L15: Wise
Gab's nicht auch Aria of Sorrow für's Handy? Hab das glaub ich auf der GC gespielt. Schrecklich, hab nach 1 Minute schon wieder aufgehört, war fast unkontrollierbar... Handy-Spiele... -.-
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Gab's nicht auch Aria of Sorrow für's Handy? Hab das glaub ich auf der GC gespielt. Schrecklich, hab nach 1 Minute schon wieder aufgehört, war fast unkontrollierbar... Handy-Spiele... -.-
ESRB Watch: Castlevania: Order of Ecclesia platform revealed (hint: NOT Mobile) #1
Right, ESRB website just updated: here is the entry
Castlevania: Order of Ecclesia Konami Digital Entertainment, Inc. T Blood, Fantasy Violence Nintendo DS
You may now commence with the rejoicing.
Ok, die geleakten Pics waren dann wohl legit :-D
btw. krass das so en Game in der Famitsu mit so ne Viertelseite abgespeist wird ^^
Boah ist das geil, ich freue mich riesig auf das Game.
Das kann für mich, was HH Games angeht, nur noch von einem NSMB2 getoppt werden.![]()
Ich habe gerade erst vor kurzen Teil 2 für DS mit fast über 100% abgeschlossen. Gefiel mir echt gut, auch so mit den Missionen. So bin ich gespannt was es hier neues geben wird.
Von diesem 3D Auge gibt es ein Accesoire mit dem du zerbrechl. Wände siehst. Besorge dir das und schaue dann in welcher Welt du nicht 100% hast. Dann gehe jeden Raum durch und achte auf schweingende Kreise, die eine brächl. Wand anzeigen.Meh.... hab jetzt schon SO lange gesucht und bin immer noch bei 99,6 bei PoR - kein Plan was fehlt![]()
IGN: During the presentation you mentioned that Order of Ecclesia takes place in a time where the Belmonts are all gone. That makes this the most futuristic entry thus far for the series, correct?
Igarashi: In regards to the timeline, this game takes place right after the era of Richter Belmont, where the last Belmont disappears with the whip. That's where the series fits overall in the timeline; right after the era of Richter Belmont.
IGN: The new game has an all-new look, and an all-new lead character. How many bosses and enemies will make a return this time around? Is it a blend of old and new, or are you really stepping away from the original enemies?
Igarashi: Well in regards to the main monsters in the game, we've brought back some familiar faces along with the new, so as you can see in the trailer you're still battling skeletons and traditional Castlevania enemies, but this time around with bosses I think you'll be very surprised. There will be quite different.
IGN: So there's no character switching, but there will still be online for players, right?
Igarashi: Yes, that is making a return in the form of head-to-head and shop mode via Wi-Fi, but we'll give you more details on that very soon.
IGN: Well, we do have to bring up one more thing, as the fans are asking like crazy. What do you have in mind for the future of Castlevania, specifically when in regards to the Wii? Also, do you feel that Castlevania works better as a 2D franchise than a 3D one? It has been very well received on PSX, then on GBA, and now on DS.
Igarashi: First let me answer the question about 2D and 3D. As you know, the 2D and 3D gameplay has been completely different, and I felt that on DS that 2D was best-suited for the platform, so that's why we stuck with it in 2D for all three games. It was the right type of game for the right system. In regards to the Wii, there's not really much I can say right now. I'm looking at the system, and we're looking to expand the franchise, so I'm sure that in the coming weeks or months you'll be hearing something new.
Castlevania: Order of Ecclesia takes place in a time after the great Richter Belmont has vanished from the lands. With the once-mighty clan of vampire hunters extinct, the world has been thrown into chaos. Dracula and his armies still thrive, so it's up to mere mortals to face off against the legendary vampire on their own. Thus, the Order of Ecclesia was born.
Made up of the most proficient magic users in the world, the Order of Ecclesia harnesses magical elements in the world known as "glyphs." These glyphs – taken from random power in the world, the souls of monsters, and other mysterious sources not yet revealed – can be controlled and transformed by only the most powerful humans, and at the top of the list is Shanoa, a girl so adept and magically enhanced that she is assumed to be the one final hope of the world. With the aid of her order, she takes up arms and wages war on the now cursed land around the legendary Castlevania.
That's where familiarity ends though, as the glyph system has serious depth to it not found in the majority of Castlevania titles thus far – with noted exception to the soul system in the "Sorrow" games, which was both deep and imaginative. By holding up on the d-pad Shanoa sucks in glyphs from around the world, which then unlock new skills that can apparently be upgraded or used from there on out as players see fit. A few examples of these include sword glyphs, bow & arrow glyphs, dark and light glyphs, and dozens upon dozens more. If it was a weapon, spell, or skill in the world of Castlevania, chances are it's a glyph that can be found within the world of Order of Ecclesia. As another interesting example, one glyph known as the "magnes" sends out a circular zone of magic around Shanoa. If it comes in contact with metal gears or posts, Shanoa will be instantly sucked to it, and with a combination of d-pad and properly timed R button work can be used to slingshot her in any direction via the magnetic force. During the on-stage demo, project producer and authority on all things Castlevania, Koji Igarashi, strung a half dozen of these slingshot maneuvers together via some quick trigger work, essentially scaling a giant clock tower in just a few seconds.
Glyphs also have another unique ability in this game which drastically set them apart from conventional weapons. For starters, all attacks now take up magic (Iga did infer that some "non-glyph" items would be an exception, but the demo included only magic-based attacks, all of which hacked away at an ever-replenishing MP meter), and while MP is brought back nearly instantly after combat is halted, it's still enough time to make a novice player look stupid as they button-mash at a foe, only to keep their magic points stuck at zero with no attacks registering whatsoever.
Konami has also confirmed that the game will feature online head-to-head, as well as a returning shop mode. There will also be multiple endings available for those that dare seek them out, but any self-respecting Castlevania fan already knew that long before Konami made mention. We'll have more details on the game shortly, including information on the hinted at Wii connectivity, but until then check out our first official media of the game in the image gallery below.
Castlevania: Order of Ecclesia is tentatively scheduled for a late 2008 release, though Iga himself made mention that the team will be putting in extra hours to attempt that release, so a potential delay into 2009 is always a slim possibility.