David Cox revealed to CVG that all of the game’s assets were made in HD. That includes the textures, levels, and models. But to have everything fit on the 3DS, the team shrunk things down. Cox said that MercurySteam does “have an HD version of the game sitting there in a computer somewhere.”
“We created everything in high definition – all the textures, all the levels, high-poly models, everything – and we kind of shrunk it all down into the 3DS. Then we lost bones from characters, you know, we dropped the resolution of the textures and everything to make it fit. At MercurySteam we have an HD version of the game sitting there in a computer somewhere.”
This new information begs the question: could we ever seen an HD version of Mirror of Fate? Cox is more than open to the possibility:
“Absolutely, yeah. We would consider it. We want as many people to play it as possible. Obviously we have an exclusivity deal with Nintendo right now though and they’ve been very supportive of the product.”
Wäre super, wenn es für stationäre Konsolen (oder nur WiiU) kommen würde

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