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General Changes:
Improved the input feel of 33T command for certain characters.
Improved the input feel for certain moves with changing recovery.
Certain moves that could not be done from a crouching state can now be done.
For Criticals from from back-turn, fixed issue where after turning around, Holds could not be performed from a standing state.
Backdraft danger zone are now easier to use in combos.
After connecting with certain strike from back-turn that force knockdown, opponent is downed closer.
Fixed issue where the frame advantage of certain low attacks on normal hit had a difference in foot position.
Crouching walk, back-turn walk speed adjusted.
2P: Recovery when the move does not hit reduced by 2F.
33P: Recovery when the move does not hit reduced by 9F.
46P: Recovery when the move does not hit reduced by 3F.
214P: Recovery when the move does not hit reduced by 5F.
33P: Start-up reduced from 18 to 17F, active frames increased from 3 to 4F.
2_46P: Damage increased from 52 to 58, knockback distance changed to 2m.
466P+K, Back P+K: Damage increased from 55 to 60.
2K: Normal Hit advantage changed from -7 to -3.
T on rear-facing opponent: Camera angle end timing adjusted.
66T: Command changed to 6T.
9K: Start-up stance changed.
K, KK, PK, PKK, etc.: Delayable frames reduced.
236236T: Motion recovery increased from 13 to 23F.
9H, 3H: Strikes on success have 8F faster start-up, Guard Back changed from +17 to +12F.
KK, KKKK, PKK, PKKKK, etc.: Fixed bug that caused abnomal damage effect on back-turn crouching opponents.
4P, Back 4P, Back PP6P: Float on Critical Level 1 changed.
Mid K Hold: Brushed up the design of the motion.
6P: Damage reduced from 22 to 18.
6PK, PP6PK: Damage increased from 26 to 30.
8KK: Guard advantage changed from +18 to +20F.
3P: Delayable frames adjusted.
3PP: Normal hit advantage changed from -9 to -3.
4P·K, Back 4P·K, Back PP6P·K: Wall knockback distance increased from 3 to 4m.
236K: Wall knockback distance increased from 4 to 5 (4.8)m.
2H+K, 6K2K, PP6K2K, 3PK, 33P2K: Counter Hit and above advantage changed from +23 to +18F.
Back PP6K: Guard advantage changed from -11 to -16F, no longer is continuous guard.
2K: Normal hit advantage changed from -6 to -2F.
236P+K command changed to 44+K
3_P+K commanded changed to While Standing 4P+K
2K: Normal hit advantage changed from -7 to 0F.
Back T: Normal hit advantage changed from +21 to +15.
While Standing 4P+K: Damage increased from 30 to 32. Guard advantage changed from GB(-5) to GB(0).
While Standing 4P+KP: Start-up increased from 33 to 44F.
4P+K, While Standing 4P+KP, Back 4+PK: Damage increased from 28+15 to 38+15.
Mid K Expert Hold: Damage increased from 75 to 80.
4T: Camera changed.
Brad Wong:
236P: Damage increased from 38 to 40. Close Hit distance adjusted.
6H+K, 6KK: Guard advantage changed from -6 to -5.
2H+KP, PP2KP: Counter Hit and above advantage changed from +27 to +22F.
2PP: Ends in standing state.
2K: Normal hit advantage changed from -9 to -4F.
Crouching state hurtbox adjusted.
Jakeiho P: Hurtbox adjusted.
Jakeiho 2KK: Guard advantage changed from GB(+4) to -3F.
2H+KT, PP2KT, 3P+KT: No longer knocks into the wall.
214214H+P+Kor4APL: Added “Koi!” taunt
4P+K: Start-up changed from 38-71 to 33-48F. Damage increased from 40-60 to 50-70.
1K: Advantage on normal hit changed from -7 to -8F.
T: Damage increased from 46 to 48
6T: Damage increased from 53 to 55. Wall 6T: Damage increased from 63 to 65.
214T: Damage increased from 63 to 65.
33T: Damage increased from 66 to 70.
Wall 33t: Damage increased from 76 to 80.
2T: Damage increased from 52 to 55.
T on rear-facing opponent: Damage increased from 57 to 58.
2T on rear-facing opponent: Damage increased from 62 to 65.
High P, High K, Mid P, Mid K, Low P, Low K Holds: Damage increased from 55 to 58.
Jump P, Jump K Holds: Damage increased from 60 to 63.
66T: Damage increased from 35 to 40.
3T: Damage increased from 45 to 50.
33T: Hit sound effect changed.
Fixed issue where the frames for stand/crouch were slower than other characters.
6P+K: Changed to backside bound on hit. Guard advantage changed from -6 to -11F.
4K: Guard advantage changed from -10 to -6F.
PP2P, etc.: Counter Hit and above advantage changed from +29 to +19F
2K: Normal hit advantage changed from -5 to -2F.
Gen Fu:
Power Launcher (44P+K) command changed to 7P+K.
While Standing H+K: Command reception adjusted.
