Wii U Der Wii U Spiele Thread

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Walking Dead Survival Instinct Wii U release confirmed + new screenshots

Activision has confirmed that a Wii U version of The Walking Dead: Survival Instinct will launch alongside the previously announced Xbox 360, PS3 and PC (digital-only) editions.

The publisher has also announced a Walking Dead: Survival Instinct release date of March 29 in the UK.

On the subject of the Wii U version, producer Glenn Gamble told Digital Spy: "We were over halfway through the project when the Wii U thing started coming about.

"We didn't want to change the game, because the game had already been established, so we tried to say, 'What can we augment with the Wii U version?'

"That's where it's basically a more elegant inventory management system. With the Wii U you have access to your backpack at all times, so you can tap what weapons you want, you can drop stuff. It's a lot more




Edit: Sorry, surfe mit Proxy auf Arbeit, hab es nicht gesehen, dass die News schon da war :scan:
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Was würde ich für ein Yoshi's Island U von Good Feel in DEM Look geben. Bitte Nintendo, lass das Gerücht wahr werden...

Übrigens, ein neues Secret of Mana bzw. Seiken Densetsu wäre ebenfalls ein Traum.
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Künstlerisch sieht das Yoshis Island-Pic ja gut aus! Nur hat es zuwenig Kontrast und auch die Übersicht würde an so einem Stil scheitern...

Ein Secret of Mana in alter Machart wird es nie wieder geben! Square(Enix) ist nicht mehr Square(soft)....
Da würde überhaupt nichts scheitern. Man kann den Kontrast doch verstärken und Objekte dadurch besser hervorheben. :nix:

Ja, die Mana-Reihe....:(
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Official Nintendo Magazine teases world exclusive first look at new game

A new game announcement is on the horizon, as Official Nintendo Magazine have teased a world exclusive first look within their next issue.

“Are you scared? You should be…” the teaser reads. “World Exclusive! The first look at a stunning new game.”

This appears alongside an image of excessive pipework and engineering, sparking immediate curiosity as to whether this could relate to rumours of Capcom delivering a Resident Evil Revelations HD upgrade It certainly looks like the bowels of a ship, anyway.

Yesterday, an Xbox 360 achievements list outed the game as being ‘Resident Evil Revelations Unveiled Edition.’

The next mag also promises exclusive new Pikmin 3 information, as well as reviews of Rayman Legends and Luigi’s Mansion 2.

The next issue of Official Nintendo Magazine is due to go on sale on Wednesday 13th February.
Quelle: http://www.nintendo-insider.com/201...o-magazine-teases-world-exclusive-first-look/

Kann auch für den 3DS sein, aber gibt keinen allgemeinen Thread. ;)
Sollte mal lieber für die WiiU sein ;)

3DS gibts eigentlich genug.. aber da will man einfach eher PAL Releases...
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