L14: Freak
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Für 1000 Wii Points ist es ein Pflichtkauf.
Short "Vampire Killer" tune for the Starting Menu / Level Entrance
"Start BGM" from Castlevania The Adventure as the Title Screen / Map Screen music
The map music from Castlevania Dracula X as the Opening Cutscene music
"Reincarnated Soul" from Bloodlines as the Stage 1 music
"Lullaby Sent To The Devil" from Haunted Castle as the Stage 2 music
"New Messiah" from Belmont's Revenge as the Stage 3 music
"File Load BGM" from Akumajo Dracula X68000 as the Stage 4 music
"Aquarius" from Castlevania 3 as the Stage 5 music
"Vampire Killer" from Castlevania as the Stage 6 music
Unknown track for mid boss fight & Dracula Battle Phase 1
"The Last Fight" from Haunted Castle as the Boss & Dracula Battle Phase 2 music
"Riddle" from Castlevania 3 as the Dracula Battle Phase 3 music
Stage clear jingle from Castlevania 1 as the stage clear tune
Stage clear jingle from Castlevania 4 as the all clear tune
"The End of The Day" from Castlevania 2 Belmont's Revenge as the ending song
Vielleicht sieht Konami, dass die Nachfrage auf ein 2D-Konsolen-Teil recht groß ist und macht nen 2D-Castlevania für Wii ala SotN.![]()
Also die Musik war grauenvoll, aber das Video macht Lust auf mehr.
Wie stehen die Chancen, dass es die nächsten zwei Wochen hier erscheint?^^
wie bitte!?!?!?!?!?!?Immer her damit - wird mein 1. WiiWare-Kauf!