66K: Hitbox adjusted.
33P: Hurtbox and re-float height adjusted.
2K: Normal hit advantage changed from -6 to -2F.
P+K: Hurtbox adjusted.
2H+K: Hitbox adjusted.
4H+K9P, Sidestep K9P, While Standing 4K9P: To prevent accidental input, command reception adjusted.
Ongyoin P, Back P+K: Damage increased from 15 to 18.
Ongyoin PP, Back P+KP: Damage reduced from 18 to 15.
33T: Start-up increased from 10 to 12F.
8T: Damage increased from 40 to 45. 8T on rear-facing opponent: Damage increased from 50 to 55. Wall 8T: Damage increased from 55 to 60. Wall 8T on rear-facing opponent: Damage increased from 60 to 65.
2 or 8P+KP: Damage reduced from 32 to 24.
3H+K: Delayable frames adjusted.
PP6P4, 6P4, 66P4: Commands changed to PP6P44, 6P44, 66P44.
H+KK, PPKK: Guard advantage changed from -11 to -4F.
2K: Normal hit advantage changed from -6 to -3.
2H+K, etc.: Counter Hit and above Critical changed.
44PP2P, etc.: Delayable frames adjusted.
P+K Hurtbox adjusted.
44P+K Hurtbox adjusted.
K: Damage reduced from 26 to 24.
3KK: Effect on hit now the same as KKK.
PK: Damage reduced from 26 to 24.
K, KK, PK, PKK, 3K, 3KK: Delayable frames adjusted.
Back 4P+K: Guard advantage changed from -10 to -4F.
3PP4, 6P4: Fixed issue that caused an off-axis when turning, resulting in front attacks.
66H+K: Guard advantage changed from -16 to -5F.
H+K2: To prevent accidental input, delayable time adjusted.
Crouching state hurtbox adjusted.
PP4PPP, Back PP4PPP, 4PPP: Damage effect changed.
236K, 66KKK, Back 8K, PP6PK, 8P2K6PK, 1K6PK, 66PK: Guard advantage changed from -1 to -5F.
4P+K: Damage changed from 50~68 to 48`68, Start-up changed from 37~47 to 32~47.
8PPP: On normal hit, causes bound.
66K: Critical on hit changed.
6T: Damage reduced from 35 to 32.
33T: Damage reduced from 68 to 66. Wall 33T: Damage reduced from 78 to 76.
3K: Command reception adjusted.
Crouching walk, back-turn walk speed adjusted.
2P: Recovery when the move does not hit reduced by 2F.
8P+KP: Recovery when the move does not hit reduced by 3F.
Slide Shuffle P: start-up reduced by 2F.
6P: Guard advantage changed from -5 to -7F, Normal hit advantage changed from 0 to -6F.
4P: Guard advanatage changed from -1 to -3.
4P2K: start-up changed to 21F.
1P+K: Damage increased from 16 to 18.
1P+KP: Damage increased from 13 to 16.
1P+KPP: Damage increased from 20 to 23.
1P+KPK: Damage increased from 23 to 26.
1P+KK: Damage increase from 22 to 24.
7K: Damage increased from 45 to 50.
2_3P: Damage reduced from 20 to 19.
6K: Damage increased from 20 to 21.
Mid P Hold: Damage increased from 38 to 40.
While in neutral, being caught by an OH (Offensive Hold) now causes a Counter Hit instead of a Hi Counter Hit. (Adjusted due to Jacky entering Pakusao while in front-facing neutral, which has Hold properties)
1F after returning to netural, Pakusao reception begins.
When hit during Side Slide Shuffle, fixed bug that cause the attack to hit behind.
Jann Lee:
6P: Start-up reduced from 12 to 11F.
2P: Normal hit advantage changed from 0 to -1F.
2K, PP2K: Counter Hit and above advantage changed from +23 to +18F.
214T: Damage increased from 58 to 60. Wall 214T: Damage increased from 68 to 70.
Power Launcher (236P+K) command changed to 7P+K.
P+K, P6P, SSP: Hitbox adjusted.
1P: Changed to half-rise state after completion of the move. Counter Hit and above advantage changed from +24 to +19F.
6K, PP6K: Hitbox adjusted.
4KP, 3PKP, PPPKP: Float height increased, damage reduced from 35 to 30.
Back 4P: Float height increased.
46T: Damage increased from 20 to 25.
33T: Start-up increased from 12 to 17F, damage increased from 65 to 68.
PP6PP, P2PP, 3P2PP, 3PP6PP, 6PP, Back 2PPP, 66P: Guard advantage changed from -8 to -7F.
2K: Changed to standing state. Normal hit advantage changed from -6 to -3.
2H+K: Command reception adjusted.
6T: Near the wall, knocks opponent into the wall.
6PPP: Recovery reduced from 33 to 30F.
66P+K: 4th hit damage effect changed, follow attacks can be Held.
1KK2P: Like 3K2P, ends in crouching state.
33P: Damage reduced from 28 to 22.
