Weil ihr hier die Seiten mit unnötigen Diskussionen füllt und wichtige Inhalte dieses Threads nach hinten verbannt mal das hier:
- The screens are HUUUGE!
- DS games will get a "third life" on the bigger screen.
- The 3D effect is easier on the eye and nicer to the look.
- The technology behind the 3D might have been improved on the XL model. (To confirm)
- They think there's some kind of "filter" at works here because the pixels appear "rounded."
- "The XL is so much more comfortable to hold than the original 3DS that we have to ask what the hell has Nintendo been doing in R&D with the original model." (Paraphrased)
- The difference might be small, but the buttons felt well placed and of better quality.
- The circle pad appears bigger. (To confirm)
- Surprisingly light for its size.
- 3DS games will gain new life from the XL.
- Speakers and sounds doesn't appear to have improve. (Was in a noisy room, to confirm.)
- The XL is an upgrade on the 3DS from almost every single point