WiiWare Castlevania: The Adventure Rebirth [WiiWare]

Short "Vampire Killer" tune for the Starting Menu / Level Entrance
"Start BGM" from Castlevania The Adventure as the Title Screen / Map Screen music
The map music from Castlevania Dracula X as the Opening Cutscene music

"Reincarnated Soul" from Bloodlines as the Stage 1 music
"Lullaby Sent To The Devil" from Haunted Castle as the Stage 2 music
"New Messiah" from Belmont's Revenge as the Stage 3 music
"File Load BGM" from Akumajo Dracula X68000 as the Stage 4 music

"Aquarius" from Castlevania 3 as the Stage 5 music
"Vampire Killer" from Castlevania as the Stage 6 music
Unknown track for mid boss fight & Dracula Battle Phase 1

"The Last Fight" from Haunted Castle as the Boss & Dracula Battle Phase 2 music
"Riddle" from Castlevania 3 as the Dracula Battle Phase 3 music
Stage clear jingle from Castlevania 1 as the stage clear tune

Stage clear jingle from Castlevania 4 as the all clear tune
"The End of The Day" from Castlevania 2 Belmont's Revenge as the ending song

Hm, zu wenig aus CV 4... :P
Vielleicht sieht Konami, dass die Nachfrage auf ein 2D-Konsolen-Teil recht groß ist und macht nen 2D-Castlevania für Wii ala SotN. :goodwork:
Der Soundtrack ist also so ne Art "Best Of Castlevania Music".
Find ich geil. :-D
Hab über Youtube den Ost gehört... ist doch göttlicher als gedacht. :goodwork:

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Diese Woche leider nicht mehr.

Dabei habe ich mir am Samstag extra 1000 Points gekauft, verdammte Scheisse! :uglysleep:
Immer her damit - wird mein 1. WiiWare-Kauf :D!

There's certainly no denying that fans of classic Castlevania will find a lot to love about this new ReBirth release. Not only is it chock-full of classic moments, but the remixed soundtrack channeling the best of the series will quickly catch the ear of anyone who's spent time with the Belmonts. Sure, the game is a bit predictable at times and there aren't as many modern Castlevania conveniences as some might hope for, but at its core, this is yet another extremely playable and enjoyable 2D Castlevania experience. And when it comes right down to it, there could never be too much of that for diehard fans of the series, new or old. Priced reasonably at 1000 Nintendo Points, you're getting a lot of vampire-killing bang for your buck.
Tomena Sanner sieht so dämlich aus, das es fast schon wieder spaß machen könnte.

Sollte dieses Muscle March nich auch bei uns erescheine, denn das würd ich mir glatt kaufen. :v:
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