214T·4T: Damage reduced from 15 to 12.
44P: On a successful read, cannot be Held.
1P: Counter Hit and above advantage changed from +26 to +21F.
3K2P, PK2P, 1KK2P, Back 4PK2P: Counter Hit and above advantage changed from +26 to +21F.
33P+K: Command reception adjusted.
Heichu P: Counter Hit and above damage effect changed.
Heichu 2P: Counter Hit and above damage effect changed.
La Mariposa:
Back 6T: Damage reduced from 65 to 60. Back 6T on rear-facing opponent: Damage increased from 65 to 70.
6P4P, 1KKP: Less likely to be off-axis.
66PK: Counter Hit and above advantage changed from +28 to +23F.
33P: On hit, changed so the opponent isn’t pushed back too far.
8PP: No longer knocks opponent into the wall.
41236T: Ukemi timing changed.
Fixed bug that caused the certain guard advantages to be off for Leon. (Fixed at the release of the arcade version)
Fixed issue where the frames for stand/crouch were slower than other characters.
Crouching walk, back-turn walk speed adjusted.
6T: Distance after the move adjusted.
2K, PP2K: Counter Hit and above advantage changed from +24 to +19F.
64H Mid P Hold “Gosho-Guruma” damage increased from 52 to 58.
P: Guard advantage changed from 0 to -2F.
6KK: After being guarded, following Tenka P can be guarded by large characters.
1PP: Motion recovery increased from 22 to 25F.
Crouching walk, back-turn walk speed adjusted.
3K: Push distance on guard adjusted.
2H+K: Hurtbox adjusted.
Tenku P: Changed to half-rise state after completion of the move. Guard advantage changed from -9 to GB(-1)
Tenku K: Guard advantage changed from GB(+2) to -2F.
Tenku T: Changed to half-rise state after completion of the move.
Tenku P: After avoiding with Sidestep and performing a move, fixed bug where the move wouldn’t release in Momiji’s direction.
Tenku P, Tenku K: Fixed bug that made it different to hit at the wall.
Power Launcher (236P+K) command changed to 7P+K.
Crouching walk, back-turn walk speed adjusted.
66P: Critical on Counter Hit changed to stomach stagger.
2P: Recovery when the move does not hit reduced by 2F.
2_3P+K: Recovery when the move does not hit reduced by 2F.
6P: Damage increased from 16 to 17.
PPPK, Back K, 4H+K: Damage increased from 30 to 35.
High K Hold: Character distance after completion reduced.
66H+K: Command reception adjusted.
2or8P+KP: Stance of the motion changed.
7P: Damage reduced from 22 to 18.
66T, PPT: Advantage on normal hit changed from +9 to +7F.
Crouching walk, back-turn walk speed adjusted.
214P+KT, 3PPP+KT, 4PPPP+KT: Damage increased from 30 to 32.
66T, PPT: After completion, fixed issue where the opponent could not choose between standing/crouching.
2K: Advantage on normal hit changed from -5 to 0F.
2H+K, PP2K: Counter Hit and above advantage changed from +25 to +20.
214P+KT, 3PPP+KT, 4PPPP+KT: Recovery changed from 18 to 23F. Changed to half-rise state after completion of the move.
Low Hold: Hurtbox of the catch motion adjusted.
Light Down Attack: Damage increased from 4+2+2+7 to 4+2+2+10.
Fixed issue where landing 4P after Sidestep P would cause a Critical Finish.
Turn Leg Cut 2K: Normal hit advantage changed from +27 to +22F.
K: Guard advantage changed from +5 to +3F. Normal hit advantage changed from +7 to +5F.
2K: Counter Hit and above advantage changed from +26 to +16F.
6T: Damage increased from 41 to 45.
41246T: To adjust air combos, damage reduced from 35 to 20.
2P: Recovery when the move does not hit reduced by 2F.
3PK: Recovery when the move does not hit reduced by 3F.
Flamingo 1KK, Flamingo KK2KK: Recovery when the move does not hit reduced by 4F.
2K: Counter Hit and above advantage changed from +25 to +20F, normal hit advantage changed from -6 to -4.
Crouching walk, back-turn walk speed adjusted.
Flamingo During 1P+K K: Fixed bug that caused abnormality in the motion, depending on the follow attack timing.
4K, 6PK: Guard advantage changed from -6 to -5.
2k: Normal hit advantage changed from -8 to -5.
236K, Running K: Hitbox adjusted.
4K, 6PK: Hitbox adjusted.
236P: Start-up reduced from 19 to 18F, active frames increased from 4 to 6. Close Hit properties added.
4P+K, Back P+K: Damage increased from 35 to 42: Rope 4P+K: Damage increased from 45 to 48.
66T: Damage increased from 38 to 42.
Back T on rear-facing opponent: Damage increased from 48 to 68.
Power Launcher (33P+K) command changed to 7P+K.
All Fake Rolls: Delayable frames reduced, making it easier to perform moves after ending the roll."